// Complex will be processed later.
if (pe instanceof Complex) continue;
// Create simple states (Actors)
CompoundModel parent = extractCompartment(pe, map);
if (parent == null) parent = root;
if (!isUbique(pe))
if (pe.getComponentOf().isEmpty() || !pe.getParticipantOf().isEmpty())
Actor actor = new Actor(parent, pe, null);
map.put(pe.getRDFId(), actor);
for (Interaction inter : pe.getParticipantOf())
Actor actor = new Actor(parent, pe, inter);
map.put(pe.getRDFId() + inter.getRDFId(), actor);
// Create complexes
for (Complex cmp : model.getObjects(Complex.class))
if (cmp.getParticipantOf().isEmpty())
ChbComplex c = new ChbComplex(root, cmp);
createComplexContent(c, cmp, cmp, map);
CompoundModel compart = getCompartment(cmp, map, root);
if (compart == root)
String nm = ChbComplex.suggestCompartmentNameUsingMembers(cmp.getComponent());
if (nm != null)
if (nestCompartments) nm = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(nm);
compart = getCompartment(nm, map, root);
NodeModel nd;
if (cmp.getComponent().isEmpty())
nd = new Actor(compart, cmp, null);
ChbComplex c = new ChbComplex(compart, cmp);
createComplexContent(c, cmp, cmp, map);
nd = c;
map.put(cmp.getRDFId(), nd);
// Create events
for (Conversion conv : model.getObjects(Conversion.class))
String compName = ChbConversion.getPossibleCompartmentName(conv);
if (compName != null && nestCompartments)
compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
CompoundModel compart = compName == null ? root : (CompoundModel) map.get(compName);
// if (compart == null)
// {
// System.out.println("");
// }
assert compart != null;
ChbConversion forwd = null, rever = null;
if (evidenceExists(conv, ChbConversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT))
forwd = new ChbConversion(compart, conv, ChbConversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, map);
if (evidenceExists(conv, ChbConversion.RIGHT_TO_LEFT))
rever = new ChbConversion(compart, conv, ChbConversion.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, map);
if (forwd == null && rever == null)
forwd = new ChbConversion(compart, conv, ChbConversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, map);
// for (TemplateReaction reac : model.getObjects(TemplateReaction.class))
// {
// String compName = ChbConversion.getPossibleCompartmentName(reac);
// if (compName != null && nestCompartments)
// compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
// CompoundModel compart = compName == null ? root : (CompoundModel) map.get(compName);
// }
for (Interaction inter : model.getObjects(Interaction.class))
boolean drawPPI = true;
if (!drawPPI) break;
if (!(inter instanceof Conversion) && !(inter instanceof Control))
// We constraint the participant list to Physical Entities only
Set<Entity> interPartic = inter.getParticipant();
Set<PhysicalEntity> pes = new HashSet<PhysicalEntity>();
for (Entity e : interPartic)
if (e instanceof PhysicalEntity) pes.add((PhysicalEntity) e);
if (pes.isEmpty()) continue;
boolean hasControl = !inter.getControlledOf().isEmpty();
if (hasControl || pes.size() != 2)
String compName = Hub.getPossibleCompartmentName(pes);
if (nestCompartments) compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
CompoundModel compart = compName == null ? root :
(CompoundModel) map.get(compName);
Hub hub = new Hub(compart, inter, map);
for (PhysicalEntity pe : pes)