
Examples of$ImmutableEntry


   /** Invoke the the service endpoint */
   public void invoke(InvocationContext invContext) throws Exception
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      ServerEndpointMetaData sepMetaData = (ServerEndpointMetaData)msgContext.getEndpointMetaData();
      MessageAbstraction reqMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();

      // The direction of the message
      DirectionHolder direction = new DirectionHolder(Direction.InBound);

      // Get the order of pre/post handlerchains
      HandlerType[] handlerType = delegate.getHandlerTypeOrder();
      HandlerType[] faultType = delegate.getHandlerTypeOrder();

      // Set the required inbound context properties

         boolean oneway = false;
         EndpointInvocation sepInv = null;
         OperationMetaData opMetaData = null;
         CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();

         if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)
         // call the request handler chain
         boolean handlersPass = callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[0]);

         // Unbind the request message
         if (handlersPass)
            // Get the operation meta data from the SOAP message
            opMetaData = getDispatchDestination(sepMetaData, reqMessage);
            oneway = opMetaData.isOneWay();

             * From JAX-WS 10.2.1 - "7. If the node does not understand how to process
             * the message, then neither handlers nor the endpoint
             * are invoked and instead the binding generates a SOAP must
             * understand exception"
             * Therefore, this must precede the ENDPOINT chain; however, The PRE
             * chain still must happen first since the message may be encrypted, in which
             * case the operation is still not known. Without knowing the operation, it
             * is not possible to determine what headers are understood by the endpoint.
            if (binding instanceof CommonSOAPBinding)

            // Unbind the request message
            sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);

         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[1]);
         handlersPass = handlersPass && callRequestHandlerChain(sepMetaData, handlerType[2]);

         if (handlersPass)
            msgContext.put(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Boolean.TRUE);
               // Check if protocol handlers modified the payload
               if (msgContext.isModified())
                  log.debug("Handler modified payload, unbind message again");
                  reqMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
                  sepInv = binding.unbindRequestMessage(opMetaData, reqMessage);

               // Invoke an instance of the SEI implementation bean
               Invocation inv = setupInvocation(endpoint, sepInv, invContext);
               InvocationHandler invHandler = endpoint.getInvocationHandler();
                  invHandler.invoke(endpoint, inv);
               catch (InvocationTargetException th)
                  //Unwrap the throwable raised by the service endpoint implementation
                  Throwable targetEx = th.getTargetException();
                  throw (targetEx instanceof Exception ? (Exception)targetEx : new UndeclaredThrowableException(targetEx));
                  // JBWS-2486
                  if (endpoint.getAttachment(Object.class) == null)
                     endpoint.addAttachment(Object.class, inv.getInvocationContext().getTargetBean());

               // Handler processing might have replaced the endpoint invocation
               sepInv = inv.getInvocationContext().getAttachment(EndpointInvocation.class);

            // Reverse the message direction
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

            // Set the required outbound context properties
            // Bind the response message
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = binding.bindResponseMessage(opMetaData, sepInv);
            // Reverse the message direction without calling the endpoint
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
            msgContext = processPivotInternal(msgContext, direction);

         if (oneway == false)
            // call the  response handler chain, removing the fault type entry will not call handleFault for that chain
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   protected Invocation setupInvocation(Endpoint ep, EndpointInvocation epInv, InvocationContext invContext) throws Exception
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (msgContext instanceof SOAPMessageContextJAXWS)
         if (ep.getService().getDeployment().getType() == DeploymentType.JAXWS_JSE)
            if (msgContext.get(MessageContext.SERVLET_REQUEST) != null)
               WebServiceContext wsContext = contextFactory.newWebServiceContext(InvocationType.JAXWS_JSE, (SOAPMessageContextJAXWS)msgContext);
               invContext.addAttachment(WebServiceContext.class, wsContext);
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      return implMethod;

   protected void setInboundContextProperties()
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (msgContext instanceof MessageContextJAXWS)
         // Map of attachments to a message for the outbound message, key is the MIME Content-ID, value is a DataHandler
         msgContext.put(MessageContextJAXWS.INBOUND_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS, new HashMap<String, DataHandler>());
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   protected void setOutboundContextProperties()
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (msgContext instanceof MessageContextJAXWS)
         // Map of attachments to a message for the outbound message, key is the MIME Content-ID, value is a DataHandler
         msgContext.put(MessageContextJAXWS.OUTBOUND_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS, new HashMap<String, DataHandler>());
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   protected abstract Marshaller getMarshaller();

   private Map<String, Object> createRemotingMetaData(MessageAbstraction reqMessage, Map callProps)
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();

      Map<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>();

      // We need to unmarshall faults (HTTP 500)
      // metadata.put(HTTPMetadataConstants.NO_THROW_ON_ERROR, "true"); // since 2.0.0.GA
      metadata.put("NoThrowOnError", "true");

      if (reqMessage != null)
         populateHeaders(reqMessage, metadata);

         // Enable chunked encoding. This is the default size.
         clientConfig.put("chunkedLength", "1024");

         // May be overridden through endpoint config
         if (msgContext != null)
            CommonConfig config = msgContext.getEndpointMetaData().getConfig();

            // chunksize settings
            String chunkSizeValue = config.getProperty(EndpointProperty.CHUNKED_ENCODING_SIZE);
            int chunkSize = chunkSizeValue != null ? Integer.valueOf(chunkSizeValue) : -1;
            if (chunkSize > 0)
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         // See SOAPFactoryImpl for details.

         log.debug("MTOM disabled: Force inline XOP data");

         // TODO: This property must be reset, otherwise you negate its purpose
         CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         msgContext.put(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Boolean.TRUE);
         if (msgContext instanceof MessageContextJAXWS)
            ((MessageContextJAXWS)msgContext).setScope(CommonMessageContext.ALLOW_EXPAND_TO_DOM, Scope.APPLICATION);

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      QName xmlType = container.getXmlType();
      Class javaType = container.getJavaType();

      log.debug("getXMLFragment from Object [xmlType=" + xmlType + ",javaType=" + javaType + "]");

      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (msgContext == null)
         throw new WSException("MessageContext not available");

      SerializationContext serContext = msgContext.getSerializationContext();

      TypeMappingImpl typeMapping = serContext.getTypeMapping();
      XMLFragment xmlFragment = null;
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     * The actual instance is assiciated with the EndpointMetaData.
     * @return JAXBContextCache
    public static JAXBContextCache getContextCache()
        CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
        EndpointMetaData epMetaData = msgContext.getEndpointMetaData();
        return epMetaData.getJaxbCache();
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         // Construct the endpoint invocation object
         EndpointInvocation epInv = new EndpointInvocation(opMetaData);

         CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         if (msgContext == null)
            throw new WSException("MessageContext not available");

         ParameterMetaData paramMetaData = opMetaData.getParameters().get(0);
         QName xmlName = paramMetaData.getXmlName();
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   public MessageAbstraction bindResponseMessage(OperationMetaData opMetaData, EndpointInvocation epInv) throws BindingException
      log.debug("bindResponseMessage: " + opMetaData.getQName());
         CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         if (msgContext == null)
            throw new WSException("MessageContext not available");

         // Associate current message with message context
         Source source = (Source)epInv.getReturnValue();
         HTTPMessageImpl resMessage = new HTTPMessageImpl(source);

         return resMessage;
      catch (Exception e)
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