This behaviour allows the previous database connection url format to work with essentially unchanged semantics.
From the '' file, options can be set similarly, using a slightly different format.
Here is an example '' file:
server.port=9001 server.database.0=test server.dbname.0=... ... server.database.n=... server.dbname.n=... server.silent=trueStarting with 1.7.2, Server has been refactored to become a simple JavaBean with non-blocking start() and stop() service methods. It is possible to configure a Server instance through the JavaBean API as well, but this part of the public interface is still under review and will not be finalized or documented fully until the final 1.7.2 release.
The 'no_system_exit' property is of particular interest.
If a Server instance is to run embedded in, say, an application server, such as when the JDBCDataSource or HsqlServerFactory classes are used, it is typically necessary to avoid calling System.exit() when the Server instance shuts down.
By default, 'no_system_exit' is set:
These values are natural to their context because the first case allows the JVM to exit by default on Server shutdown when a Server instance is started from a command line environment, whereas the second case prevents a typically unwanted JVM exit on Server shutdown when a Server intance is started as part of a larger framework.
@author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot @version 1.9.0 @since 1.7.2 @jmx.mbean description="HSQLDB Server" extends="" @jboss.xmbean