
Examples of$ImmutableEntry

    * Handle a request to this web service endpoint
   private MessageAbstraction processRequest(Endpoint ep, MimeHeaderSource headerSource, InvocationContext reqContext, InputStream inputStream)
         throws BindingException
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();

      ServerEndpointMetaData sepMetaData = ep.getAttachment(ServerEndpointMetaData.class);
      if (sepMetaData == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain endpoint meta data");

      long beginProcessing = 0;
      ClassLoader ctxClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
         EndpointState state = ep.getState();
         if (state != EndpointState.STARTED)
            QName faultCode = Constants.SOAP11_FAULT_CODE_SERVER;
            String faultString = "Endpoint cannot handle requests in state: " + state;
            throw new CommonSOAPFaultException(faultCode, faultString);

         log.debug("BEGIN handleRequest: " + ep.getName());
         beginProcessing = initRequestMetrics(ep);

         MimeHeaders headers = (headerSource != null ? headerSource.getMimeHeaders() : null);

         MessageAbstraction reqMessage;

         String bindingID = sepMetaData.getBindingId();
         if (HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING.equals(bindingID))
            reqMessage = new HTTPMessageImpl(headers, inputStream);


            reqMessage = (SOAPMessageImpl)msgFactory.createMessage(headers, inputStream);

         // Associate current message with message context

         // debug the incomming message
         MessageTrace.traceMessage("Incoming Request Message", reqMessage);

         // Set the thread context class loader
         ClassLoader classLoader = sepMetaData.getClassLoader();

         // Get the Invoker
         ServiceEndpointInvoker epInvoker = ep.getAttachment(ServiceEndpointInvoker.class);
         if (epInvoker == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot obtain ServiceEndpointInvoker");

         // Invoke the service endpoint

         // Get the response message context
         msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();

         // Get the response message
         MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
         if (resMessage != null)
            postProcessResponse(headerSource, resMessage);

         return resMessage;
      catch (Exception ex)
         MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();

         // In case we have an exception before the invoker is called
         // we create the fault message here.
         if (resMessage == null || resMessage.isFaultMessage() == false)
            CommonBindingProvider bindingProvider = new CommonBindingProvider(sepMetaData);
            CommonBinding binding = bindingProvider.getCommonBinding();
            resMessage = binding.bindFaultMessage(ex);

         if (resMessage != null)
            postProcessResponse(headerSource, resMessage);

         return resMessage;
            MessageAbstraction resMessage = msgContext.getMessageAbstraction();
            if (resMessage != null)
               if (resMessage.isFaultMessage())
                  processFaultMetrics(ep, beginProcessing);
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   // Invoked by the proxy invokation handler
   public Object invoke(QName opName, Object[] args, Map<String, Object> resContext) throws RemoteException
      // Associate a message context with the current thread
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = new SOAPMessageContextJAXWS();

      // The contents of the request context are used to initialize the message context (see section 9.4.1)
      // prior to invoking any handlers (see chapter 9) for the outbound message. Each property within the
      // request context is copied to the message context with a scope of HANDLER.
      Map<String, Object> reqContext = getBindingProvider().getRequestContext();

         Object retObj = invoke(opName, args, false);
         return retObj;
      catch (Exception ex)
         OperationMetaData opMetaData = getOperationMetaData();
         if (opMetaData.isOneWay())
            handleOneWayException(opMetaData, ex);
            handleRemoteException(opMetaData, ex);
         return null;
         // Copy the inbound msg properties to the binding's response context
         msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         for (String key : msgContext.keySet())
            Object value = msgContext.get(key);
            resContext.put(key, value);

         // Reset the message context association
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      QName xmlName = (QName)properties.get(JBossXBConstants.JBXB_ROOT_QNAME);
      QName xmlType = (QName)properties.get(JBossXBConstants.JBXB_TYPE_QNAME);

      // Get the eagerly initialized SchemaBinding from the ServiceMetaData
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (msgContext != null)
         OperationMetaData opMetaData = msgContext.getOperationMetaData();
         EndpointMetaData epMetaData = opMetaData.getEndpointMetaData();
         ServiceMetaData serviceMetaData = epMetaData.getServiceMetaData();
         schemaBinding = serviceMetaData.getSchemaBinding();
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   public Style getStyle()
      if (style == null)
         CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
         if (msgContext != null && msgContext.getOperationMetaData() != null)
            style = msgContext.getOperationMetaData().getStyle();
         log.trace("Using style: " + style);
      return style;
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      this.roles = roles;

   public void setSOAPActionHeader(OperationMetaData opMetaData, SOAPMessage reqMessage)
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = reqMessage.getMimeHeaders();
      String soapAction = opMetaData.getSOAPAction();

      // R2744 A HTTP request MESSAGE MUST contain a SOAPAction HTTP header field
      // with a quoted value equal to the value of the soapAction attribute of
      // soapbind:operation, if present in the corresponding WSDL description.

      // R2745 A HTTP request MESSAGE MUST contain a SOAPAction HTTP header field
      // with a quoted empty string value, if in the corresponding WSDL description,
      // the soapAction attribute of soapbind:operation is either not present, or
      // present with an empty string as its value.

      if (msgContext.get(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY) != null)"Ignore BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY because of BP-1.0 R2745, R2745");

      String soapActionProperty = (String)msgContext.get(BindingProvider.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY);
      if (soapActionProperty != null)
         soapAction = soapActionProperty;

      mimeHeaders.addHeader("SOAPAction", soapAction != null ? soapAction : "");
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   public static SOAPFaultException getSOAPFaultException(SOAPFault soapFault)
      SOAPFaultException faultEx = new SOAPFaultException(soapFault);

      Detail detail = soapFault.getDetail();
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (detail != null && msgContext != null)
         log.debug("Processing detail");
         SerializationContext serContext = msgContext.getSerializationContext();
         TypeMapping typeMapping = serContext.getTypeMapping();

         Iterator it = detail.getDetailEntries();
         while (it.hasNext())
            DetailEntry deElement = (DetailEntry);
            QName xmlName = deElement.getElementQName();
            log.debug("Processing detail entry: " + xmlName);

            OperationMetaData opMetaData = msgContext.getOperationMetaData();
            FaultMetaData faultMetaData = opMetaData.getFault(xmlName);
            if (faultMetaData != null)
               log.debug("Deserialize fault: " + faultMetaData);
               QName xmlType = faultMetaData.getXmlType();
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         soapFault = soapBody.addFault(getFallbackFaultCode(), getFallbackFaultString(ex));

      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      SerializationContext serContext = msgContext.getSerializationContext();

      NameImpl faultCode = (NameImpl)soapFault.getFaultCodeAsName();
      if (faultCode.getURI().length() > 0)

      OperationMetaData opMetaData = msgContext.getOperationMetaData();
      Class<? extends Exception> exClass = ex.getClass();
      if (opMetaData != null && opMetaData.getFaultMetaData(exClass) != null)
         FaultMetaData faultMetaData = opMetaData.getFaultMetaData(exClass);
         Object faultBean = faultMetaData.toFaultBean(ex);
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   public MessageAbstraction bindFaultMessage(Exception ex)
      SOAPMessageImpl faultMessage = SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS.exceptionToFaultMessage(ex);
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      if (msgContext != null)
         log.warn("Cannot set fault message in message context");
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   public OperationMetaData getDispatchDestination(EndpointMetaData epMetaData, SOAPMessage soapMessage) throws SOAPException
      OperationMetaData opMetaData = null;

      // Dispatch based on wsa:Action
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();
      AddressingProperties inProps = (AddressingProperties)msgContext.get(JAXWSAConstants.SERVER_ADDRESSING_PROPERTIES_INBOUND);
      if (inProps != null && inProps.getAction() != null)
         String wsaAction = inProps.getAction().getURI().toASCIIString();
         for (OperationMetaData opAux : epMetaData.getOperations())
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      return version;

   private Map<String, Object> createRemotingMetaData(MessageAbstraction reqMessage, Map callProps)
      CommonMessageContext msgContext = MessageContextAssociation.peekMessageContext();

      Map<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<String, Object>();

      // We need to unmarshall faults (HTTP 500)
      // metadata.put(HTTPMetadataConstants.NO_THROW_ON_ERROR, "true"); // since 2.0.0.GA
      metadata.put("NoThrowOnError", "true");

      if (reqMessage != null)
         populateHeaders(reqMessage, metadata);

         // Enable chunked encoding. This is the default size.
         int chunkSizeValue = (chunkedLength != null ? chunkedLength : 1024);

         // Overwrite, through endpoint config
         if (msgContext != null)
            EndpointMetaData epMetaData = msgContext.getEndpointMetaData();
            CommonConfig config = epMetaData.getConfig();

            String sizeValue = config.getProperty(EndpointProperty.CHUNKED_ENCODING_SIZE);
            if (sizeValue != null)
               chunkSizeValue = Integer.valueOf(sizeValue);
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