package org.gvt.util;
import org.biopax.paxtools.model.Model;
import org.biopax.paxtools.model.level2.*;
import org.gvt.model.CompoundModel;
import org.gvt.model.NodeModel;
import org.gvt.model.biopaxl2.*;
import java.util.*;
* GraphML reader class for loading graphml files
* @author Ozgun Babur
* Copyright: Bilkent Center for Bioinformatics, 2007 - present
public class BioPAXL2Reader
public static boolean nestCompartments = true;
Model model;
public BioPAXL2Reader(Model model)
this.model = model;
public Model getModel()
return this.model;
* This method uses the Model object embedded in the root to create elements of
* BioPAX graph.
protected void createGraph(BioPAXL2Graph root)
Map<String, NodeModel> map = new HashMap<String, NodeModel>();
Model model = root.getBiopaxModel();
// for (xref xr : model.getObjects(xref.class))
// {
// UniquePrinter.print("xref ["+xr.getID()+"] = ", xr.getDB());
// }
if (nestCompartments) createAndNestCompartments(model, map, root);
// Create actors
for (physicalEntity pe : model.getObjects(physicalEntity.class))
// Complex will be processed later.
if (pe instanceof complex) continue;
// Create simple states (Actors)
if (pe.isPHYSICAL_ENTITYof().isEmpty())
new Actor(root, pe, new ArrayList<physicalEntityParticipant>());
Collection<List<physicalEntityParticipant>> coll = groupParticipants(pe);
for (List<physicalEntityParticipant> list : coll)
CompoundModel compart = getCompartment(list.get(0), map, root);
Actor actor = new Actor(compart, pe, list);
for (physicalEntityParticipant par : list)
map.put(par.getRDFId(), actor);
// Create complexes
for (complex cmp : model.getObjects(complex.class))
if (cmp.isPHYSICAL_ENTITYof().isEmpty())
Complex c = new Complex(root, cmp, new ArrayList<physicalEntityParticipant>(0));
createComplexContent(c, cmp, new ArrayList<physicalEntityParticipant>());
Collection<List<physicalEntityParticipant>> coll = groupParticipants(cmp);
for (List<physicalEntityParticipant> list : coll)
CompoundModel compart = getCompartment(list.get(0), map, root);
if (compart == root)
String nm = Complex.suggestCompartmentNameUsingMembers(cmp.getCOMPONENTS());
if (nm != null)
if (nestCompartments) nm = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(nm);
compart = getCompartment(nm, map, root);
NodeModel nd;
if (cmp.getCOMPONENTS().isEmpty())
nd = new Actor(compart, cmp, list);
Complex c = new Complex(compart, cmp, list);
createComplexContent(c, cmp, list);
nd = c;
for (physicalEntityParticipant par : list)
map.put(par.getRDFId(), nd);
// Create events
for (conversion conv : model.getObjects(conversion.class))
String compName = Conversion.getPossibleCompartmentName(conv);
if (compName != null && nestCompartments)
compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
CompoundModel compart = compName == null ? root : (CompoundModel) map.get(compName);
Conversion forwd = null, rever = null;
if (evidenceExists(conv, Conversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT))
forwd = new Conversion(compart, conv, Conversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, map);
if (evidenceExists(conv, Conversion.RIGHT_TO_LEFT))
rever = new Conversion(compart, conv, Conversion.RIGHT_TO_LEFT, map);
if (forwd == null && rever == null)
forwd = new Conversion(compart, conv, Conversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT, map);
for (interaction inter : model.getObjects(interaction.class))
boolean drawPPI = true;
if (!drawPPI) break;
if (!(inter instanceof conversion) && !(inter instanceof control))
Set<InteractionParticipant> interPartic = inter.getPARTICIPANTS();
Set<physicalEntityParticipant> peps = new HashSet<physicalEntityParticipant>();
boolean hasControl = !inter.isCONTROLLEDOf().isEmpty();
for (InteractionParticipant partic : interPartic)
if (partic instanceof physicalEntityParticipant)
peps.add((physicalEntityParticipant) partic);
if (hasControl || peps.size() != 2)
String compName = Hub.getPossibleCompartmentName(peps);
if (nestCompartments) compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
CompoundModel compart = compName == null ? root :
(CompoundModel) map.get(compName);
Hub hub = new Hub(compart, inter,
new ArrayList<physicalEntityParticipant>(peps), map);
for (physicalEntityParticipant pep : peps)
NodeModel node = map.get(pep.getRDFId());
if (node == null)
System.err.println("PEP without PE");
assert node != null;
new MultiTouch(node, hub, pep);
else // peps.size() == 2
NodeModel[] ends = new NodeModel[2];
int i = 0;
for (physicalEntityParticipant pep : peps)
ends[i++] = map.get(pep.getRDFId());
if (ends[0] == null || ends[1] == null)
System.err.println("PEP without PE");
assert ends[0] != null : "Source of a Pairing is null";
assert ends[1] != null : "Target of a Pairing is null";
new Pairing(inter, peps.iterator().next(), ends[0], ends[1]);
private CompoundModel getCompartment(physicalEntityParticipant par, Map<String, NodeModel> map,
CompoundModel root)
if (par.getCELLULAR_LOCATION() != null &&
String compName = par.getCELLULAR_LOCATION().getTERM().iterator().next();
if (nestCompartments) compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
Compartment comp = (Compartment) map.get(compName);
if (comp == null)
comp = new Compartment(root, compName);
map.put(compName, comp);
return comp;
return root;
private CompoundModel getCompartment(String compName, Map<String, NodeModel> map,
CompoundModel root)
if (nestCompartments) compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
Compartment comp = (Compartment) map.get(compName);
if (comp == null)
comp = new Compartment(root, compName);
map.put(compName, comp);
return comp;
private void createAndNestCompartments(Model model, Map<String, NodeModel> map, CompoundModel root)
assert nestCompartments;
Map<String, CompoundModel> compMap = new HashMap<String, CompoundModel>();
for (physicalEntityParticipant par : model.getObjects(physicalEntityParticipant.class))
if (par.getCELLULAR_LOCATION() != null &&
String compName = par.getCELLULAR_LOCATION().getTERM().iterator().next();
compName = CompartmentManager.getUnifiedName(compName);
Compartment comp = (Compartment) map.get(compName);
if (comp == null)
comp = new Compartment(root, compName);
map.put(compName, comp);
compMap.put(compName, comp);
* Fills in the complex with members.
private void createComplexContent(Complex c, complex cmp, List<physicalEntityParticipant> upper)
for (physicalEntityParticipant par : cmp.getCOMPONENTS())
assert par.getPHYSICAL_ENTITY() != null : "physicalEntity of PEP is null";
upper.add(0, par);
physicalEntity pe = par.getPHYSICAL_ENTITY();
if (pe instanceof complex && !((complex) pe).getCOMPONENTS().isEmpty())
createComplexContent(c, (complex) pe, upper);
new ComplexMember(c, pe, new ArrayList<physicalEntityParticipant>(upper));
* Checks if there is an evidence that the conversion works in the specified
* direction.
private boolean evidenceExists(conversion conv, boolean direction)
// Try to find evidence in direction filed of controls.
for (control cont : conv.isCONTROLLEDOf())
if (cont instanceof catalysis)
Direction dir = ((catalysis) cont).getDIRECTION();
if (dir != null)
if (dir == Direction.REVERSIBLE)
return true;
if (direction == Conversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT)
if (dir == Direction.IRREVERSIBLE_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ||
dir == Direction.PHYSIOL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT)
return true;
if (dir == Direction.IRREVERSIBLE_RIGHT_TO_LEFT ||
dir == Direction.PHYSIOL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
return true;
// Try to understand from spontaneous field of conversion
SpontaneousType spon = conv.getSPONTANEOUS();
boolean evident = spon != null && spon != SpontaneousType.NOT_SPONTANEOUS &&
((direction == Conversion.LEFT_TO_RIGHT && spon == SpontaneousType.L_R) ||
(direction == Conversion.RIGHT_TO_LEFT && spon == SpontaneousType.R_L));
if (!evident) evident = conv.getCOMMENT().contains("reversible");
return evident;
* Iterates over participants and groups them according to their inferred states.
* Participants that point to a complex are ignored.
private Collection<List<physicalEntityParticipant>> groupParticipants(physicalEntity pe)
Collection<List<physicalEntityParticipant>> set =
new ArrayList<List<physicalEntityParticipant>>();
for (physicalEntityParticipant par : pe.isPHYSICAL_ENTITYof())
if (par.isCOMPONENTof() != null) continue;
List<physicalEntityParticipant> parts = null;
for (List<physicalEntityParticipant> e : set)
if (e.get(0).isInEquivalentState(par))
parts = e;
if (isUbique(pe) || parts == null)
parts = new ArrayList<physicalEntityParticipant>();
return set;
private boolean isUbique(physicalEntity pe)
return pe instanceof smallMolecule && Actor.isUbiqueName(pe.getNAME());
* Checks if a PEP points to a PE which is null or not in model.
* @param model
private void PEPCheck(Model model)
Map<String, physicalEntity> rdfToPE = new HashMap<String, physicalEntity>();
for (physicalEntity pe : model.getObjects(physicalEntity.class))
rdfToPE.put(pe.getRDFId(), pe);
Set<physicalEntityParticipant> peps = model.getObjects(physicalEntityParticipant.class);
for (physicalEntityParticipant pep : peps)
physicalEntity pe = pep.getPHYSICAL_ENTITY();
if (pe == null)
System.err.println("PE of PEP is null. PEP id: " + pep.getRDFId());
else if (!rdfToPE.containsKey(pe.getRDFId()) || rdfToPE.get(pe.getRDFId()) != pe)
System.err.println("PE of PEP is not in model.\nPEP id: " + pep.getRDFId() +
"\nPE id: " + pe.getRDFId());