* Extracts the index name used for the entity from it's annotations
* @return the index name
private static String getDirectoryProviderName(XClass clazz, SearchConfiguration cfg) {
ReflectionManager reflectionManager = cfg.getReflectionManager();
if ( reflectionManager == null ) {
reflectionManager = new JavaReflectionManager();
//get the most specialized (ie subclass > superclass) non default index name
//if none extract the name from the most generic (superclass > subclass) @Indexed class in the hierarchy
//FIXME I'm inclined to get rid of the default value
Class<?> aClass = cfg.getClassMapping( clazz.getName() );
XClass rootIndex = null;
do {
XClass currentClazz = reflectionManager.toXClass( aClass );
Indexed indexAnn = currentClazz.getAnnotation( Indexed.class );
if ( indexAnn != null ) {
if ( indexAnn.index().length() != 0 ) {
return indexAnn.index();