Package org.infinispan.test.fwk

Examples of org.infinispan.test.fwk.CheckPoint$EventStatus

      Cache<Object, String> cache2 = cache(2, CACHE_NAME);

      ClusterListener clusterListener = listener();

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      waitUntilNotificationRaised(cache1, checkPoint);

      final MagicKey key = new MagicKey(cache1, cache2);
      Future<String> future = fork(new Callable<String>() {
         public String call() throws Exception {
            return cache0.put(key, FIRST_VALUE);

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_raise_notification_invoked", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Kill the cache now - note this will automatically unblock the fork thread

      future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
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      log.debugf("Controlled cache=%s, Coordinator cache=%s, Cache to remove=%s", addressOf(testCaches.controllerCache),
                 addressOf(testCaches.coordinator), testCaches.removeIndex < 0 ? "NONE" : addressOf(cache(LON, testCaches.removeIndex)));

      //the test node will start the x-site state transfer and it will block. next, it the topology will change.
      //strategy: let the first push command to proceed a block the next one.
      final CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      final AtomicBoolean firstChunk = new AtomicBoolean(false);
                          new WrapFactory<Transport, Transport, CacheContainer>() {
                             public Transport wrap(CacheContainer wrapOn, Transport current) {
                                return new AbstractDelegatingTransport(current) {
                                   public void start() {
                                      //no-op; avoid re-start the transport again...

                                   public BackupResponse backupRemotely(Collection<XSiteBackup> backups, XSiteReplicateCommand rpcCommand) throws Exception {
                                      if (rpcCommand instanceof XSiteStatePushCommand) {
                                         if (firstChunk.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                                            checkPoint.awaitStrict("second-chunk", 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                      return super.backupRemotely(backups, rpcCommand);
                          }, true);

      log.debug("Start x-site state transfer");
      startStateTransfer(testCaches.coordinator, NYC);
      assertOnline(LON, NYC);

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("before-second-chunk", 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      final Future<Void> topologyEventFuture = triggerTopologyChange(LON, testCaches.removeIndex);



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      final TestCaches<Object, Object> testCaches = createTestCache(event, NYC);

      final CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      final AtomicBoolean discard = new AtomicBoolean(true);

      wrapGlobalComponent(cache(NYC, 0).getCacheManager(),
                          new WrapFactory<BackupReceiverRepository, BackupReceiverRepository, CacheContainer>() {
                             public BackupReceiverRepository wrap(final CacheContainer wrapOn, final BackupReceiverRepository current) {
                                BackupReceiverRepositoryDelegator delegator = new BackupReceiverRepositoryDelegator(current) {

                                   private final Set<Address> addressSet = new HashSet<>();

                                   public BackupReceiver getBackupReceiver(String originSiteName, String cacheName) {
                                      return new BackupReceiverDelegator(super.getBackupReceiver(originSiteName, cacheName)) {
                                         public void handleStateTransferState(XSiteStatePushCommand cmd) throws Exception {
                                            log.debugf("Applying state: %s", cmd);
                                            if (!discard.get()) {
                                            DistributionManager manager = delegate.getCache().getAdvancedCache().getDistributionManager();
                                            synchronized (addressSet) {
                                               //discard the state message when all member has received at least one chunk!
                                               if (addressSet.size() == 3) {
                                                  checkPoint.awaitStrict("blocked", 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                                               for (XSiteState state : cmd.getChunk()) {
                                JGroupsTransport t = (JGroupsTransport) extractGlobalComponent(wrapOn, Transport.class);
                                CommandAwareRpcDispatcher card = t.getCommandAwareRpcDispatcher();
                                replaceField(delegator, "backupReceiverRepository", card, CommandAwareRpcDispatcher.class);
                                return delegator;
                          }, true);

      log.debug("Start x-site state transfer");
      startStateTransfer(testCaches.coordinator, NYC);
      assertOnline(LON, NYC);

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("before-block", 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      Future<?> topologyChangeFuture = triggerTopologyChange(NYC, testCaches.removeIndex);

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      final TestCaches<Object, Object> testCaches = createTestCache(event, NYC);

      final BlockingLocalTopologyManager topologyManager = replaceTopologyManager(testCaches.controllerCache.getCacheManager());
      final CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();

      wrapGlobalComponent(cache(NYC, 0).getCacheManager(),
                          new WrapFactory<BackupReceiverRepository, BackupReceiverRepository, CacheContainer>() {
                             public BackupReceiverRepository wrap(final CacheContainer wrapOn, final BackupReceiverRepository current) {
                                BackupReceiverRepositoryDelegator delegator = new BackupReceiverRepositoryDelegator(current) {
                                   public BackupReceiver getBackupReceiver(String originSiteName, String cacheName) {
                                      return new BackupReceiverDelegator(super.getBackupReceiver(originSiteName, cacheName)) {
                                         public void handleStateTransferState(XSiteStatePushCommand cmd) throws Exception {
                                JGroupsTransport t = (JGroupsTransport) extractGlobalComponent(wrapOn, Transport.class);
                                CommandAwareRpcDispatcher card = t.getCommandAwareRpcDispatcher();
                                replaceField(delegator, "backupReceiverRepository", card, CommandAwareRpcDispatcher.class);
                                return delegator;
                          }, true);


      final Future<Void> topologyEventFuture = triggerTopologyChange(NYC, testCaches.removeIndex);


      log.debug("Start x-site state transfer");
      startStateTransfer(testCaches.coordinator, NYC);
      assertOnline(LON, NYC);

      //in the current implementation, the x-site state transfer is not triggered while the rebalance is in progress.
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("before-chunk", 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


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      Future<String> future = c1.putAsync(key, newValue);

      barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Block the rebalance confirmation on nonOwnerCache
      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      // We have to wait until non owner has the new topology installed before transferring state
      waitUntilToplogyInstalled(c3, checkPoint);
      // Now make sure the owners doesn't have the new topology installed
      waitUntilBeforeTopologyInstalled(c1, checkPoint);
      waitUntilBeforeTopologyInstalled(c2, checkPoint);

      // Now force 1 and 3 to be owners so then 3 will get invalidation and state transfer
      factory.setOwnerIndexes(0, 2);

      EmbeddedCacheManager cm = addClusterEnabledCacheManager(configuration);

      Future<Void> join = fork(new Callable<Void>() {
         public Void call() throws Exception {
            log.debug("4th has joined");
            return null;

      checkPoint.awaitStrict("post_topology_installed_invoked_" + c3, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_topology_installed_invoked_" + c1, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_topology_installed_invoked_" + c2, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      assertEquals(startValue, future.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

      checkPoint.triggerForever("post_topology_installed_released_" + c3);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_topology_installed_released_" + c1);
      checkPoint.triggerForever("pre_topology_installed_released_" + c2);

      join.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      assertIsInContainerImmortal(c1, key);
      assertIsNotInL1(c2, key);
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      ownerCache.put(key, firstValue);

      assertIsNotInL1(nonOwnerCache, key);

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      waitUntilAboutToAcquireLock(nonOwnerCache, checkPoint);

      log.warn("Doing get here - ignore all previous");

      Future<String> getFuture = nonOwnerCache.getAsync(key);

      // Wait until we are about to write value into data container on non owner
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_acquire_shared_topology_lock_invoked", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      Future<String> putFuture = ownerCache.putAsync(key, secondValue);

      try {
         putFuture.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
         fail("Should have thrown a TimeoutException");
      } catch (TimeoutException e) {

      // Let the get complete finally

      Assert.assertEquals(firstValue, getFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

      Assert.assertEquals(firstValue, putFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
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      ownerCache.put(key, firstValue);

      assertIsNotInL1(nonOwnerCache, key);

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      StateTransferLock lock = waitUntilAboutToAcquireLock(nonOwnerCache, checkPoint);

      try {
         log.warn("Doing get here - ignore all previous");

         Future<String> getFuture = nonOwnerCache.getAsync(key);

         // Wait until we are about to write value into data container on non owner
         checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_acquire_shared_topology_lock_invoked", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         Future<String> getFuture2 = nonOwnerCache.getAsync(key);

         try {
            getFuture2.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            fail("Should have thrown a TimeoutException");
         } catch (TimeoutException e) {

         // Let the get complete finally

         Assert.assertEquals(firstValue, getFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

         Assert.assertEquals(firstValue, getFuture2.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
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      final Cache<Object, String> nonOwnerCache = getFirstNonOwner(key);
      final Cache<Object, String> ownerCache = getFirstOwner(key);

      assertIsNotInL1(nonOwnerCache, key);

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      L1Manager l1Manager = waitUntilL1Registration(nonOwnerCache, checkPoint);

      try {
         log.warn("Doing get here - ignore all previous");

         Future<String> getFuture = nonOwnerCache.getAsync(key);

         // Wait until we are about to write value into data container on non owner
         checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_acquire_shared_topology_lock_invoked", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         Future<String> getFuture2 = nonOwnerCache.getAsync(key);

         try {
            getFuture2.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            fail("Should have thrown a TimeoutException");
         } catch (TimeoutException e) {

         // Let the get complete finally

         Assert.assertNull(getFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

         Assert.assertNull(getFuture2.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
      } finally {
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      ownerCache.put(key, firstValue);

      assertIsNotInL1(nonOwnerCache, key);

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      waitUntilAboutToAcquireLock(nonOwnerCache, checkPoint);

      log.warn("Doing get here - ignore all previous");

      Future<String> getFuture = nonOwnerCache.getAsync(key);

      // Wait until we are about to write value into data container on non owner
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_acquire_shared_topology_lock_invoked", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      Future<String> putFuture = nonOwnerCache.putAsync(key, secondValue);

      try {
         putFuture.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
         fail("Should have thrown a TimeoutException");
      } catch (TimeoutException e) {

      // Let the get complete finally

      Assert.assertEquals(firstValue, getFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

      Assert.assertEquals(firstValue, putFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
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   private void doTest(final boolean conditional) throws Exception {
      final String key = "testkey";

      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      LocalTopologyManager ltm0 = TestingUtil.extractGlobalComponent(manager(0), LocalTopologyManager.class);
      int preJoinTopologyId = ltm0.getCacheTopology(CACHE_NAME).getTopologyId();

      final AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache0 = advancedCache(0);
      addBlockingLocalTopologyManager(manager(0), checkPoint, preJoinTopologyId);

      final AdvancedCache<Object, Object> cache1 = advancedCache(1);
      addBlockingLocalTopologyManager(manager(1), checkPoint, preJoinTopologyId);

      // Add a new member and block the rebalance before the final topology is installed
      ConfigurationBuilder c = getConfigurationBuilder();
      addBlockingLocalTopologyManager(manager(2), checkPoint, preJoinTopologyId);

      log.tracef("Starting the cache on the joiner");
      final AdvancedCache<Object,Object> cache2 = advancedCache(2);
      int duringJoinTopologyId = preJoinTopologyId + 1;

      checkPoint.trigger("allow_topology_" + duringJoinTopologyId + "_on_" + address(0));
      checkPoint.trigger("allow_topology_" + duringJoinTopologyId + "_on_" + address(1));
      checkPoint.trigger("allow_topology_" + duringJoinTopologyId + "_on_" + address(2));

      // Wait for the write CH to contain the joiner everywhere
      eventually(new Condition() {
         public boolean isSatisfied() throws Exception {
            return cache0.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 3 &&
                  cache1.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 3 &&
                  cache2.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 3;

      CacheTopology duringJoinTopology = ltm0.getCacheTopology(CACHE_NAME);
      assertEquals(duringJoinTopologyId, duringJoinTopology.getTopologyId());
      log.tracef("Rebalance started. Found key %s with current owners %s and pending owners %s", key,
            duringJoinTopology.getCurrentCH().locateOwners(key), duringJoinTopology.getPendingCH().locateOwners(key));

      // Every PutKeyValueCommand will be blocked before reaching the distribution interceptor on cache1
      CyclicBarrier beforeCache1Barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
      BlockingInterceptor blockingInterceptor1 = new BlockingInterceptor(beforeCache1Barrier,
            PutKeyValueCommand.class, false, false);
      cache1.addInterceptorBefore(blockingInterceptor1, NonTxDistributionInterceptor.class);

      // Every PutKeyValueCommand will be blocked after returning to the distribution interceptor on cache2
      CyclicBarrier afterCache2Barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
      BlockingInterceptor blockingInterceptor2 = new BlockingInterceptor(afterCache2Barrier,
            PutKeyValueCommand.class, true, false);
      cache2.addInterceptorBefore(blockingInterceptor2, StateTransferInterceptor.class);

      // Put from cache0 with cache0 as primary owner, cache2 will become the primary owner for the retry
      Future<Object> future = fork(new Callable<Object>() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
            return conditional ? cache0.putIfAbsent(key, "v") : cache0.put(key, "v");

      // Wait for the command to be executed on cache2 and unblock it
      afterCache2Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      afterCache2Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Allow the topology update to proceed on all the caches
      int postJoinTopologyId = duringJoinTopologyId + 1;
      checkPoint.trigger("allow_topology_" + postJoinTopologyId + "_on_" + address(0));
      checkPoint.trigger("allow_topology_" + postJoinTopologyId + "_on_" + address(1));
      checkPoint.trigger("allow_topology_" + postJoinTopologyId + "_on_" + address(2));

      // Wait for the topology to change everywhere
      TestingUtil.waitForRehashToComplete(cache0, cache1, cache2);

      // Allow the put command to throw an OutdatedTopologyException on cache1
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.test.fwk.CheckPoint$EventStatus

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