
Examples of$NonFunctionalTimerService

        final String viewClassOfInvokedMethod = componentView.getViewClass().getName();
        // shouldn't really happen if the interceptor was setup correctly. But let's be safe and do a check
        if (!this.viewClassName.equals(viewClassOfInvokedMethod) || !this.viewMethod.equals(invokedMethod)) {
            throw MESSAGES.failProcessInvocation(this.getClass().getName(), invokedMethod,viewClassOfInvokedMethod, viewMethod, viewClassName);
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = (EJBComponent) component;
        // check @DenyAll/exclude-list
        if (ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.isAccessDenied()) {
            throw MESSAGES.invocationOfMethodNotAllowed(invokedMethod,ejbComponent.getComponentName());
        // If @PermitAll isn't applicable for the method then check the allowed roles
        if (!ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.isPermitAll()) {
            // get allowed roles (if any) for this method invocation
            final Collection<String> allowedRoles = ejbMethodSecurityMetaData.getRolesAllowed();
            if (!allowedRoles.isEmpty()) {
                // call the security API to do authorization check
                final SimpleSecurityManager securityManager = ejbComponent.getSecurityManager();
                if (!securityManager.isCallerInRole(ejbComponent.getSecurityMetaData().getSecurityRoles(), allowedRoles.toArray(new String[allowedRoles.size()]))) {
                    throw MESSAGES.invocationOfMethodNotAllowed(invokedMethod,ejbComponent.getComponentName());
        // successful authorization, let the invocation proceed
        return context.proceed();
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        this.txAttr = txAttr;

    public Object processInvocation(InterceptorContext invocation) throws Exception {
        final EJBComponent component = (EJBComponent) invocation.getPrivateData(Component.class);
        switch (txAttr) {
            case MANDATORY:
                return mandatory(invocation, component);
            case NEVER:
                return never(invocation, component);
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    protected Object handleInvocation(final InterceptorContext invocation) throws Exception {
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = getComponent();
        TransactionManager tm = ejbComponent.getTransactionManager();
        assert tm.getTransaction() == null : "can't handle BMT transaction, there is a transaction active";

        boolean exceptionThrown = false;
        try {
            return invocation.proceed();
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        throw (Exception) t;

    public Object processInvocation(InterceptorContext invocation) throws Exception {
        final EJBComponent component = (EJBComponent) invocation.getPrivateData(Component.class);

        //for timer invocations there is no view, so the methodInf is attached directly
        //to the context. Otherwise we retrive it from the invoked view
        MethodIntf methodIntf = invocation.getPrivateData(MethodIntf.class);
        if (methodIntf == null) {
            final ComponentView componentView = invocation.getPrivateData(ComponentView.class);
            if (componentView != null) {
                methodIntf = componentView.getPrivateData(MethodIntf.class);
            } else {
                methodIntf = MethodIntf.BEAN;

        final TransactionAttributeType attr = component.getTransactionAttributeType(methodIntf, invocation.getMethod());
        switch (attr) {
            case MANDATORY:
                return mandatory(invocation, component);
            case NEVER:
                return never(invocation, component);
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    public synchronized void start(final StartContext context) throws StartException {

        logger.debug("Starting timerservice for timedObjectId: " + getInvoker().getTimedObjectId());
        final EJBComponent component = ejbComponentInjectedValue.getValue();
        this.transactionManager = component.getTransactionManager();
        final TimedObjectInvoker invoker = component.getTimedObjectInvoker();
        if (invoker == null) {
            throw MESSAGES.invokerIsNull();
        final List<ScheduleTimer> timers = new ArrayList<ScheduleTimer>();
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        public Object getInstance() {
            // get the current invocation context and the EJBComponent out of it
            final InterceptorContext currentInvocationContext = CurrentInvocationContext.get();
            final EJBComponent ejbComponent = (EJBComponent) currentInvocationContext.getPrivateData(Component.class);
            if (ejbComponent == null) {
                throw MESSAGES.failToGetEjbComponent(currentInvocationContext);
            return ejbComponent.getTimerService();
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            // Should create a CORBA interface repository?
            final boolean interfaceRepositorySupported = false;

            final EJBComponent component = ejbComponentInjectedValue.getValue();
            final String earApplicationName = component.getEarApplicationName();
            if (component.getDistinctName() == null || component.getDistinctName().isEmpty()) {
                name = earApplicationName == null  || earApplicationName.isEmpty() ? "" : earApplicationName + "/";
                name = name + component.getModuleName() + "/" + component.getComponentName();
            } else {
                name = earApplicationName == null || earApplicationName.isEmpty() ? "" : earApplicationName + "/";
                name = name + component.getModuleName() + "/" + component.getDistinctName() + "/" + component.getComponentName();
            name = name.replace(".", "_");
            final ORB orb = this.orb.getValue();
            if (interfaceRepositorySupported) {
                // Create a CORBA interface repository for the enterprise bean
                iri = new InterfaceRepository(orb, irPoa.getValue(), name);
                // Add bean interface info to the interface repository
      "CORBA interface repository for " + name + ": " + orb.object_to_string(iri.getReference()));

            // Create csiv2Policy for both home and remote containing IorSecurityConfigMetadata
            final Any secPolicy = orb.create_any();
            IORSecurityConfigMetaData securityConfig =  container.getBeanMetaData().getIorSecurityConfigMetaData();
            // if no security metadata was found, get the default metadata from the registry.
            if (securityConfig == null) {
                securityConfig = (IORSecurityConfigMetaData) Registry.lookup(CorbaORBService.IOR_SECURITY_CONFIG);
            //TODO: setup security config
            final IORSecurityConfigMetaData securityConfig = null;
            csiv2Policy = null; // = orb.create_policy(CSIv2Policy.TYPE, secPolicy);

            // Create SSLPolicy
            //    (SSL_REQUIRED ensures home and remote IORs
            //     will have port 0 in the primary address)
            boolean sslRequired = false;
            if (securityConfig != null) {
                IORTransportConfigMetaData tc = securityConfig.getTransportConfig();
                sslRequired = tc.getIntegrity() ==
                        || tc.getConfidentiality() ==
                        || tc.getEstablishTrustInClient() ==
            final Any sslPolicyValue = orb.create_any();
            SSLPolicyValueHelper.insert(sslPolicyValue, (sslRequired) ? SSLPolicyValue.SSL_REQUIRED : SSLPolicyValue.SSL_NOT_REQUIRED);
            sslPolicy = null; //orb.create_policy(SSL_POLICY_TYPE.value, sslPolicyValue);
            logger.debug("container's SSL policy: " + sslPolicy);

            // Get the POACurrent object
            poaCurrent = CurrentHelper.narrow(orb.resolve_initial_references("POACurrent"));

            Policy[] policies = {};
            if (codebasePolicy == null)
                policies = new Policy[]{sslPolicy, csiv2Policy};
                policies = new Policy[]{codebasePolicy, sslPolicy, csiv2Policy};

            // If there is an interface repository, then get
            // the homeInterfaceDef from the IR
            InterfaceDef homeInterfaceDef = null;
            if (iri != null) {
                Repository ir = iri.getReference();
                homeInterfaceDef = InterfaceDefHelper.narrow(ir.lookup_id(homeRepositoryIds[0]));

            // Instantiate home servant, bind it to the servant registry, and
            // create CORBA reference to the EJBHome.
            homeServantRegistry = poaRegistry.getValue().getRegistryWithPersistentPOAPerServant();

            final EjbHomeCorbaServant homeServant = new EjbHomeCorbaServant(homeMethodMap, homeRepositoryIds, homeInterfaceDef, orb, homeView.getValue(), deploymentRepository.getValue(), component.getTransactionManager());

            homeReferenceFactory = homeServantRegistry.bind(homeServantName(name), homeServant, policies);

            final org.omg.CORBA.Object corbaRef = homeReferenceFactory.createReference(homeRepositoryIds[0]);
            ejbHome = (EJBHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(corbaRef, EJBHome.class);
            homeServant.setHomeHandle(new HomeHandleImplIIOP(corbaRef));

            // Initialize beanPOA and create metadata depending on the kind of bean
            if (component instanceof EntityBeanComponent) {

                // This is an entity bean (lifespan: persistent)
                beanServantRegistry = poaRegistry.getValue().getRegistryWithPersistentPOAPerServant();
                final EntityBeanComponent entityBeanComponent = (EntityBeanComponent) component;
                final Class pkClass = entityBeanComponent.getPrimaryKeyClass();
                ejbMetaData = new EJBMetaDataImp(entityBeanComponent.getRemoteClass(), entityBeanComponent.getHomeClass(), pkClass, false, false, ejbHome);
            } else {
                // This is a session bean (lifespan: transient)
                beanServantRegistry = poaRegistry.getValue().getRegistryWithTransientPOAPerServant();
                if (component instanceof StatelessSessionComponent) {
                    // Stateless session bean
                    ejbMetaData = new EJBMetaDataImp(remoteView.getValue().getViewClass(), homeView.getValue().getViewClass(), null, true, true, ejbHome);
                } else {
                    // Stateful session bean
                    ejbMetaData = new EJBMetaDataImp(remoteView.getValue().getViewClass(), homeView.getValue().getViewClass(), null, true, false, ejbHome);

            // If there is an interface repository, then get
            // the beanInterfaceDef from the IR
            InterfaceDef beanInterfaceDef = null;
            if (iri != null) {
                final Repository ir = iri.getReference();
                beanInterfaceDef = InterfaceDefHelper.narrow(ir.lookup_id(beanRepositoryIds[0]));

            final EjbObjectCorbaServant beanServant = new EjbObjectCorbaServant(poaCurrent, beanMethodMap, beanRepositoryIds, beanInterfaceDef, orb, remoteView.getValue(), factory, configuration, component.getTransactionManager());

            beanReferenceFactory = beanServantRegistry.bind(beanServantName(name), beanServant, policies);

            final NamingContextExt corbaContext = corbaNamingContext.getValue();

            // Register bean home in local CORBA naming context
            rebind(corbaContext, name, corbaRef);
            logger.debug("Home IOR for " + component.getComponentName() + " bound to " + name + " in CORBA naming service");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new StartException(e);
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     * @param locator The locator
     * @return The corba reference
    public Object referenceForLocator(final EJBLocator<? extends Object> locator) {
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = ejbComponentInjectedValue.getValue();
        try {
            final String earApplicationName = ejbComponent.getEarApplicationName() == null ? "" : ejbComponent.getEarApplicationName();
            if (locator.getBeanName().equals(ejbComponent.getComponentName()) &&
                    locator.getAppName().equals(earApplicationName) &&
                    locator.getModuleName().equals(ejbComponent.getModuleName()) &&
                    locator.getDistinctName().equals(ejbComponent.getDistinctName())) {
                if (locator instanceof EJBHomeLocator) {
                    return ejbHome;
                } else if (locator instanceof StatelessEJBLocator) {
                    return beanReferenceFactory.createReference(beanRepositoryIds[0]);
                } else if (locator instanceof StatefulEJBLocator) {
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    protected void processInvocation(final EJBClientInvocationContext<Void> invocation, final EJBReceiverInvocationContext receiverContext) throws Exception {
        final EJBLocator locator = invocation.getLocator();
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejb = findBean(locator.getAppName(), locator.getModuleName(), locator.getDistinctName(), locator.getBeanName());
        final EJBComponent ejbComponent = ejb.getEjbComponent();

        final Class<?> viewClass = invocation.getViewClass();
        final ComponentView view = ejb.getView(viewClass.getName());
        if (view == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not find view " + viewClass + " for ejb " + ejb.getEjbName());
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    protected SessionID openSession(final EJBReceiverContext ejbReceiverContext, final String appName, final String moduleName, final String distinctName, final String beanName) throws Exception {
        final EjbDeploymentInformation ejbInfo = findBean(appName, moduleName, distinctName, beanName);
        final EJBComponent component = ejbInfo.getEjbComponent();
        if (component instanceof StatefulSessionComponent) {
            final StatefulSessionComponent stateful = (StatefulSessionComponent) component;
            return stateful.createSession();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EJB " + beanName + " is not a Stateful Session bean in app: " + appName + " module: " + moduleName + " distinct name:" + distinctName);
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