Package org.infinispan.commons.hash

Examples of org.infinispan.commons.hash.Hash

      int[] numSegments = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512};
      int[] numNodes = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000};
      int[] numOwners = {1, 2, 3, 5};

      ConsistentHashFactory<DefaultConsistentHash> chf = createConsistentHashFactory();
      Hash hashFunction = new MurmurHash3();

      for (int nn : numNodes) {
         List<Address> nodes = new ArrayList<Address>(nn);
         for (int j = 0; j < nn; j++) {
            nodes.add(new TestAddress(j));
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      // * num_owners(s) == numOwners, for each segment s
      // * floor(numSegments/numNodes) <= num_segments_primary_owned(n) for each node n
      // * num_segments_primary_owned(n) <= ceil(numSegments/numNodes) for each node n
      // * floor(numSegments*numOwners/numNodes) <= num_segments_owned(n) for each node n
      // * num_segments_owned(n) <= ceil(numSegments*numOwners/numNodes) for each node n
      Hash hashFunction = baseCH.getHashFunction();

      Builder builder = new Builder(baseCH);

      DefaultConsistentHash balancedCH =;
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      public DefaultConsistentHash readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         int numSegments = unmarshaller.readInt();
         int numOwners = unmarshaller.readInt();
         List<Address> members = (List<Address>) unmarshaller.readObject();
         Hash hash = (Hash) unmarshaller.readObject();
         List<Address>[] owners = (List<Address>[]) unmarshaller.readObject();

         return new DefaultConsistentHash(hash, numOwners, numSegments, members, owners);
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      // * num_owners(s) == numOwners, for each segment s
      // * floor(numSegments/numNodes) <= num_segments_primary_owned(n) for each node n
      // * num_segments_primary_owned(n) <= ceil(numSegments/numNodes) for each node n
      // * floor(numSegments*numOwners/numNodes) <= num_segments_owned(n) for each node n
      // * num_segments_owned(n) <= ceil(numSegments*numOwners/numNodes) for each node n
      Hash hashFunction = baseCH.getHashFunction();

      Builder builder = new Builder(baseCH);

      DefaultConsistentHash balancedCH =;
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      int[] numSegments = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512};
      int[] numNodes = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000};
      int[] numOwners = {1, 2, 3, 5};

      ConsistentHashFactory<DefaultConsistentHash> chf = createConsistentHashFactory();
      Hash hashFunction = new MurmurHash3();

      for (int nn : numNodes) {
         List<Address> nodes = new ArrayList<Address>(nn);
         for (int j = 0; j < nn; j++) {
            nodes.add(new TestAddress(j));
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      public DefaultConsistentHash readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         int numSegments = unmarshaller.readInt();
         int numOwners = unmarshaller.readInt();
         List<Address> members = (List<Address>) unmarshaller.readObject();
         Map<Address, Float> capacityFactors = (Map<Address, Float>)unmarshaller.readObject();
         Hash hash = (Hash) unmarshaller.readObject();
         List<Address>[] owners = (List<Address>[]) unmarshaller.readObject();

         return new DefaultConsistentHash(hash, numOwners, numSegments, members, capacityFactors, owners);
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      public ReplicatedConsistentHash readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         Hash hashFunction = (Hash) unmarshaller.readObject();
         List<Address> members = (List<Address>) unmarshaller.readObject();
         int[] primaryOwners = (int[]) unmarshaller.readObject();
         return new ReplicatedConsistentHash(hashFunction, members, primaryOwners);
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      public CacheJoinInfo readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         ConsistentHashFactory consistentHashFactory = (ConsistentHashFactory) unmarshaller.readObject();
         Hash hashFunction = (Hash) unmarshaller.readObject();
         int numSegments = unmarshaller.readInt();
         int numOwners = unmarshaller.readInt();
         long timeout = unmarshaller.readLong();
         boolean totalOrder = unmarshaller.readBoolean();
         boolean distributed = unmarshaller.readBoolean();
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      public DefaultConsistentHash readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         int numSegments = unmarshaller.readInt();
         int numOwners = unmarshaller.readInt();
         List<Address> members = (List<Address>) unmarshaller.readObject();
         Hash hash = (Hash) unmarshaller.readObject();
         List<Address>[] owners = (List<Address>[]) unmarshaller.readObject();

         return new DefaultConsistentHash(hash, numOwners, numSegments, members, owners);
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      public DefaultConsistentHash readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
         int numSegments = unmarshaller.readInt();
         int numOwners = unmarshaller.readInt();
         List<Address> members = (List<Address>) unmarshaller.readObject();
         Hash hash = (Hash) unmarshaller.readObject();
         List<Address>[] owners = (List<Address>[]) unmarshaller.readObject();

         return new DefaultConsistentHash(hash, numOwners, numSegments, members, owners);
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.commons.hash.Hash

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