XAnnotatedElement annotatedClass = clazzToProcess;
log.info( "Binding entity from annotated class: {}", clazzToProcess.getName() );
final ReflectionManager reflectionManager = mappings.getReflectionManager();
InheritanceState superEntityState =
clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, reflectionManager
PersistentClass superEntity = superEntityState != null ?
) :
if ( superEntity == null ) {
//check if superclass is not a potential persistent class
if ( inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
throw new AssertionFailure(
"Subclass has to be binded after it's mother class: "
+ superEntityState.clazz.getName()
bindQueries( annotatedClass, mappings );
bindFilterDefs( annotatedClass, mappings );
bindTypeDefs( annotatedClass, mappings );
BinderHelper.bindAnyMetaDefs( annotatedClass, mappings );
String schema = "";
String table = ""; //might be no @Table annotation on the annotated class
String catalog = "";
String discrimValue = null;
List<String[]> uniqueConstraints = new ArrayList<String[]>();
Ejb3DiscriminatorColumn discriminatorColumn = null;
Ejb3JoinColumn[] inheritanceJoinedColumns = null;
if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.Table.class ) ) {
javax.persistence.Table tabAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( javax.persistence.Table.class );
table = tabAnn.name();
schema = tabAnn.schema();
catalog = tabAnn.catalog();
uniqueConstraints = TableBinder.buildUniqueConstraints( tabAnn.uniqueConstraints() );
final boolean hasJoinedColumns = inheritanceState.hasParents
&& InheritanceType.JOINED.equals( inheritanceState.type );
if ( hasJoinedColumns ) {
//@Inheritance(JOINED) subclass need to link back to the super entity
PrimaryKeyJoinColumns jcsAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
boolean explicitInheritanceJoinedColumns = jcsAnn != null && jcsAnn.value().length != 0;
if ( explicitInheritanceJoinedColumns ) {
int nbrOfInhJoinedColumns = jcsAnn.value().length;
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn jcAnn;
inheritanceJoinedColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[nbrOfInhJoinedColumns];
for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < nbrOfInhJoinedColumns; colIndex++) {
jcAnn = jcsAnn.value()[colIndex];
inheritanceJoinedColumns[colIndex] = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn(
jcAnn, null, superEntity.getIdentifier(),
(Map<String, Join>) null, (PropertyHolder) null, mappings
else {
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn jcAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class );
inheritanceJoinedColumns = new Ejb3JoinColumn[1];
inheritanceJoinedColumns[0] = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumn(
jcAnn, null, superEntity.getIdentifier(),
(Map<String, Join>) null, (PropertyHolder) null, mappings
log.debug( "Subclass joined column(s) created" );
else {
if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class )
|| annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class ) ) {
log.warn( "Root entity should not hold an PrimaryKeyJoinColum(s), will be ignored" );
if ( InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
javax.persistence.DiscriminatorColumn discAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
DiscriminatorType discriminatorType = discAnn != null ?
discAnn.discriminatorType() :
org.hibernate.annotations.DiscriminatorFormula discFormulaAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
if ( !inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
discriminatorColumn = Ejb3DiscriminatorColumn.buildDiscriminatorColumn(
discriminatorType, discAnn, discFormulaAnn, mappings
if ( discAnn != null && inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
"Discriminator column has to be defined in the root entity, it will be ignored in subclass: {}",
discrimValue = annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( DiscriminatorValue.class ) ?
annotatedClass.getAnnotation( DiscriminatorValue.class ).value() :
//we now know what kind of persistent entity it is
PersistentClass persistentClass;
//create persistent class
if ( !inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
persistentClass = new RootClass();
else if ( InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
persistentClass = new SingleTableSubclass( superEntity );
else if ( InheritanceType.JOINED.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
persistentClass = new JoinedSubclass( superEntity );
else if ( InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
persistentClass = new UnionSubclass( superEntity );
else {
throw new AssertionFailure( "Unknown inheritance type: " + inheritanceState.type );
Proxy proxyAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Proxy.class );
BatchSize sizeAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( BatchSize.class );
Where whereAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Where.class );
Entity entityAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Entity.class );
org.hibernate.annotations.Entity hibEntityAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
org.hibernate.annotations.Cache cacheAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
EntityBinder entityBinder = new EntityBinder(
entityAnn, hibEntityAnn, clazzToProcess, persistentClass, mappings
entityBinder.setDiscriminatorValue( discrimValue );
entityBinder.setBatchSize( sizeAnn );
entityBinder.setProxy( proxyAnn );
entityBinder.setWhere( whereAnn );
entityBinder.setCache( cacheAnn );
entityBinder.setInheritanceState( inheritanceState );
//Filters are not allowed on subclasses
if ( !inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
bindFilters(clazzToProcess, entityBinder, mappings);
if ( inheritanceState.hasTable() ) {
Check checkAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( Check.class );
String constraints = checkAnn == null ?
null :
schema, catalog, table, uniqueConstraints,
constraints, inheritanceState.hasDenormalizedTable() ?
superEntity.getTable() :
else {
if ( annotatedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Table.class ) ) {
log.warn( "Illegal use of @Table in a subclass of a SINGLE_TABLE hierarchy: " + clazzToProcess
.getName() );
// Map<String, Column[]> columnOverride = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildHierarchyColumnOverride(
// clazzToProcess,
// persistentClass.getClassName()
// );
PropertyHolder propertyHolder = PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder(
entityBinder, mappings, inheritanceStatePerClass
javax.persistence.SecondaryTable secTabAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
javax.persistence.SecondaryTables secTabsAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(
entityBinder.firstLevelSecondaryTablesBinding( secTabAnn, secTabsAnn );
OnDelete onDeleteAnn = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
boolean onDeleteAppropriate = false;
if ( InheritanceType.JOINED.equals( inheritanceState.type ) && inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
onDeleteAppropriate = true;
final JoinedSubclass jsc = (JoinedSubclass) persistentClass;
if ( persistentClass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null ) {
persistentClass.getRootClass().setEntityPersisterClass( JoinedSubclassEntityPersister.class );
SimpleValue key = new DependantValue( jsc.getTable(), jsc.getIdentifier() );
jsc.setKey( key );
ForeignKey fk = annotatedClass.getAnnotation( ForeignKey.class );
if ( fk != null && !BinderHelper.isDefault( fk.name() ) ) {
key.setForeignKeyName( fk.name() );
if ( onDeleteAnn != null ) {
key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() ) );
else {
key.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( false );
//we are never in a second pass at that stage, so queue it
SecondPass sp = new JoinedSubclassFkSecondPass( jsc, inheritanceJoinedColumns, key, mappings );
mappings.addSecondPass( sp );
mappings.addSecondPass( new CreateKeySecondPass( jsc ) );
else if ( InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
if ( inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
if ( persistentClass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null ) {
persistentClass.getRootClass().setEntityPersisterClass( SingleTableEntityPersister.class );
else {
if ( inheritanceState.hasSons || !discriminatorColumn.isImplicit() ) {
//need a discriminator column
(RootClass) persistentClass,
entityBinder.bindDiscriminatorValue();//bind it again since the type might have changed
else if ( InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS.equals( inheritanceState.type ) ) {
if ( inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
if ( persistentClass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null ) {
persistentClass.getRootClass().setEntityPersisterClass( UnionSubclassEntityPersister.class );
if ( onDeleteAnn != null && !onDeleteAppropriate ) {
"Inapropriate use of @OnDelete on entity, annotation ignored: {}", propertyHolder.getEntityName()
//try to find class level generators
HashMap<String, IdGenerator> classGenerators = buildLocalGenerators( annotatedClass, mappings );
// check properties
List<PropertyData> elements =
persistentClass, clazzToProcess, inheritanceStatePerClass, propertyHolder, entityBinder, mappings
if ( elements == null ) {
throw new AnnotationException( "No identifier specified for entity: " + propertyHolder.getEntityName() );
final boolean subclassAndSingleTableStrategy = inheritanceState.type == InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE
&& inheritanceState.hasParents;
//process idclass if any
Set<String> idProperties = new HashSet<String>();
IdClass idClass = null;
XClass current = null;
if ( !inheritanceState.hasParents ) {
//look for idClass
current = inheritanceState.clazz;
InheritanceState state = inheritanceState;
do {
current = state.clazz;
if ( current.isAnnotationPresent( IdClass.class ) ) {
idClass = current.getAnnotation( IdClass.class );
state = InheritanceState.getSuperclassInheritanceState(
current, inheritanceStatePerClass, reflectionManager
while ( state != null );
if ( idClass != null ) {
XClass compositeClass = reflectionManager.toXClass( idClass.value() );
boolean isComponent = true;
boolean propertyAnnotated = entityBinder.isPropertyAnnotated( compositeClass );
String propertyAccessor = entityBinder.getPropertyAccessor( compositeClass );
String generatorType = "assigned";
String generator = BinderHelper.ANNOTATION_STRING_DEFAULT;