
Examples of

     * @throws RepositoryException if the given node type template is not valid
    private void validate( JcrNodeType nodeType,
                           List<JcrNodeType> supertypes,
                           List<JcrNodeType> pendingTypes ) throws RepositoryException {
        Name nodeTypeName = nodeType.getInternalName();
        validate(supertypes, nodeTypeName.getString(this.context.getNamespaceRegistry()));

        List<Name> supertypeNames = new ArrayList<Name>(supertypes.size());
        for (JcrNodeType supertype : supertypes)

        boolean found = false;
        Name primaryItemName = nodeType.getInternalPrimaryItemName();

        for (JcrNodeDefinition node : nodeType.getDeclaredChildNodeDefinitions()) {
            validate(node, supertypeNames, pendingTypes);

            if (primaryItemName != null && primaryItemName.equals(node.getInternalName())) {
                found = true;

        for (JcrPropertyDefinition prop : nodeType.getDeclaredPropertyDefinitions()) {
            validate(prop, supertypeNames, pendingTypes);
            if (primaryItemName != null && primaryItemName.equals(prop.getInternalName())) {
                if (found) {
                    throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.ambiguousPrimaryItemName.text(primaryItemName));
                found = true;
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        if (node.isMandatory() && JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_ITEM_NAME.equals(node.getName())) {
            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException(JcrI18n.residualDefinitionsCannotBeMandatory.text("child nodes"));

        Name nodeName = context.getValueFactories().getNameFactory().create(node.getName());
        nodeName = nodeName == null ? JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_NAME : nodeName;

        List<JcrNodeDefinition> ancestors = findChildNodeDefinitions(supertypes, nodeName, NodeCardinality.ANY, pendingTypes);

        for (JcrNodeDefinition ancestor : ancestors) {
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            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefinitionException(

        Name propName = context.getValueFactories().getNameFactory().create(prop.getName());
        propName = propName == null ? JcrNodeType.RESIDUAL_NAME : propName;

        List<JcrPropertyDefinition> ancestors = findPropertyDefinitions(supertypes,
                                                                        prop.isMultiple() ? PropertyCardinality.MULTI_VALUED_ONLY : PropertyCardinality.SINGLE_VALUED_ONLY,
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        int indexOfFirstSlash = relativePath.indexOf('/');
        if (indexOfFirstSlash == 0) {
            // Not a relative path ...
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relativePath, "relativePath"));
        Name propertyName = null;
        if (indexOfFirstSlash != -1) {
            // We know it's a relative path with more than one segment ...
            Path path = pathFrom(relativePath).getNormalizedPath();
            if (path.size() > 1) {
                try {
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        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        int newMixinValuesCount = existingMixinValues.length - 1;
        Value[] newMixinValues = new Value[newMixinValuesCount];
        List<Name> newMixinNames = new ArrayList<Name>(newMixinValuesCount);
        Name primaryTypeName = getPrimaryNodeType().getInternalName();

        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < existingMixinValues.length; i++) {
            if (!existingMixinValues[i].getString().equals(mixinName)) {
                if (j < newMixinValuesCount) {
                    newMixinValues[j++] = existingMixinValues[i];
                } else {
                    throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(JcrI18n.invalidMixinTypeForNode.text(mixinName, getPath()));

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check that any remaining properties that use the mixin type to be removed
        // match the residual definition for the node.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        for (PropertyIterator iter = getProperties(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Property property = iter.nextProperty();
            if (mixinName.equals(property.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().getName())) {
                JcrPropertyDefinition match;

                // Only the residual definition would work - if there were any other definition for this name,
                // the mixin type would not have been added due to the conflict
                if (property.getDefinition().isMultiple()) {
                    match = cache.nodeTypes().findPropertyDefinition(primaryTypeName,
                } else {
                    match = cache.nodeTypes().findPropertyDefinition(primaryTypeName,

                if (match == null) {
                    throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.noDefinition.text("property",

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check that any remaining child nodes that use the mixin type to be removed
        // match the residual definition for the node.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for (NodeIterator iter = getNodes(); iter.hasNext();) {
            AbstractJcrNode node = (AbstractJcrNode)iter.nextNode();
            Name childNodeName = cache.nameFactory.create(node.getName());
            int snsCount = node.nodeInfo().getChildrenCount(childNodeName);
            if (mixinName.equals(node.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().getName())) {
                // Only the residual definition would work - if there were any other definition for this name,
                // the mixin type would not have been added due to the conflict
                JcrNodeDefinition match = cache.nodeTypes().findChildNodeDefinition(primaryTypeName,
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        } else {
            assert path.size() == 1;
            editor = editor();
        Name childName = path.getLastSegment().getName();

        // Determine the name for the primary node type
        Name childPrimaryTypeName = null;
        if (primaryNodeTypeName != null) {
            try {
                childPrimaryTypeName = cache.nameFactory().create(primaryNodeTypeName);
            } catch ( e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.invalidNodeTypeNameParameter.text(primaryNodeTypeName,
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    private final void addDefinitions( JcrNodeType nodeType ) {
        Set<Name> namesFromThisType = new HashSet<Name>();

        for (JcrNodeDefinition definition : nodeType.childNodeDefinitions()) {
            Name name = definition.getInternalName();

             * If the child node was already defined in the type hierarchy at some other level, ignore the definition
             * - it was overridden by the previous definition.  This relies on the fact that TypeA.getTypeAndSupertypes()
             * always returns TypeX before TypeY if TypeX is closer to TypeA on the inheritance graph than TypeY is.
            if (allChildNodeDefinitions.containsKey(name) && !namesFromThisType.contains(name)) {

            if (definition.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                childNodeDefinitionsThatAllowSns.put(name, definition);
            } else {
                childNodeDefinitionsThatAllowNoSns.put(name, definition);
            allChildNodeDefinitions.put(name, definition);

        for (JcrPropertyDefinition definition : nodeType.propertyDefinitions()) {
            Name name = definition.getInternalName();

             * If the property was already defined in the type hierarchy at some other level, ignore the definition
             * - it was overridden by the previous definition.  This relies on the fact that TypeA.getTypeAndSupertypes()
             * always returns TypeX before TypeY if TypeX is closer to TypeA on the inheritance graph than TypeY is.
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        this.sourceName = repositorySourceName;

        // Create the namespace registry and corresponding execution context.
        // Note that this persistent registry has direct access to the system workspace.
        Name uriProperty = DnaLexicon.NAMESPACE_URI;
        PathFactory pathFactory = executionContext.getValueFactories().getPathFactory();
        Path systemPath = pathFactory.create(JcrLexicon.SYSTEM);
        Path namespacesPath = pathFactory.create(systemPath, DnaLexicon.NAMESPACES);
        PropertyFactory propertyFactory = executionContext.getPropertyFactory();
        Property namespaceType = propertyFactory.create(JcrLexicon.PRIMARY_TYPE, DnaLexicon.NAMESPACE);
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        // Read the names of the JCR repositories from the configuration (not from the Repository objects used so far) ...
        PathFactory pathFactory = getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getPathFactory();
        Path repositoriesPath = pathFactory.create(configuration.getPath(), DnaLexicon.REPOSITORIES);
        Graph configuration = getConfigurationGraph();
        for (Location child : configuration.getChildren().of(repositoriesPath)) {
            Name repositoryName = child.getPath().getLastSegment().getName();
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(results);
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        try {
            // Use the session to verify that the node location has a definition and is valid with the new cloned child.
            // This also performs the check permission for reading the parent ...
            Name newNodeName = destPath.getLastSegment().getName();
            SessionCache cache = this.session.cache();
            Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> parent = cache.findNode(null, destPath.getParent());
            cache.findBestNodeDefinition(parent, newNodeName, parent.getPayload().getPrimaryTypeName());

            if (removeExisting) {
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