final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit();
if (!DeploymentTypeMarker.isType(DeploymentType.WAR, deploymentUnit)) {
return; // Skip non web deployments
final ResourceRoot deploymentResourceRoot = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
final VirtualFile deploymentRoot = deploymentResourceRoot.getRoot();
if (deploymentRoot == null) {
// set the child first behaviour
final ModuleSpecification moduleSpecification = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(Attachments.MODULE_SPECIFICATION);
if (moduleSpecification == null) {
// other sub deployments should not have access to classes in the war module
// we do not want to index the resource root, only WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib
deploymentResourceRoot.putAttachment(Attachments.INDEX_RESOURCE_ROOT, false);
// Make sure the root does not end up in the module
ModuleRootMarker.mark(deploymentResourceRoot, false);
// TODO: This needs to be ported to add additional resource roots the standard way
final MountHandle mountHandle = deploymentResourceRoot.getMountHandle();
try {
// add standard resource roots, this should eventually replace ClassPathEntry
final List<ResourceRoot> resourceRoots = createResourceRoots(deploymentRoot, mountHandle);
for (ResourceRoot root : resourceRoots) {