if (!this.viewClassName.equals(viewClassOfInvokedMethod) || !this.viewMethod.equals(invokedMethod)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(this.getClass().getName() + " cannot handle method "
+ invokedMethod + " of view class " + viewClassOfInvokedMethod + ".Expected view " +
"method to be " + viewMethod + " on view class " + viewClassName);
final EJBComponent ejbComponent = (EJBComponent) component;
// check @DenyAll/exclude-list
if (ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.isAccessDenied()) {
throw new EJBAccessException("Invocation on method: " + invokedMethod + " of bean: " + ejbComponent.getComponentName()
+ " is not allowed");
// If @PermitAll isn't applicable for the method then check the allowed roles
if (!ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.isPermitAll()) {
// get allowed roles (if any) for this method invocation
final Collection<String> allowedRoles = ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.getRolesAllowed();
if (!allowedRoles.isEmpty()) {
// call the security API to do authorization check
final SimpleSecurityManager securityManager = ejbComponent.getSecurityManager();
if (!securityManager.isCallerInRole(allowedRoles.toArray(new String[allowedRoles.size()]))) {
throw new EJBAccessException("Invocation on method: " + invokedMethod + " of bean: " +
ejbComponent.getComponentName() + " is not allowed");
// successful authorization, let the invocation proceed
return context.proceed();