final DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit();
if (!DeploymentTypeMarker.isType(DeploymentType.EAR, deploymentUnit)) {
final ResourceRoot deploymentRoot = phaseContext.getDeploymentUnit().getAttachment(Attachments.DEPLOYMENT_ROOT);
final VirtualFile virtualFile = deploymentRoot.getRoot();
// Make sure we don't index or add this as a module root
deploymentRoot.putAttachment(Attachments.INDEX_RESOURCE_ROOT, false);
ModuleRootMarker.mark(deploymentRoot, false);
String libDirName = DEFAULT_LIB_DIR;
//its possible that the ear metadata could come for jboss-app.xml
final boolean appXmlPresent = deploymentRoot.getRoot().getChild("META-INF/application.xml").exists();
final EarMetaData earMetaData = deploymentUnit.getAttachment(;
if (earMetaData != null) {
final String xmlLibDirName = earMetaData.getLibraryDirectory();
if (xmlLibDirName != null) {
libDirName = xmlLibDirName;
// Process all the children
try {
final VirtualFile libDir;
// process the lib directory
if (!libDirName.isEmpty()) {
libDir = virtualFile.getChild(libDirName);
if (libDir.exists()) {
List<VirtualFile> libArchives = libDir.getChildren(CHILD_ARCHIVE_FILTER);
for (final VirtualFile child : libArchives) {
final Closeable closable = child.isFile() ? mount(child, false) : null;
final MountHandle mountHandle = new MountHandle(closable);
final ResourceRoot childResource = new ResourceRoot(child, mountHandle);
if (child.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(JAR_EXTENSION)) {
deploymentUnit.addToAttachmentList(Attachments.RESOURCE_ROOTS, childResource);
} else {
libDir = null;
// scan the ear looking for wars and jars
final List<VirtualFile> childArchives = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(virtualFile.getChildren(new SuffixMatchFilter(
CHILD_ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS, new VisitorAttributes() {
public boolean isLeavesOnly() {
return false;
public boolean isRecurse(VirtualFile file) {
// don't recurse into /lib
if (file.equals(libDir)) {
return false;
for (String suffix : CHILD_ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS) {
if (file.getName().endsWith(suffix)) {
// don't recurse into sub deployments
return false;
return true;
// if there is no application.xml then look in the ear root for modules
if (!appXmlPresent) {
for (final VirtualFile child : childArchives) {
final boolean isWarFile = child.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(WAR_EXTENSION);
final boolean isRarFile = child.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(RAR_EXTENSION);
this.createResourceRoot(deploymentUnit, child, isWarFile || isRarFile, isWarFile);
} else {
final Set<VirtualFile> subDeploymentFiles = new HashSet<VirtualFile>();
// otherwise read from application.xml
for (final ModuleMetaData module : earMetaData.getModules()) {
final VirtualFile moduleFile = virtualFile.getChild(module.getFileName());
if (!moduleFile.exists()) {
throw MESSAGES.cannotProcessEarModule(virtualFile, module.getFileName());
// maintain this in a collection of subdeployment virtual files, to be used later
final boolean webArchive = module.getType() == ModuleType.Web;
final ResourceRoot childResource = this.createResourceRoot(deploymentUnit, moduleFile, true, webArchive);
childResource.putAttachment(, module);
if (!webArchive) {
final String alternativeDD = module.getAlternativeDD();
if (alternativeDD != null && alternativeDD.trim().length() > 0) {
final VirtualFile alternateDeploymentDescriptor = deploymentRoot.getRoot().getChild(alternativeDD);
if (!alternateDeploymentDescriptor.exists()) {
throw MESSAGES.alternateDeploymentDescriptor(alternateDeploymentDescriptor, moduleFile);
switch (module.getType()) {
case Client:
childResource.putAttachment(, alternateDeploymentDescriptor);
case Connector:
childResource.putAttachment(, alternateDeploymentDescriptor);
case Ejb:
childResource.putAttachment(, alternateDeploymentDescriptor);
case Web:
childResource.putAttachment(, alternateDeploymentDescriptor);
// now check the rest of the archive for any other jar/sar files