Package org.infinispan.container.entries

Examples of org.infinispan.container.entries.MortalCacheEntry$Externalizer

   // TODO: Do we need this???
   public InternalCacheEntry create(Object key, Object value, Metadata metadata, long lifespan, long maxIdle) {
      if (!isStoreMetadata(metadata)) {
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) return new ImmortalCacheEntry(key, value);
         if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) return new MortalCacheEntry(key, value, lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle > -1) return new TransientCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
      } else {
         // Metadata to store, take lifespan and maxIdle settings from it
         long metaLifespan = metadata.lifespan();
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            } else {
               return new TransientCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new MortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
            } else {
               long ctm = timeService.wallClockTime();
               return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, lifespan, ctm, ctm);
      } else if (ice instanceof MortalCacheEntry) {
         if (lifespan < 0) {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new ImmortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue());
            } else {
               return new TransientCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               ((MortalCacheEntry) ice).setLifespan(lifespan);
               return ice;
            } else {
               long ctm = timeService.wallClockTime();
               return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, lifespan, ctm, ctm);
      } else if (ice instanceof TransientCacheEntry) {
         if (lifespan < 0) {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new ImmortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue());
            } else {
               ((TransientCacheEntry) ice).setMaxIdle(maxIdle);
               return ice;
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new MortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
            } else {
               long ctm = timeService.wallClockTime();
               return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, lifespan, ctm, ctm);
      } else if (ice instanceof TransientMortalCacheEntry) {
         if (lifespan < 0) {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new ImmortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue());
            } else {
               return new TransientCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new MortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
            } else {
               TransientMortalCacheEntry transientMortalEntry = (TransientMortalCacheEntry) ice;
               return ice;
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   public void testInternalCacheEntryMarshalling() throws Exception {
      ImmortalCacheEntry entry1 = (ImmortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);

      MortalCacheEntry entry2 = (MortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);

      TransientCacheEntry entry3 = (TransientCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
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      assert rvalue4.getValue().equals(value4.getValue()) : "Writen[" + rvalue4.getValue() + "] and read[" + value4.getValue() + "] objects should be the same";

   public void testBucketMarshalling() throws Exception {
      ImmortalCacheEntry entry1 = (ImmortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
      MortalCacheEntry entry2 = (MortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);
      TransientCacheEntry entry3 = (TransientCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
      TransientMortalCacheEntry entry4 = (TransientMortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
      Bucket b = new Bucket();
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   public InternalCacheEntry create(Object key, Object value, Metadata metadata) {
      long lifespan = metadata != null ? metadata.lifespan() : -1;
      long maxIdle = metadata != null ? metadata.maxIdle() : -1;
      if (!isStoreMetadata(metadata)) {
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) return new ImmortalCacheEntry(key, value);
         if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) return new MortalCacheEntry(key, value, lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle > -1) return new TransientCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
      } else {
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) return new MetadataImmortalCacheEntry(key, value, metadata);
         if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) return new MetadataMortalCacheEntry(key, value, metadata, timeService.wallClockTime());
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   public InternalCacheEntry create(Object key, Object value, EntryVersion version, long created, long lifespan, long lastUsed, long maxIdle) {
      if (version == null) {
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) return new ImmortalCacheEntry(key, value);
         if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) return new MortalCacheEntry(key, value, lifespan, created);
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle > -1) return new TransientCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lastUsed);
         return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lifespan, lastUsed, created);
      } else {
         // If no metadata passed, assumed embedded metadata
         Metadata metadata = new EmbeddedMetadata.Builder()
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   public InternalCacheEntry create(Object key, Object value, Metadata metadata, long created, long lifespan, long lastUsed, long maxIdle) {
      if (!isStoreMetadata(metadata)) {
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) return new ImmortalCacheEntry(key, value);
         if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) return new MortalCacheEntry(key, value, lifespan, created);
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle > -1) return new TransientCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lastUsed);
         return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lifespan, lastUsed, created);
      } else {
         // Metadata to store, take lifespan and maxIdle settings from it
         long metaLifespan = metadata.lifespan();
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   // TODO: Do we need this???
   public InternalCacheEntry create(Object key, Object value, Metadata metadata, long lifespan, long maxIdle) {
      if (!isStoreMetadata(metadata)) {
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle < 0) return new ImmortalCacheEntry(key, value);
         if (lifespan > -1 && maxIdle < 0) return new MortalCacheEntry(key, value, lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
         if (lifespan < 0 && maxIdle > -1) return new TransientCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(key, value, maxIdle, lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
      } else {
         // Metadata to store, take lifespan and maxIdle settings from it
         long metaLifespan = metadata.lifespan();
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            } else {
               return new TransientCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new MortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
            } else {
               long ctm = timeService.wallClockTime();
               return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, lifespan, ctm, ctm);
      } else if (ice instanceof MortalCacheEntry) {
         if (lifespan < 0) {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new ImmortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue());
            } else {
               return new TransientCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               ((MortalCacheEntry) ice).setLifespan(lifespan);
               return ice;
            } else {
               long ctm = timeService.wallClockTime();
               return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, lifespan, ctm, ctm);
      } else if (ice instanceof TransientCacheEntry) {
         if (lifespan < 0) {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new ImmortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue());
            } else {
               ((TransientCacheEntry) ice).setMaxIdle(maxIdle);
               return ice;
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new MortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
            } else {
               long ctm = timeService.wallClockTime();
               return new TransientMortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, lifespan, ctm, ctm);
      } else if (ice instanceof TransientMortalCacheEntry) {
         if (lifespan < 0) {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new ImmortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue());
            } else {
               return new TransientCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), maxIdle, timeService.wallClockTime());
         } else {
            if (maxIdle < 0) {
               return new MortalCacheEntry(ice.getKey(), ice.getValue(), lifespan, timeService.wallClockTime());
            } else {
               TransientMortalCacheEntry transientMortalEntry = (TransientMortalCacheEntry) ice;
               return ice;
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   public void testInternalCacheEntryMarshalling() throws Exception {
      ImmortalCacheEntry entry1 = (ImmortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);

      MortalCacheEntry entry2 = (MortalCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, 200000, System.currentTimeMillis(), -1);

      TransientCacheEntry entry3 = (TransientCacheEntry) TestInternalCacheEntryFactory.create("key", "value", System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000, -1, System.currentTimeMillis(), 4000000);
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.container.entries.MortalCacheEntry$Externalizer

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