Package org.jboss.dna.jcr

Source Code of org.jboss.dna.jcr.AbstractJcrNode

* JBoss DNA (
* See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
* regarding copyright ownership.  Some portions may be licensed
* to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
* See the AUTHORS.txt file in the distribution for a full listing of
* individual contributors.
* JBoss DNA is free software. Unless otherwise indicated, all code in JBoss DNA
* is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
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* JBoss DNA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Lesser General Public License for more details.
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package org.jboss.dna.jcr;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException;
import javax.jcr.InvalidItemStateException;
import javax.jcr.Item;
import javax.jcr.ItemExistsException;
import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.ItemVisitor;
import javax.jcr.NoSuchWorkspaceException;
import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.Property;
import javax.jcr.PropertyIterator;
import javax.jcr.PropertyType;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException;
import javax.jcr.Value;
import javax.jcr.ValueFormatException;
import javax.jcr.lock.Lock;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NoSuchNodeTypeException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeDefinition;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeManager;
import javax.jcr.version.Version;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionException;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionHistory;
import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
import org.jboss.dna.common.i18n.I18n;
import org.jboss.dna.common.util.CheckArg;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.Location;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.connector.RepositorySourceException;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.session.GraphSession.Node;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.session.GraphSession.NodeId;
import org.jboss.dna.graph.session.GraphSession.PropertyInfo;
import org.jboss.dna.jcr.SessionCache.JcrNodePayload;
import org.jboss.dna.jcr.SessionCache.JcrPropertyPayload;
import org.jboss.dna.jcr.SessionCache.NodeEditor;

* An abstract implementation of the JCR {@link javax.jcr.Node} interface. Instances of this class are created and managed by the
* {@link SessionCache}. Each instance indirectly references the {@link javax.jcr.Node node information} also managed by the
* SessionCache, and finds and operates against this information with each method call.
abstract class AbstractJcrNode extends AbstractJcrItem implements javax.jcr.Node {

    private static final NodeType[] EMPTY_NODE_TYPES = new NodeType[] {};

    protected final NodeId nodeId;
    protected final Location location;

    AbstractJcrNode( SessionCache cache,
                     NodeId nodeId,
                     Location location ) {
        this.nodeId = nodeId;
        this.location = location;

    abstract boolean isRoot();

    public abstract AbstractJcrNode getParent() throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException;

    final NodeId internalId() {
        return nodeId;

    final Name name() throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getName();

    final Path.Segment segment() throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getSegment();

    final Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> nodeInfo()
        throws ItemNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException, RepositoryException {
        return cache.findNode(nodeId, location.getPath());

    final NodeEditor editorForParent() throws RepositoryException {
        try {
            Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> parent = nodeInfo().getParent();
            return cache.getEditorFor(parent);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException err) {
            String msg = JcrI18n.nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession.text(nodeId, cache.workspaceName());
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);
        } catch (InvalidItemStateException err) {
            String msg = JcrI18n.nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession.text(nodeId, cache.workspaceName());
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

    final NodeEditor editor() throws RepositoryException {
        try {
            return cache.getEditorFor(nodeId, location.getPath());
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException err) {
            String msg = JcrI18n.nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession.text(nodeId, cache.workspaceName());
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);
        } catch (InvalidItemStateException err) {
            String msg = JcrI18n.nodeHasAlreadyBeenRemovedFromThisSession.text(nodeId, cache.workspaceName());
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

    final JcrValue valueFrom( int propertyType,
                              Object value ) {
        return new JcrValue(cache.factories(), cache, propertyType, value);

    final JcrValue valueFrom( Calendar value ) {
        ValueFactories factories = cache.factories();
        DateTime dateTime = factories.getDateFactory().create(value);
        return new JcrValue(factories, cache, PropertyType.DATE, dateTime);

    final JcrValue valueFrom( InputStream value ) {
        ValueFactories factories = cache.factories();
        Binary binary = factories.getBinaryFactory().create(value);
        return new JcrValue(factories, cache, PropertyType.DATE, binary);

    final JcrValue valueFrom( javax.jcr.Node value ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        ValueFactories factories = cache.factories();
        String uuid = factories.getStringFactory().create(value.getUUID());
        return new JcrValue(factories, cache, PropertyType.REFERENCE, uuid);

    final JcrValue[] valuesFrom( int propertyType,
                                 Object[] values ) {
         * Null values in the array are "compacted" (read: ignored) as per section 7.1.6 in the JCR 1.0.1 specification.
        int len = values.length;
        ValueFactories factories = cache.factories();
        List<JcrValue> results = new ArrayList<JcrValue>(len);
        for (int i = 0; i != len; ++i) {
            if (values[i] != null) results.add(new JcrValue(factories, cache, propertyType, values[i]));
        return results.toArray(new JcrValue[results.size()]);

    Path path() throws RepositoryException {
        // Don't use the path in the location, since it may no longer be valid
        return nodeInfo().getPath();

    boolean isReferenceable() throws RepositoryException {
        return isNodeType(JcrMixLexicon.REFERENCEABLE);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getUUID()
    public String getUUID() throws RepositoryException {
        // Return "jcr:uuid" only if node is referenceable
        if (!isReferenceable()) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(JcrI18n.nodeNotReferenceable.text());
        PropertyInfo<JcrPropertyPayload> uuidProp = nodeInfo().getProperty(JcrLexicon.UUID);
        if (uuidProp == null) {
            uuidProp = nodeInfo().getProperty(DnaLexicon.UUID);
        assert uuidProp != null;
        assert !uuidProp.getProperty().isEmpty();
        return context().getValueFactories().getStringFactory().create(uuidProp.getProperty().getFirstValue());

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return <code>true</code>
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#isNode()
    public final boolean isNode() {
        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return <code>false</code>
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#isNodeType(java.lang.String)
    public boolean isNodeType( String nodeTypeName ) throws RepositoryException {
        return isNodeType(nameFrom(nodeTypeName));

     * Determine whether this node's primary type or any of the mixins are or extend the node type with the supplied name. This
     * method is semantically equivalent to but slightly more efficient than the {@link #isNodeType(String) equivalent in the JCR
     * API}, especially when the node type name is already a {@link Name} object.
     * @param nodeTypeName the name of the node type
     * @return true if this node is of the node type given by the supplied name, or false otherwise
     * @throws RepositoryException if there is an exception
    public final boolean isNodeType( Name nodeTypeName ) throws RepositoryException {
        return cache.isNodeType(nodeInfo(), nodeTypeName);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getDefinition()
    public NodeDefinition getDefinition() throws RepositoryException {
        NodeDefinitionId definitionId = nodeInfo().getPayload().getDefinitionId();
        return session().nodeTypeManager().getNodeDefinition(definitionId);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getPrimaryNodeType()
    public JcrNodeType getPrimaryNodeType() throws RepositoryException {
        return session().nodeTypeManager().getNodeType(getPrimaryTypeName());

    Name getPrimaryTypeName() throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getPayload().getPrimaryTypeName();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getMixinNodeTypes()
    public NodeType[] getMixinNodeTypes() throws RepositoryException {
        NodeTypeManager nodeTypeManager = session().nodeTypeManager();
        Property mixinTypesProperty = getProperty(JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES);
        if (mixinTypesProperty == null) return EMPTY_NODE_TYPES;
        List<NodeType> mixinNodeTypes = new LinkedList<NodeType>();
        for (Value value : mixinTypesProperty.getValues()) {
            String nodeTypeName = value.getString();
            NodeType nodeType = nodeTypeManager.getNodeType(nodeTypeName);
            if (nodeType != null) mixinNodeTypes.add(nodeType);
        return mixinNodeTypes.toArray(new NodeType[mixinNodeTypes.size()]);

    List<Name> getMixinTypeNames() throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getPayload().getMixinTypeNames();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getPrimaryItem()
    public final Item getPrimaryItem() throws RepositoryException {
        // Get the primary item name from this node's type ...
        NodeType primaryType = getPrimaryNodeType();
        String primaryItemNameString = primaryType.getPrimaryItemName();
        if (primaryItemNameString == null) {
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.noPrimaryItemNameDefinedOnPrimaryType;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg.text(primaryType.getName(), getPath(), cache.workspaceName()));
        try {
            Path primaryItemPath = context().getValueFactories().getPathFactory().create(primaryItemNameString);
            if (primaryItemPath.size() != 1 || primaryItemPath.isAbsolute()) {
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.primaryItemNameForPrimaryTypeIsNotValid;
                throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg.text(primaryType.getName(),
            return cache.findJcrItem(nodeId, location.getPath(), primaryItemPath);
        } catch (ValueFormatException error) {
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.primaryItemNameForPrimaryTypeIsNotValid;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg.text(primaryType.getName(),
        } catch (PathNotFoundException error) {
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.primaryItemDoesNotExist;
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(msg.text(primaryType.getName(),

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>otherItem</code> is <code>null</code>.
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#isSame(javax.jcr.Item)
    public boolean isSame( Item otherItem ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(otherItem, "otherItem");
        if (super.isSame(otherItem) && otherItem instanceof javax.jcr.Node) {
            if (otherItem instanceof AbstractJcrNode) {
                AbstractJcrNode that = (AbstractJcrNode)otherItem;
                if (this.isReferenceable() && that.isReferenceable()) {
                    // Both are referenceable, so compare the UUIDs ...
                    return getUUID().equals(((AbstractJcrNode)otherItem).getUUID());

                // One or both are not referenceable, so find the nearest ancestor that is referenceable.
                // The correspondence identifier (per Section 4.10.2 of JSR-170, version 1.0.1) for a
                // non-referenceable node is the pair of the UUID of the nearest referenceable ancestor and
                // the relative path from that referenceable ancestor. Per Section 6.2.8, two non-referenceable
                // nodes are the same if they have the same correspondence identifier.
                CorrespondenceId thisId = this.getCorrespondenceId();
                CorrespondenceId thatId = that.getCorrespondenceId();
                return thisId.equals(thatId);
            // If not our implementation, let the other item figure out whether we are the same.
            return otherItem.isSame(this);
        return false;

    protected CorrespondenceId getCorrespondenceId() throws RepositoryException {
        if (this.isReferenceable()) return new CorrespondenceId(getUUID());
        assert !this.isRoot(); // the root must be referenceable

        // Find the nearest ancestor that is referenceable ...
        Path currentPath = path();
        AbstractJcrNode node = this.getParent();
        int beginIndex = currentPath.size() - 1;
        while (!node.isRoot() && !node.isReferenceable()) {
            node = node.getParent();
        // Get the relative path from the ancestor to this node ...
        Path relativePath = currentPath.relativeTo(node.path());
        assert !relativePath.isAbsolute();
        return new CorrespondenceId(node.getUUID(), relativePath);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#hasProperties()
    public final boolean hasProperties() throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getPropertyCount() > 0;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>relativePath</code> is empty or <code>null</code>.
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#hasProperty(java.lang.String)
    public final boolean hasProperty( String relativePath ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotEmpty(relativePath, "relativePath");
        if (relativePath.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
            try {
                return true;
            } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
                return false;
        if (relativePath.equals(".")) return false;
        if (relativePath.equals("..")) return false;
        // Otherwise it should be a property on this node ...
        return nodeInfo().getProperty(nameFrom(relativePath)) != null;

    public final boolean hasProperty( Name name ) throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getProperty(name) != null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getProperties()
    public final PropertyIterator getProperties() throws RepositoryException {
        return new JcrPropertyIterator(cache.findJcrPropertiesFor(nodeId, location.getPath()));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getProperties(java.lang.String)
    public PropertyIterator getProperties( String namePattern ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(namePattern, "namePattern");
        namePattern = namePattern.trim();
        if (namePattern.length() == 0) return new JcrEmptyPropertyIterator();
        Collection<AbstractJcrProperty> properties = cache.findJcrPropertiesFor(nodeId, location.getPath());
        if ("*".equals(namePattern)) return new JcrPropertyIterator(properties);

        // Figure out the patterns for each of the different disjunctions in the supplied pattern ...
        List<Object> patterns = createPatternsFor(namePattern);

        // Go through the properties and remove any property that doesn't match a pattern ...
        boolean foundMatch = true;
        Collection<AbstractJcrProperty> matchingProperties = new LinkedList<AbstractJcrProperty>();
        Iterator<AbstractJcrProperty> iter = properties.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            AbstractJcrProperty property =;
            String propName = property.getName();
            assert foundMatch == true;
            for (Object patternOrMatch : patterns) {
                if (patternOrMatch instanceof Pattern) {
                    Pattern pattern = (Pattern)patternOrMatch;
                    if (pattern.matcher(propName).matches()) break;
                } else {
                    String match = (String)patternOrMatch;
                    if (propName.equals(match)) break;
                // No pattern matched ...
                foundMatch = false;
            if (foundMatch) {
                foundMatch = true; // for the next iteration ..
        return new JcrPropertyIterator(matchingProperties);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getReferences()
    public final PropertyIterator getReferences() throws RepositoryException {
        if (true) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        // This implementation is just wrong.
        // Iterate through the properties to see which ones have a REFERENCE type ...
        Collection<AbstractJcrProperty> properties = cache.findJcrPropertiesFor(nodeId, location.getPath());
        Collection<AbstractJcrProperty> references = new LinkedList<AbstractJcrProperty>();
        Iterator<AbstractJcrProperty> iter = properties.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            AbstractJcrProperty property =;
            if (property.getType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE) references.add(property);
        if (references.isEmpty()) return new JcrEmptyPropertyIterator();
        return new JcrPropertyIterator(references);

     * A non-standard method to obtain a property given the {@link Name DNA Name} object. This method is faster
     * @param propertyName the property name
     * @return the JCR property with the supplied name, or null if the property doesn't exist
     * @throws RepositoryException if there is an error finding the property with the supplied name
    public final Property getProperty( Name propertyName ) throws RepositoryException {
        Property property = cache.findJcrProperty(nodeId, location.getPath(), propertyName);
        // Must be referenceable in order to return this property ...
        if (property != null && JcrLexicon.UUID.equals(propertyName) && !isReferenceable()) return null;
        return property;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>relativePath</code> is empty or <code>null</code>.
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getProperty(java.lang.String)
    public final Property getProperty( String relativePath ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotEmpty(relativePath, "relativePath");
        int indexOfFirstSlash = relativePath.indexOf('/');
        if (indexOfFirstSlash == 0) {
            // Not a relative path ...
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relativePath, "relativePath"));
        Name propertyName = null;
        if (indexOfFirstSlash != -1) {
            // We know it's a relative path with more than one segment ...
            Path path = pathFrom(relativePath).getNormalizedPath();
            if (path.size() > 1) {
                try {
                    AbstractJcrItem item = cache.findJcrItem(nodeId, location.getPath(), path);
                    if (item instanceof Property) {
                        return (Property)item;
                } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
                    I18n msg = JcrI18n.propertyNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode;
                    throw new PathNotFoundException(msg.text(relativePath, getPath(), cache.workspaceName()));
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.propertyNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode;
                throw new PathNotFoundException(msg.text(relativePath, getPath(), cache.workspaceName()));
            propertyName = path.getLastSegment().getName();
        } else {
            propertyName = nameFrom(relativePath);
        // It's just a name, so look for it directly ...
        Property result = getProperty(propertyName);
        if (result != null) return result;
        I18n msg = JcrI18n.pathNotFoundRelativeTo;
        throw new PathNotFoundException(msg.text(relativePath, getPath(), cache.workspaceName()));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>relativePath</code> is empty or <code>null</code>.
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#hasNode(java.lang.String)
    public final boolean hasNode( String relativePath ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotEmpty(relativePath, "relativePath");
        if (relativePath.equals(".")) return true;
        if (relativePath.equals("..")) return isRoot() ? false : true;
        int indexOfFirstSlash = relativePath.indexOf('/');
        if (indexOfFirstSlash == 0) {
            // Not a relative path ...
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relativePath, "relativePath"));
        if (indexOfFirstSlash != -1) {
            Path path = pathFrom(relativePath).getNormalizedPath();
            try {
                AbstractJcrNode item = cache.findJcrNode(nodeId, location.getPath(), path);
                return item != null;
            } catch (PathNotFoundException e) {
                return false;
        // It's just a name, so look for a child ...
        try {
            Path.Segment segment = segmentFrom(relativePath);
            return nodeInfo().getChild(segment) != null;
        } catch ( e) {
            return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#hasNodes()
    public final boolean hasNodes() throws RepositoryException {
        return nodeInfo().getChildrenCount() > 0;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>relativePath</code> is empty or <code>null</code>.
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getNode(java.lang.String)
    public final javax.jcr.Node getNode( String relativePath ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotEmpty(relativePath, "relativePath");
        if (relativePath.equals(".")) return this;
        if (relativePath.equals("..")) return this.getParent();
        int indexOfFirstSlash = relativePath.indexOf('/');
        if (indexOfFirstSlash == 0) {
            // Not a relative path ...
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relativePath, "relativePath"));
        Path.Segment segment = null;
        if (indexOfFirstSlash != -1) {
            // We know it's a relative path with more than one segment ...
            Path path = pathFrom(relativePath).getNormalizedPath();
            if (path.size() == 1) {
                if (path.getLastSegment().isSelfReference()) return this;
                if (path.getLastSegment().isParentReference()) return this.getParent();
            // We know it's a resolved relative path with more than one segment ...
            if (path.size() > 1) {
                AbstractJcrItem item = cache.findJcrNode(nodeId, location.getPath(), path);
                if (item instanceof javax.jcr.Node) {
                    return (javax.jcr.Node)item;
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.nodeNotFoundAtPathRelativeToReferenceNode;
                throw new PathNotFoundException(msg.text(relativePath, getPath(), cache.workspaceName()));
            segment = path.getLastSegment();
        } else {
            segment = segmentFrom(relativePath);
        // It's just a name, so look for a child ...
        try {
            return nodeInfo().getChild(segment).getPayload().getJcrNode();
        } catch ( e) {
            String msg = JcrI18n.childNotFoundUnderNode.text(segment, getPath(), cache.workspaceName());
            throw new PathNotFoundException(msg);
        } catch (RepositorySourceException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getNodes()
    public final NodeIterator getNodes() throws RepositoryException {
        int childCount = nodeInfo().getChildrenCount();
        if (childCount == 0) {
            return new JcrEmptyNodeIterator();
        List<AbstractJcrNode> matchingChildren = new LinkedList<AbstractJcrNode>();
        for (Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> child : nodeInfo().getChildren()) {
        return new JcrChildNodeIterator(matchingChildren, childCount);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getNodes(java.lang.String)
    public NodeIterator getNodes( String namePattern ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(namePattern, "namePattern");
        namePattern = namePattern.trim();
        if (namePattern.length() == 0) return new JcrEmptyNodeIterator();
        if ("*".equals(namePattern)) return getNodes();
        List<Object> patterns = createPatternsFor(namePattern);

        // Implementing exact-matching only for now to prototype types as properties
        List<AbstractJcrNode> matchingChildren = new LinkedList<AbstractJcrNode>();
        NamespaceRegistry registry = namespaces();
        boolean foundMatch = false;
        for (Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> child : nodeInfo().getChildren()) {
            String childName = child.getName().getString(registry);
            for (Object patternOrMatch : patterns) {
                if (patternOrMatch instanceof Pattern) {
                    Pattern pattern = (Pattern)patternOrMatch;
                    if (pattern.matcher(childName).matches()) foundMatch = true;
                } else {
                    String match = (String)patternOrMatch;
                    if (childName.equals(match)) foundMatch = true;
                if (foundMatch) {
                    foundMatch = false;
        return new JcrChildNodeIterator(matchingChildren, matchingChildren.size());

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>visitor</code> is <code>null</code>.
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#accept(javax.jcr.ItemVisitor)
    public final void accept( ItemVisitor visitor ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(visitor, "visitor");

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * <b>DNA Implementation Notes</b>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * DNA imposes the following additional restrictions on the addition of mixin types in addition to the restrictions provided
     * by the JCR 1.0 specification:
     * <ol>
     * <li>No properties defined by the mixin type can have the same name as any property defined by the node's primary type or
     * any of its existing mixin types.</li>
     * <li>No child nodes defined by the mixin type can have the same name as any child node defined by the node's primary type or
     * any of its existing mixin types.</li>
     * <li>If the node has a current residual definition for child nodes and/or properties, all nodes and properties that share a
     * name with a child node definition or property definition from the new mixin type must be compatible with the definition
     * provided by the new mixin type.</li>
     * </ol>
     * </p>
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#canAddMixin(java.lang.String)
    public final boolean canAddMixin( String mixinName ) throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(mixinName, "mixinName");
        CheckArg.isNotZeroLength(mixinName, "mixinName");

         * Special workaround for SeralizationTest (and others) in JR TCK that incorrectly test whether a repository supports
         * versioning by trying to add mix:versionable to a node.  The 1.0.1 says in section 4.11 that:
         * "A node is versionable if and only if it has been assigned the mixin type mix:versionable,
         * otherwise it is nonversionable. Repositories that do not support versioning will simply not
         * provide this mixin type, whereas repositories that do support versioning must provide it."
        if (JcrMixLexicon.VERSIONABLE.getString(namespaces()).equals(mixinName)) {
            return false;

        JcrNodeType mixinCandidateType = cache.nodeTypes().getNodeType(mixinName);

        if (this.isLocked()) {
            return false;

        if (this.getDefinition().isProtected()) {
            return false;

        // TODO: Check access control when that support is added
        // TODO: Throw VersionException if this node is versionable and checked in or unversionable and the nearest versionable
        // ancestor is checked in

        NodeType primaryType = this.getPrimaryNodeType();
        NodeType[] mixinTypes = this.getMixinNodeTypes();

        if (!mixinCandidateType.isMixin()) {
            return false;

        if (mixinCandidateType.conflictsWith(primaryType, mixinTypes)) {
            return false;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check for any existing properties based on residual definitions that conflict
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for (JcrPropertyDefinition propertyDefinition : mixinCandidateType.propertyDefinitions()) {
            if (!hasProperty(propertyDefinition.getInternalName())) continue;
            AbstractJcrProperty existingProp = cache.findJcrProperty(nodeId,
            if (existingProp != null) {
                if (propertyDefinition.isMultiple()) {
                    if (!propertyDefinition.canCastToTypeAndSatisfyConstraints(existingProp.getValues())) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    if (!propertyDefinition.canCastToTypeAndSatisfyConstraints(existingProp.getValue())) {
                        return false;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check for any existing child nodes based on residual definitions that conflict
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Set<Name> mixinChildNodeNames = new HashSet<Name>();
        for (JcrNodeDefinition nodeDefinition : mixinCandidateType.childNodeDefinitions()) {

        for (Name nodeName : mixinChildNodeNames) {
            // Need to figure out if the child node requires an SNS definition
            int snsCount = nodeInfo().getChildrenCount(nodeName);
            for (Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> child : nodeInfo().getChildren(nodeName)) {
                JcrNodeDefinition match = this.cache.nodeTypes().findChildNodeDefinition(mixinCandidateType.getInternalName(),

                if (match == null) {
                    return false;


        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * <b>DNA Implementation Notes</b>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The criteria noted in {@link #canAddMixin(String)} must be satisifed in addition to the criteria defined in the JCR 1.0
     * specification.
     * </p>
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#addMixin(java.lang.String)
    public final void addMixin( String mixinName ) throws RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(mixinName, "mixinName");
        CheckArg.isNotZeroLength(mixinName, "mixinName");

        JcrNodeType mixinCandidateType = cache.nodeTypes().getNodeType(mixinName);

        // Check this separately since it throws a different type of exception
        if (this.isLocked()) {
            throw new LockException();

        if (!canAddMixin(mixinName)) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.cannotAddMixin.text(mixinName));


     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>
     * <b>DNA Implementation Notes</b>
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * DNA allows the removal of a mixin type if and only if all of the node's existing child nodes and properties would still
     * have a valid definition from the node's primary type or other mixin types. In practice, this means that either the node
     * must have a residual definition compatible with any of the remaining child nodes or properties that currently use a
     * definition from the to-be-removed mixin type or all of the child nodes and properties that use a definition from the
     * to-be-removed mixin type must be removed prior to calling this method.
     * </p>
     * *
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#removeMixin(java.lang.String)
    public final void removeMixin( String mixinName ) throws RepositoryException {

        if (this.isLocked()) {
            throw new LockException();

        // TODO: Check access control when that support is added
        // TODO: Throw VersionException if this node is versionable and checked in or unversionable and the nearest versionable
        // ancestor is checked in

        Property existingMixinProperty = getProperty(JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES);

        if (existingMixinProperty == null) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(JcrI18n.invalidMixinTypeForNode.text(mixinName, getPath()));

        Value[] existingMixinValues = existingMixinProperty.getValues();

        if (existingMixinValues.length == 0) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(JcrI18n.invalidMixinTypeForNode.text(mixinName, getPath()));

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Build the new list of mixin types
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        int newMixinValuesCount = existingMixinValues.length - 1;
        Value[] newMixinValues = new Value[newMixinValuesCount];
        List<Name> newMixinNames = new ArrayList<Name>(newMixinValuesCount);
        Name primaryTypeName = getPrimaryNodeType().getInternalName();

        int j = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < existingMixinValues.length; i++) {
            if (!existingMixinValues[i].getString().equals(mixinName)) {
                if (j < newMixinValuesCount) {
                    newMixinValues[j++] = existingMixinValues[i];
                } else {
                    throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(JcrI18n.invalidMixinTypeForNode.text(mixinName, getPath()));

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check that any remaining properties that use the mixin type to be removed
        // match the residual definition for the node.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        for (PropertyIterator iter = getProperties(); iter.hasNext();) {
            Property property = iter.nextProperty();
            if (mixinName.equals(property.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().getName())) {
                JcrPropertyDefinition match;

                // Only the residual definition would work - if there were any other definition for this name,
                // the mixin type would not have been added due to the conflict
                if (property.getDefinition().isMultiple()) {
                    match = cache.nodeTypes().findPropertyDefinition(primaryTypeName,
                } else {
                    match = cache.nodeTypes().findPropertyDefinition(primaryTypeName,

                if (match == null) {
                    throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.noDefinition.text("property",

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Check that any remaining child nodes that use the mixin type to be removed
        // match the residual definition for the node.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for (NodeIterator iter = getNodes(); iter.hasNext();) {
            AbstractJcrNode node = (AbstractJcrNode)iter.nextNode();
            Name childNodeName = cache.nameFactory.create(node.getName());
            int snsCount = node.nodeInfo().getChildrenCount(childNodeName);
            if (mixinName.equals(node.getDefinition().getDeclaringNodeType().getName())) {
                // Only the residual definition would work - if there were any other definition for this name,
                // the mixin type would not have been added due to the conflict
                JcrNodeDefinition match = cache.nodeTypes().findChildNodeDefinition(primaryTypeName,

                if (match == null) {
                    throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.noDefinition.text("child node",

        editor().setProperty(JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES, newMixinValues, PropertyType.NAME, false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#addNode(java.lang.String)
    public final javax.jcr.Node addNode( String relPath )
        throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException, VersionException, ConstraintViolationException, LockException,
        RepositoryException {
        return addNode(relPath, null, null);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#addNode(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public final javax.jcr.Node addNode( String relPath,
                                         String primaryNodeTypeName )
        throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException, VersionException, ConstraintViolationException, LockException,
        RepositoryException {
        return this.addNode(relPath, primaryNodeTypeName, null);

     * Adds the a new node with the given primary type (if specified) at the given relative path with the given UUID (if
     * specified).
     * @param relPath the at which the new node should be created
     * @param primaryNodeTypeName the desired primary type for the new node; null value indicates that the default primary type
     *        from the appropriate definition for this node should be used
     * @param desiredUuid the UUID (for the jcr.uuid property) of this node; may be null
     * @return the newly created node
     * @throws ItemExistsException if an item at the specified path already exists and same-name siblings are not allowed.
     * @throws PathNotFoundException if the specified path implies intermediary nodes that do not exist.
     * @throws VersionException not thrown at this time, but included for compatibility with the specification
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if the change would violate a node type or implementation-specific constraint.
     * @throws LockException not thrown at this time, but included for compatibility with the specification
     * @throws RepositoryException if another error occurs
     * @see #addNode(String, String)
    final AbstractJcrNode addNode( String relPath,
                                   String primaryNodeTypeName,
                                   UUID desiredUuid )
        throws ItemExistsException, PathNotFoundException, VersionException, ConstraintViolationException, LockException,
        RepositoryException {
        // Determine the path ...
        NodeEditor editor = null;
        Path path = null;
        try {
            path = cache.pathFactory().create(relPath);
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relPath, "relPath"));
        if (path.size() == 0) {
            throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relPath, "relPath"));
        if (path.getLastSegment().getIndex() > 1 || relPath.endsWith("]")) {
            throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relPath, "relPath"));
        if (path.size() > 1) {
            // The only segment in the path is the child name ...
            Path parentPath = path.getParent();
            try {
                // Find the parent node ...
                Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> parentOfNewNode = cache.findNode(nodeId, location.getPath(), parentPath);
                editor = cache.getEditorFor(parentOfNewNode);
            } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                // We're going to throw an exception ... the question is which one ...
                try {
                    Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> grandparent;
                    if (parentPath.size() > 1) {
                        // Per the TCK, if relPath references a property, then we have to throw a ConstraintViolationException
                        // So, if we can't find the parent, try for the parent's parent and see if the last segment of the
                        // parent's
                        // path contains a property ...
                        Path grandparentPath = parentPath.getParent();
                        assert grandparentPath != null;

                        grandparent = cache.findNode(nodeId, location.getPath(), grandparentPath); // throws
                        // PathNotFoundException
                    } else {
                        grandparent = this.nodeInfo();

                    if (grandparent.getProperty(parentPath.getLastSegment().getName()) != null) {
                        // Need to throw a ConstraintViolationException since the request was to add a child to
                        // a property ...
                        throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.invalidPathParameter.text(relPath, "relPath"));
                } catch (PathNotFoundException e2) {
                    // eat, since the original exception is what we want ...

                // Otherwise, just throw the PathNotFoundException ...
                throw e;
        } else {
            assert path.size() == 1;
            editor = editor();
        Name childName = path.getLastSegment().getName();

        // Determine the name for the primary node type
        Name childPrimaryTypeName = null;
        if (primaryNodeTypeName != null) {
            try {
                childPrimaryTypeName = cache.nameFactory().create(primaryNodeTypeName);
            } catch ( e) {
                throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.invalidNodeTypeNameParameter.text(primaryNodeTypeName,

        // Create the child ...
        return editor.createChild(childName, desiredUuid, childPrimaryTypeName);

    protected final Property removeExistingValuedProperty( String name ) throws ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        AbstractJcrProperty property = cache.findJcrProperty(nodeId, location.getPath(), nameFrom(name));
        if (property != null) {
            return property;
        // else the property doesn't exist ...
        throw new RepositoryException(JcrI18n.propertyNotFoundOnNode.text(name, getPath(), cache.workspaceName()));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, boolean)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       boolean value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(PropertyType.BOOLEAN, value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.util.Calendar)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       Calendar value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {

        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, double)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       double value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(PropertyType.DOUBLE, value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String,
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       InputStream value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, long)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       long value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(PropertyType.LONG, value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.Node)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       javax.jcr.Node value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       String value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(PropertyType.STRING, value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       String value,
                                       int type )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valueFrom(type, value));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       String[] values )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (values == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valuesFrom(PropertyType.STRING, values), PropertyType.UNDEFINED);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], int)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       String[] values,
                                       int type )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (values == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), valuesFrom(type, values), PropertyType.UNDEFINED);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.Value)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       Value value )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), (JcrValue)value);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.Value, int)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       Value value,
                                       int type )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (value == null) {
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), ((JcrValue)value).asType(type));

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.Value[])
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       Value[] values )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (values == null) {
            // If there is an existing property, then remove it ...
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        return setProperty(name, values, PropertyType.UNDEFINED);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#setProperty(java.lang.String, javax.jcr.Value[], int)
    public final Property setProperty( String name,
                                       Value[] values,
                                       int type )
        throws ValueFormatException, VersionException, LockException, ConstraintViolationException, RepositoryException {
        if (values == null) {
            // If there is an existing property, then remove it ...
            return removeExistingValuedProperty(name);

        // Set the value, perhaps to an empty array ...
        return editor().setProperty(nameFrom(name), values, type);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return <code>false</code>
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#isCheckedOut()
    public final boolean isCheckedOut() {
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#checkin()
    public final Version checkin() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#checkout()
    public final void checkout() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return <code>false</code>
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#holdsLock()
    public final boolean holdsLock() {
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @return <code>false</code>
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#isLocked()
    public final boolean isLocked() {
        return false;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#lock(boolean, boolean)
    public final Lock lock( boolean isDeep,
                            boolean isSessionScoped ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#unlock()
    public final void unlock() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getLock()
    public final Lock getLock() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#isModified()
    public final boolean isModified() {
        try {
            Node<JcrNodePayload, JcrPropertyPayload> node = nodeInfo();
            // Considered modified if *not* new but changed
            return !node.isNew() && node.isChanged(true);
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(re);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#isNew()
    public final boolean isNew() {
        try {
            return nodeInfo().isNew();
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(re);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#merge(java.lang.String, boolean)
    public final NodeIterator merge( String srcWorkspace,
                                     boolean bestEffort ) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#cancelMerge(javax.jcr.version.Version)
    public final void cancelMerge( Version version ) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#doneMerge(javax.jcr.version.Version)
    public final void doneMerge( Version version ) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getCorrespondingNodePath(java.lang.String)
    public final String getCorrespondingNodePath( String workspaceName )
        throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(workspaceName, "workspace name");
        NamespaceRegistry namespaces = this.context().getNamespaceRegistry();
        return correspondingNodePath(workspaceName).getString(namespaces);

    protected final Path correspondingNodePath( String workspaceName )
        throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        assert workspaceName != null;
        NamespaceRegistry namespaces = this.context().getNamespaceRegistry();

        // Find the closest ancestor (including this node) that is referenceable ...
        AbstractJcrNode referenceableRoot = this;
        while (!referenceableRoot.isNodeType(JcrMixLexicon.REFERENCEABLE.getString(namespaces))) {
            referenceableRoot = referenceableRoot.getParent();

        // Find the relative path from the nearest referenceable node to this node (or null if this node is referenceable) ...
        Path relativePath = path().equals(referenceableRoot.path()) ? null : path().relativeTo(referenceableRoot.path());
        UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(referenceableRoot.getUUID());
        return this.cache.getPathForCorrespondingNode(workspaceName, uuid, relativePath);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#update(java.lang.String)
    public final void update( String srcWorkspaceName ) throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, RepositoryException {
        CheckArg.isNotNull(srcWorkspaceName, "workspace name");

        if (session().hasPendingChanges()) {
            throw new InvalidItemStateException(JcrI18n.noPendingChangesAllowed.text());

        Path correspondingPath = null;
        try {
            correspondingPath = correspondingNodePath(srcWorkspaceName);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {

        // Need to force remove in case this node is not referenceable
        cache.graphSession().immediateClone(correspondingPath, srcWorkspaceName, path(), true, true);


     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getVersionHistory()
    public final VersionHistory getVersionHistory() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#getBaseVersion()
    public final Version getBaseVersion() throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#restore(java.lang.String, boolean)
    public final void restore( String versionName,
                               boolean removeExisting ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#restore(javax.jcr.version.Version, boolean)
    public final void restore( Version version,
                               boolean removeExisting ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#restore(javax.jcr.version.Version, java.lang.String, boolean)
    public final void restore( Version version,
                               String relPath,
                               boolean removeExisting ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#restoreByLabel(java.lang.String, boolean)
    public final void restoreByLabel( String versionLabel,
                                      boolean removeExisting ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException {
        throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException always
     * @see javax.jcr.Node#orderBefore(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
    public final void orderBefore( String srcChildRelPath,
                                   String destChildRelPath ) throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException, RepositoryException {
        // This implementation is correct, except for not calling the SessionCache or graph layer to do the re-order
        if (!getPrimaryNodeType().hasOrderableChildNodes()) {
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(
                                                              JcrI18n.notOrderable.text(getPrimaryNodeType().getName(), getPath()));

        PathFactory pathFactory = this.cache.pathFactory();
        Path srcPath = pathFactory.create(srcChildRelPath);
        if (srcPath.isAbsolute() || srcPath.size() != 1) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.pathNotFound.text(srcPath.getString(cache.context().getNamespaceRegistry()),
        // getLastSegment should return the only segment, since we verified that size() == 1
        Path.Segment sourceSegment = srcPath.getLastSegment();
        try {
        } catch ( e) {
            String workspaceName = this.cache.session().getWorkspace().getName();
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.pathNotFound.text(srcPath, workspaceName));

        Path.Segment destSegment = null;

        if (destChildRelPath != null) {
            Path destPath = pathFactory.create(destChildRelPath);
            if (destPath.isAbsolute() || destPath.size() != 1) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.pathNotFound.text(destPath.getString(cache.context()

            destSegment = destPath.getLastSegment();

            // getLastSegment should return the only segment, since we verified that size() == 1
            try {
            } catch ( e) {
                String workspaceName = this.cache.session().getWorkspace().getName();
                throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.pathNotFound.text(destPath, workspaceName));

        this.editor().orderChildBefore(sourceSegment, destSegment);

    protected static List<Object> createPatternsFor( String namePattern ) throws RepositoryException {
        List<Object> patterns = new LinkedList<Object>();
        for (String stringPattern : namePattern.split("[|]")) {
            stringPattern = stringPattern.trim();
            int length = stringPattern.length();
            if (length == 0) continue;
            if (stringPattern.indexOf("*") == -1) {
                // Doesn't use wildcard, so use String not Pattern
            } else {
                // We need to escape the regular expression characters ...
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
                for (int i = 0; i != length; i++) {
                    char c = stringPattern.charAt(i);
                    switch (c) {
                        // Per the spec, the the following characters are not allowed in patterns:
                        case '/':
                        case '[':
                        case ']':
                        case '\'':
                        case '"':
                        case '|':
                        case '\t':
                        case '\n':
                        case '\r':
                            String msg = JcrI18n.invalidNamePattern.text(c, namePattern);
                            throw new RepositoryException(msg);
                            // The following characters must be escaped when used in regular expressions ...
                        case '?':
                        case '(':
                        case ')':
                        case '$':
                        case '^':
                        case '.':
                        case '{':
                        case '}':
                        case '\\':
                        case '*':
                            // replace with the regular expression wildcard
                String escapedString = sb.toString();
                Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(escapedString);
        return patterns;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#refresh(boolean)
    public void refresh( boolean keepChanges ) throws RepositoryException {
        this.cache.refresh(this.nodeId, location.getPath(), keepChanges);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see javax.jcr.Item#save()
    public void save() throws RepositoryException {, location.getPath());

    public String toString() {

        try {
            PropertyIterator iter = this.getProperties();
            StringBuffer propertyBuff = new StringBuffer();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                AbstractJcrProperty prop = (AbstractJcrProperty)iter.nextProperty();
                propertyBuff.append(prop).append(", ");
            return this.getPath() + " {" + propertyBuff.toString() + "}";
        } catch (RepositoryException re) {
            return re.getMessage();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals( Object obj ) {
        if (obj == this) return true;
        if (obj instanceof AbstractJcrNode) {
            AbstractJcrNode that = (AbstractJcrNode)obj;
            if (this.cache != that.cache) return false;
            return this.location.equals(that.location);
        return false;

Related Classes of org.jboss.dna.jcr.AbstractJcrNode

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