
Examples of$NonFunctionalTimerService

    protected Interceptor create(final Component component, final InterceptorFactoryContext context) {
        if (component instanceof EJBComponent == false) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected component type: " + component.getClass() + " expected: " + EJBComponent.class);
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = (EJBComponent) component;
        final SimpleSecurityManager securityManager = ejbComponent.getSecurityManager();
        final EJBSecurityMetaData securityMetaData = ejbComponent.getSecurityMetaData();
        final String securityDomain = securityMetaData.getSecurityDomain();
        if (securityDomain == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("EJB " + ejbComponent.getComponentName() + " is enabled for security but doesn't have a security domain set");
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("Using security domain: " + securityDomain + " for EJB " + ejbComponent.getComponentName());
        final String runAs = securityMetaData.getRunAs();
        // TODO - We should do something with DeclaredRoles although it never has much meaning in JBoss AS
        // TODO: must come from metadata
        final String runAsPrincipal = "run-as-principal";
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        if (!this.viewClassName.equals(viewClassOfInvokedMethod) || !this.viewMethod.equals(invokedMethod)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(this.getClass().getName() + " cannot handle method "
                    + invokedMethod + " of view class " + viewClassOfInvokedMethod + ".Expected view " +
                    "method to be " + viewMethod + " on view class " + viewClassName);
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = (EJBComponent) component;
        // check @DenyAll/exclude-list
        if (ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.isAccessDenied()) {
            throw new EJBAccessException("Invocation on method: " + invokedMethod + " of bean: " + ejbComponent.getComponentName()
                    + " is not allowed");
        // If @PermitAll isn't applicable for the method then check the allowed roles
        if (!ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.isPermitAll()) {
            // get allowed roles (if any) for this method invocation
            final Collection<String> allowedRoles = ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.getRolesAllowed();
            if (!allowedRoles.isEmpty()) {
                // call the security API to do authorization check
                final SimpleSecurityManager securityManager = ejbComponent.getSecurityManager();
                if (!securityManager.isCallerInRole(allowedRoles.toArray(new String[allowedRoles.size()]))) {
                    throw new EJBAccessException("Invocation on method: " + invokedMethod + " of bean: " +
                            ejbComponent.getComponentName() + " is not allowed");
        // successful authorization, let the invocation proceed
        return context.proceed();
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    protected void processInvocation(final EJBClientInvocationContext invocation, final EJBReceiverInvocationContext receiverContext) throws Exception {
        final EJBLocator locator = invocation.getLocator();
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = findBean(locator.getAppName(), locator.getModuleName(), locator.getDistinctName(), locator.getBeanName());
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = ejb.getEjbComponent();

        final Class<?> viewClass = invocation.getViewClass();
        final ComponentView view = ejb.getView(viewClass.getName());
        if (view == null) {
            throw EjbLogger.EJB3_LOGGER.viewNotFound(viewClass.getName(), ejb.getEjbName());
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    protected <T> StatefulEJBLocator<T> openSession(EJBReceiverContext context, Class<T> viewType, String appName, String moduleName, String distinctName, String beanName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = findBean(appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName);
        final EJBComponent component = ejbInfo.getEjbComponent();
        if (!(component instanceof StatefulSessionComponent)) {
            throw EjbLogger.EJB3_LOGGER.notStatefulSessionBean(beanName, appName, moduleName, distinctName);
        final StatefulSessionComponent statefulComponent = (StatefulSessionComponent) component;
        final SessionID sessionID = statefulComponent.createSession();
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    protected void processInvocation(final EJBClientInvocationContext invocation, final EJBReceiverInvocationContext receiverContext) throws Exception {
        final EJBLocator locator = invocation.getLocator();
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = findBean(locator.getAppName(), locator.getModuleName(), locator.getDistinctName(), locator.getBeanName());
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = ejb.getEjbComponent();

        final Class<?> viewClass = invocation.getViewClass();
        final ComponentView view = ejb.getView(viewClass.getName());
        if (view == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not find view " + viewClass + " for ejb " + ejb.getEjbName());
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    protected SessionID openSession(final EJBReceiverContext ejbReceiverContext, final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) throws Exception {
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = findBean(appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName);
        final EJBComponent component = ejbInfo.getEjbComponent();
        if (component instanceof StatefulSessionComponent) {
            final StatefulSessionComponent stateful = (StatefulSessionComponent) component;
            return stateful.createSession();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EJB " + beanName + " is not a Stateful Session bean in app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
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    public synchronized void start(final StartContext context) throws StartException {

        logger.debug("Starting timerservice for timedObjectId: " + getInvoker().getTimedObjectId());
        final EJBComponent component = ejbComponentInjectedValue.getValue();
        this.transactionManager = component.getTransactionManager();
        final TimedObjectInvoker invoker = timedObjectInvoker.getValue();
        if (invoker == null) {
            throw MESSAGES.invokerIsNull();
        final List<ScheduleTimer> timers = new ArrayList<ScheduleTimer>();
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    public Object processInvocation(InterceptorContext interceptorContext) throws Exception {
        try {
            // we just pass on the control and do our work only when an exception occurs
            return interceptorContext.proceed();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            final EJBComponent component = (EJBComponent) interceptorContext.getPrivateData(Component.class);
            final Method invokedMethod = interceptorContext.getMethod();
            // check if it's an application exception. If yes, then *don't* log
            final ApplicationExceptionDetails appException = component.getApplicationException(t.getClass(), invokedMethod);
            if (appException == null) {
                EjbLogger.EJB3_INVOCATION_LOGGER.invocationFailed(component.getComponentName(), invokedMethod, t);
            if (t instanceof Exception) {
                throw (Exception) t;
            // Typically, this interceptor (which would be the first one in the chain) would catch Exception and not Throwable since the other EJB interceptors
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    protected void processInvocation(final EJBClientInvocationContext invocation, final EJBReceiverInvocationContext receiverContext) throws Exception {
        final EJBLocator locator = invocation.getLocator();
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = findBean(locator.getAppName(), locator.getModuleName(), locator.getDistinctName(), locator.getBeanName());
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = ejb.getEjbComponent();

        final Class<?> viewClass = invocation.getViewClass();
        final ComponentView view = ejb.getView(viewClass.getName());
        if (view == null) {
            throw EjbLogger.EJB3_LOGGER.viewNotFound(viewClass.getName(), ejb.getEjbName());
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    protected <T> StatefulEJBLocator<T> openSession(EJBReceiverContext context, Class<T> viewType, String appName, String moduleName, String distinctName, String beanName) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = findBean(appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName);
        final EJBComponent component = ejbInfo.getEjbComponent();
        if (!(component instanceof StatefulSessionComponent)) {
            throw EjbLogger.EJB3_LOGGER.notStatefulSessionBean(beanName, appName, moduleName, distinctName);
        final StatefulSessionComponent statefulComponent = (StatefulSessionComponent) component;
        final SessionID sessionID = statefulComponent.createSession();
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