Pagebreaks are determined in the model-builder or the layouter. A pagebreak is only activated if it affects a line-box; the normalizer has no information about lineboxes and therefore cannot perform any pagebreak computation at all.
Todo: Content that has been ignored because there was no 'content:contents' definition for it, should have this content moved into the '::alternate' pseudo-element. This one can be used to build footnotes and other fancy stuff.
More todo: Quote-Level cannot be resolved, until the content has been processed by the renderer. The Quote-Tokens need to be passed down to the renderer unchanged; they need the defined quotes for the current element when being printed.
The language is currently unresolved. It needs to be takes from the parent context or the xml:lang attribute. Resolving the language using stylesheets does not work, as there is a language-matching rule which depends on that value.
Todo: DisplayNone does not remove the element from the document tree. Quote:
The element is not rendered. The rendering is the same as if the element had been removed from the document tree, except for possible effects on counters (see [generated] or [paged]).
[generated]: An element that is not displayed ('display' set to 'none') cannot increment or reset a counter.
Note that :before and :after pseudo elements of this element are also not rendered, see [generated].) @author Thomas Morgner