// check, whether the element allows content at all..
// isAllowContentProcessing is false, if the 'content' property
// had been set to 'none' or 'inhibit'.
final ContentSpecification contentSpec =
if (contentSpec.isAllowContentProcessing() == false)
// Quote-the-standard:
// -------------------
// On elements, this inhibits the children of the element from
// being rendered as children of this element, as if the element
// was empty.
// On pseudo-elements, this inhibits the creation of the pseudo-element,
// as if 'display' computed to 'none'.
// In both cases, this further inhibits the creation of any
// pseudo-elements which have this pseudo-element as a superior.
if (contentSpec.isInhibitContent() &&
// Log.debug("Starting to ignore childs of psuedo element " +
// layoutContext.getTagName() + ":" +
// layoutContext.getPseudoElement() +