Package org.infinispan.test.fwk

Examples of org.infinispan.test.fwk.CheckPoint$EventStatus

      int preJoinTopologyId = cache0.getComponentRegistry().getStateTransferManager().getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();

      // Block any state response commands on cache0
      // So that we can install the spy ClusteringDependentLogic on cache1 before state transfer is applied
      final CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      ControlledRpcManager blockingRpcManager0 = blockStateResponseCommand(cache0);

      // Block the rebalance confirmation on cache0 (to avoid the retrying of commands)
      blockRebalanceConfirmation(manager(0), checkPoint);

      // Start the joiner
      log.tracef("Starting the cache on the joiner");
      ConfigurationBuilder c = getConfigurationBuilder();

      final AdvancedCache<Object,Object> cache1 = advancedCache(1);

      // Wait for the write CH to contain the joiner everywhere
      eventually(new Condition() {
         public boolean isSatisfied() throws Exception {
            return cache0.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2 &&
                  cache1.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2;

      // Every PutKeyValueCommand will be blocked before committing the entry on cache1
      blockEntryCommit(checkPoint, cache1);

      // Wait for cache0 to collect the state to send to cache1 (including our previous value).
      // Allow the state to be applied on cache1 (writing the old value for our entry)

      // Wait for state transfer tx/operation to call commitEntry on cache1 and block
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + null, 5, SECONDS);

      // Put/Replace/Remove from cache0 with cache0 as primary owner, cache1 as backup owner
      // The put command will be blocked on cache1 just before committing the entry.
      Future<Object> future = fork(new Callable<Object>() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
            return op.perform(cache0, key);

      // Check that the user write is blocked by the state transfer write
      boolean blocked = checkPoint.peek(3, SECONDS, "pre_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + address(0)) == null;

      // Allow state transfer to commit
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + null);

      // Check that the user operation can now commit the entry
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + address(0), 5, SECONDS);

      // Allow the user put to commit
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + address(0));

      // Wait for both state transfer and the command to commit
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + null, 10, SECONDS);
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_commit_entry_" + key + "_from_" + address(0), 10, SECONDS);

      // Wait for the command to finish and check that it didn't fail
      Object result = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      assertEquals(op.getReturnValue(), result);
      log.tracef("%s operation is done", op);

      // Allow the rebalance confirmation to proceed and wait for the topology to change everywhere
      int rebalanceTopologyId = preJoinTopologyId + 1;
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(0));
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(1));
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(cache0, cache1);

      // Check the value on all the nodes
      assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache0.get(key));
      assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache1.get(key));
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      l1Manager.addRequestor(key, c3.getCacheManager().getAddress());


      // Block the rebalance confirmation on nonOwnerCache
      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      // We have to wait until non owner has the new topology installed before transferring state
      waitUntilToplogyInstalled(c3, checkPoint);
      // Now make sure the owners doesn't have the new topology installed
      waitUntilBeforeTopologyInstalled(c1, checkPoint);
      waitUntilBeforeTopologyInstalled(c2, checkPoint);

      // Now force 1 and 3 to be owners so then 3 will get invalidation and state transfer
      factory.setOwnerIndexes(0, 2);

      EmbeddedCacheManager cm = addClusterEnabledCacheManager(configuration);

      Future<Void> join = fork(new Callable<Void>() {
         public Void call() throws Exception {
            log.debug("4th has joined");
            return null;

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_topology_installed_invoked_" + c3, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_topology_installed_invoked_" + c1, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_topology_installed_invoked_" + c2, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      assertNull(c1.put(key, newValue));

      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_topology_installed_released_" + c3);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_topology_installed_released_" + c1);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_topology_installed_released_" + c2);

      join.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      assertIsInContainerImmortal(c1, key);
      assertIsNotInL1(c2, key);
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      int preJoinTopologyId = cache0.getComponentRegistry().getStateTransferManager().getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();

      // Block any state response commands on cache0
      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      ControlledRpcManager blockingRpcManager0 = blockStateResponseCommand(cache0);

      // Block the rebalance confirmation on cache0
      blockRebalanceConfirmation(manager(0), checkPoint);

      // Start the joiner
      log.tracef("Starting the cache on the joiner");
      ConfigurationBuilder c = getConfigurationBuilder();

      final AdvancedCache<Object,Object> cache1 = advancedCache(1);
      int rebalanceTopologyId = preJoinTopologyId + 1;

      // Wait for the write CH to contain the joiner everywhere
      eventually(new Condition() {
         public boolean isSatisfied() throws Exception {
            return cache0.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2 &&
                  cache1.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2;

      // Every PutKeyValueCommand will be blocked before committing the entry on cache1
      CyclicBarrier beforeCommitCache1Barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
      BlockingInterceptor blockingInterceptor1 = new BlockingInterceptor(beforeCommitCache1Barrier,
            op.getCommandClass(), true, false);
      cache1.addInterceptorAfter(blockingInterceptor1, EntryWrappingInterceptor.class);

      // Wait for cache0 to collect the state to send to cache1 (including our previous value).

      // Put/Replace/Remove from cache0 with cache0 as primary owner, cache1 will become a backup owner for the retry
      // The put command will be blocked on cache1 just before committing the entry.
      Future<Object> future = fork(new Callable<Object>() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
            return op.perform(cache0, key);

      // Wait for the entry to be wrapped on cache1
      beforeCommitCache1Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Allow the state to be applied on cache1 (writing the old value for our entry)

      // Wait for cache1 to finish applying the state, but don't allow the rebalance confirmation to be processed.
      // (It would change the topology and it would trigger a retry for the command.)
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(1), 10, SECONDS);

      // Now allow the command to commit on cache1
      beforeCommitCache1Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Wait for the command to finish and check that it didn't fail
      Object result = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      assertEquals(op.getReturnValue(), result);
      log.tracef("%s operation is done", op);

      // Allow the rebalance confirmation to proceed and wait for the topology to change everywhere
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(0));
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + address(1));
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(cache0, cache1);

      // Check the value on all the nodes
      assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache0.get(key));
      assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache1.get(key));
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         // After the barrier  has been hit remove the interceptor, since we can just wake it up through the barrier,
         // this way the state transfer won't be blocked if the normal put occurs before it.

         // Block the rebalance confirmation on nonOwnerCache
         CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
         log.trace("Adding proxy to state transfer");
         waitUntilStateBeingTransferred(nonOwnerCache, checkPoint);


         // Wait for non owner to just about get state
         checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_state_apply_invoked_for_" + nonOwnerCache, 10, SECONDS);

         // let prepare complete and thus commit command invalidating on nonOwner
         cyclicBarrier.await(10, SECONDS);

         assertEquals(op.getReturnValue(), future.get(10, SECONDS));

         // let state transfer go
         checkPoint.trigger("pre_state_apply_release_for_" + nonOwnerCache);

         TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(primaryOwnerCache, nonOwnerCache);

         switch (op) {
            case REMOVE:
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      int preJoinTopologyId = primaryOwnerCache.getComponentRegistry().getStateTransferManager().getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();

      // Block any state response commands on cache0
      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      ControlledRpcManager blockingRpcManager0 = blockStateResponseCommand(primaryOwnerCache);

      // Block the rebalance confirmation on cache0
      blockRebalanceConfirmation(primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager(), checkPoint);

      assertEquals(primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getCoordinator(), primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress());

      // Remove the leaver
      log.trace("Stopping the cache");

      int rebalanceTopologyId = preJoinTopologyId + 2;

      // Wait for the write CH to contain the joiner everywhere
      eventually(new Condition() {
         public boolean isSatisfied() throws Exception {
            return primaryOwnerCache.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2 &&
                  nonOwnerCache.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2;

      assertEquals(primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getCoordinator(), primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress());

      // Wait for cache0 to collect the state to send to cache1 (including our previous value).

      // Every PutKeyValueCommand will be blocked before committing the entry on cache1
      CyclicBarrier beforeCommitCache1Barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
      BlockingInterceptor blockingInterceptor1 = new BlockingInterceptor(beforeCommitCache1Barrier,
                                                                         op.getCommandClass(), true, false);
      nonOwnerCache.addInterceptorAfter(blockingInterceptor1, EntryWrappingInterceptor.class);

      // Put/Replace/Remove from cache0 with cache0 as primary owner, cache1 will become a backup owner for the retry
      // The put command will be blocked on cache1 just before committing the entry.
      Future<Object> future = fork(new Callable<Object>() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
            return op.perform(primaryOwnerCache, key);

      // Wait for the entry to be wrapped on cache1
      beforeCommitCache1Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Remove the interceptor so we don't mess up any other state transfer puts

      // Allow the state to be applied on cache1 (writing the old value for our entry)

      // Wait for second in line to finish applying the state, but don't allow the rebalance confirmation to be processed.
      // (It would change the topology and it would trigger a retry for the command.)
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" +
                                   primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress(), 10, SECONDS);

      // Now allow the command to commit on cache1
      beforeCommitCache1Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Wait for the command to finish and check that it didn't fail
      Object result = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      assertEquals(op.getReturnValue(), result);
      log.tracef("%s operation is done", op);

      // Allow the rebalance confirmation to proceed and wait for the topology to change everywhere
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress());
      checkPoint.trigger("resume_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" + nonOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress());
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(primaryOwnerCache, nonOwnerCache);

      switch (op) {
         case REMOVE:
         case REMOVE_EXACT:
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   public void testMemberJoinsWhileClusterListenerInstalled() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException,
                                                                     ExecutionException {
      Cache<Object, String> cache0 = cache(0, CACHE_NAME);
      final Cache<Object, String> cache1 = cache(1, CACHE_NAME);

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      waitUntilListenerInstalled(cache0, checkPoint);
      // We don't want this blocking
      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_add_listener_release_" + cache0);

      final ClusterListener clusterListener = new ClusterListener();
      Future<Void> future = fork(new Callable<Void>() {

         public Void call() throws Exception {

            return null;

      // Now wait until the listener is about to be installed on cache1
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_add_listener_invoked_" + cache0, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // First we add the new node, but block the dist exec execution"Adding a new node ..");
      addClusterEnabledCacheManager(builderUsed);"Added a new node");

      // Now wait for cache3 to come up fully

      Cache<Object, String> cache3 = cache(3, CACHE_NAME);

      // Finally let the listener be added
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_add_listener_release_" + cache0);
      future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      MagicKey key = new MagicKey(cache3);
      verifySimpleInsertion(cache3, key, FIRST_VALUE, null, clusterListener, FIRST_VALUE);
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   public void testMemberJoinsWhileClusterListenerInstalledDuplicate() throws TimeoutException, InterruptedException,
                                                                     ExecutionException {
      Cache<Object, String> cache0 = cache(0, CACHE_NAME);
      final Cache<Object, String> cache1 = cache(1, CACHE_NAME);

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      waitUntilListenerInstalled(cache0, checkPoint);
      // We want the listener to be able to be added
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_add_listener_release_" + cache0);

      final ClusterListener clusterListener = new ClusterListener();
      Future<Void> future = fork(new Callable<Void>() {

         public Void call() throws Exception {

            return null;

      // Now wait until the listener is about to be installed on cache1
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_add_listener_invoked_" + cache0, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // First we add the new node, but block the dist exec execution"Adding a new node ..");
      addClusterEnabledCacheManager(builderUsed);"Added a new node");

      // Now wait for cache3 to come up fully

      Cache<Object, String> cache3 = cache(3, CACHE_NAME);

      // Finally let the listener be added
      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_add_listener_release_" + cache0);
      future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      MagicKey key = new MagicKey(cache3);
      verifySimpleInsertion(cache3, key, FIRST_VALUE, null, clusterListener, FIRST_VALUE);
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      final ClusterListener clusterListener = new ClusterListener();

      assertEquals(manager(0).getAddress(), manager(0).getMembers().get(0));

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      waitUntilRequestingListeners(cache0, checkPoint);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_cluster_listeners_release_" + cache0);

      // First we add the new node, but block the dist exec execution"Adding a new node ..");
      addClusterEnabledCacheManager(builderUsed);"Added a new node");

      Future<Cache<Object, String>> future = fork(new Callable<Cache<Object, String>>() {
         public Cache<Object, String> call() throws Exception {
            return cache(3, CACHE_NAME);

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_cluster_listeners_invoked_" + cache0, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Killing node 1 ..");
      // Notice we are killing the manager that doesn't have a cache with the cluster listener
      cacheManagers.remove(1);"Node 1 killed");

      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_cluster_listeners_release_" + cache0);

      // Now wait for cache3 to come up fully
      TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(10000, false, cacheManagers);
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            (cacheMode.isDistributed() ? 1 : 0));
      assertEquals(cache2.getAdvancedCache().getListeners().size(), initialCache2ListenerSize + 1);

      assertEquals(manager(0).getAddress(), manager(0).getMembers().get(0));

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();

      waitUntilRequestingListeners(cache0, checkPoint);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_cluster_listeners_release_" + cache0);

      // First we add the new node, but block the dist exec execution"Adding a new node ..");
      addClusterEnabledCacheManager(builderUsed);"Added a new node");

      Future<Cache<Object, String>> future = fork(new Callable<Cache<Object, String>>() {
         public Cache<Object, String> call() throws Exception {
            return cache(3, CACHE_NAME);

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_cluster_listeners_invoked_" + cache0, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Killing node 0 ..");
      // Notice we are killing the manager that doesn't have a cache with the cluster listener
      cacheManagers.remove(0);"Node 0 killed");

      TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(10000, false, cacheManagers);

      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_cluster_listeners_invoked_" + cache0);

      Cache<Object, String> cache3 = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      MagicKey key = new MagicKey(cache3);
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      assertEquals(cache2.getAdvancedCache().getListeners().size(), initialCache2ListenerSize + 1);

      // Make sure cache0 will  be the one will get the cluster listener request
      assertEquals(manager(0).getAddress(), manager(0).getMembers().get(0));

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();

      waitUntilRequestingListeners(cache0, checkPoint);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_cluster_listeners_release_" + cache0);
      waitUntilViewChangeOccurs(manager(1), "manager1", checkPoint);

      // We let the first view change occur just fine on cache1 (this will be the addition of cache3).
      // What we want to block is the second one which is the removal of cache0
      checkPoint.trigger("pre_view_listener_release_" + "manager1");

      // First we add the new node, but block the dist exec execution"Adding a new node ..");
      addClusterEnabledCacheManager(builderUsed);"Added a new node");

      waitUntilViewChangeOccurs(manager(3), "manager3", checkPoint);
      // We don't want to block the view listener change on cache3
      checkPoint.trigger("pre_view_listener_release_" + "manager3");

      Future<Cache<Object, String>> future = fork(new Callable<Cache<Object, String>>() {
         public Cache<Object, String> call() throws Exception {
            return cache(3, CACHE_NAME);

      // Wait for view change to occur on cache1 for the addition of cache3
      // Note we haven't triggered the view change for cache1 for the following removal yet
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_view_listener_invoked_" + "manager1", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      // Wait for the cluster listener request to come into cache0 which is from cache3
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_cluster_listeners_invoked_" + cache0, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Now we kill cache0 while it is processing the request from cache3, which will in turn force it to ask cache1"Killing node 0 ..");
      cacheManagers.remove(0);"Node 0 killed");

      // TODO: need a away to verify that the response was sent back to cache3 before releasing the next line.  However
      // with no reference to cache I don't think this is possible.  If this can be fixed then test can be reenabled
      Cache<Object, String> cache3 = future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Now we can finally let the view change complete on cache1
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_view_listener_release_" + "manager1");

      // Now wait for cache3 to come up fully
      TestingUtil.blockUntilViewsReceived(60000, false, cache1, cache2);
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(cache1, cache2);
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.test.fwk.CheckPoint$EventStatus

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