// Should create a CORBA interface repository?
final boolean interfaceRepositorySupported = false;
// Build binding name of the bean.
final EJBComponent component = ejbComponentInjectedValue.getValue();
final String earApplicationName = component.getEarApplicationName();
if (iiopMetaData != null && iiopMetaData.getBindingName() != null) {
name = iiopMetaData.getBindingName();
} else if (useQualifiedName) {
if (component.getDistinctName() == null || component.getDistinctName().isEmpty()) {
name = earApplicationName == null || earApplicationName.isEmpty() ? "" : earApplicationName + "/";
name = name + component.getModuleName() + "/" + component.getComponentName();
} else {
name = earApplicationName == null || earApplicationName.isEmpty() ? "" : earApplicationName + "/";
name = name + component.getModuleName() + "/" + component.getDistinctName() + "/" + component.getComponentName();
} else {
name = component.getComponentName();
name = name.replace(".", "_");
final ORB orb = this.orb.getValue();
if (interfaceRepositorySupported) {
// Create a CORBA interface repository for the enterprise bean
iri = new InterfaceRepository(orb, irPoa.getValue(), name);
// Add bean interface info to the interface repository
EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.cobraInterfaceRepository(name, orb.object_to_string(iri.getReference()));
IORSecurityConfigMetaData iorSecurityConfigMetaData = this.iorSecConfigMetaData.getOptionalValue();
if (this.iiopMetaData != null && this.iiopMetaData.getIorSecurityConfigMetaData() != null)
iorSecurityConfigMetaData = this.iiopMetaData.getIorSecurityConfigMetaData();
// Create security policies if security metadata has been provided.
List<Policy> policyList = new ArrayList<Policy>();
if (iorSecurityConfigMetaData != null) {
// Create csiv2Policy for both home and remote containing IorSecurityConfigMetadata.
final Any secPolicy = orb.create_any();
Policy csiv2Policy = orb.create_policy(CSIv2Policy.TYPE, secPolicy);
// Create SSLPolicy (SSL_REQUIRED ensures home and remote IORs will have port 0 in the primary address).
boolean sslRequired = false;
if (iorSecurityConfigMetaData != null) {
IORTransportConfigMetaData tc = iorSecurityConfigMetaData.getTransportConfig();
sslRequired = IORTransportConfigMetaData.INTEGRITY_REQUIRED.equals(tc.getIntegrity())
|| IORTransportConfigMetaData.CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED.equals(tc.getConfidentiality())
|| IORTransportConfigMetaData.ESTABLISH_TRUST_IN_CLIENT_REQUIRED.equals(tc.getEstablishTrustInClient());
final Any sslPolicyValue = orb.create_any();
SSLPolicyValueHelper.insert(sslPolicyValue, (sslRequired) ? SSLPolicyValue.SSL_REQUIRED : SSLPolicyValue.SSL_NOT_REQUIRED);
Policy sslPolicy = orb.create_policy(SSL_POLICY_TYPE.value, sslPolicyValue);
EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debug("container's SSL policy: " + sslPolicy);
String securityDomain = "CORBA_REMOTE"; //TODO: what should this default to
if (component.getSecurityMetaData() != null) {
securityDomain = component.getSecurityMetaData().getSecurityDomain();
Policy[] policies = policyList.toArray(new Policy[policyList.size()]);
// If there is an interface repository, then get the homeInterfaceDef from the IR
InterfaceDef homeInterfaceDef = null;
if (iri != null) {
Repository ir = iri.getReference();
homeInterfaceDef = InterfaceDefHelper.narrow(ir.lookup_id(homeRepositoryIds[0]));
// Get the POACurrent object
Current poaCurrent = CurrentHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("POACurrent"));
// Instantiate home servant, bind it to the servant registry, and create CORBA reference to the EJBHome.
final EjbCorbaServant homeServant = new EjbCorbaServant(poaCurrent, homeMethodMap, homeRepositoryIds, homeInterfaceDef,
orb, homeView.getValue(), factory, configuration, component.getTransactionManager(), module.getClassLoader(), true, securityDomain);
homeServantRegistry = poaRegistry.getValue().getRegistryWithPersistentPOAPerServant();
ReferenceFactory homeReferenceFactory = homeServantRegistry.bind(homeServantName(name), homeServant, policies);
final org.omg.CORBA.Object corbaRef = homeReferenceFactory.createReference(homeRepositoryIds[0]);
//we do this twice to force eager dynamic stub creation
ejbHome = (EJBHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(corbaRef, EJBHome.class);
final HomeHandleImplIIOP homeHandle = new HomeHandleImplIIOP(orb.object_to_string(corbaRef));
// Initialize beanPOA and create metadata depending on the kind of bean
if (component instanceof EntityBeanComponent) {
// This is an entity bean (lifespan: persistent)
beanServantRegistry = poaRegistry.getValue().getRegistryWithPersistentPOAPerServant();
final EntityBeanComponent entityBeanComponent = (EntityBeanComponent) component;
final Class pkClass = entityBeanComponent.getPrimaryKeyClass();
ejbMetaData = new EJBMetaDataImplIIOP(entityBeanComponent.getRemoteClass(), entityBeanComponent.getHomeClass(), pkClass, false, false, homeHandle);
} else {
// This is a session bean (lifespan: transient)
beanServantRegistry = poaRegistry.getValue().getRegistryWithTransientPOAPerServant();
if (component instanceof StatelessSessionComponent) {
// Stateless session bean
ejbMetaData = new EJBMetaDataImplIIOP(remoteView.getValue().getViewClass(), homeView.getValue().getViewClass(), null, true, true, homeHandle);
} else {
// Stateful session bean
ejbMetaData = new EJBMetaDataImplIIOP(remoteView.getValue().getViewClass(), homeView.getValue().getViewClass(), null, true, false, homeHandle);
// If there is an interface repository, then get the beanInterfaceDef from the IR
InterfaceDef beanInterfaceDef = null;
if (iri != null) {
final Repository ir = iri.getReference();
beanInterfaceDef = InterfaceDefHelper.narrow(ir.lookup_id(beanRepositoryIds[0]));
// Instantiate the ejb object servant and bind it to the servant registry.
final EjbCorbaServant beanServant = new EjbCorbaServant(poaCurrent, beanMethodMap, beanRepositoryIds,
beanInterfaceDef, orb, remoteView.getValue(), factory, configuration, component.getTransactionManager(),
module.getClassLoader(), false, securityDomain);
beanReferenceFactory = beanServantRegistry.bind(beanServantName(name), beanServant, policies);
// Register bean home in local CORBA naming context
rebind(corbaNamingContext.getValue(), name, corbaRef);
EjbLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.debug("Home IOR for " + component.getComponentName() + " bound to " + this.name + " in CORBA naming service");
//now eagerly force stub creation, so de-serialization of stubs will work correctly
final ClassLoader cl = WildFlySecurityManager.getCurrentContextClassLoaderPrivileged();
try {