public void display(GL gl, GLU glu, VizModel vizModel) {
if (!selected && vizModel.isHideNonSelectedEdges()) {
NodeData nodeFrom = edge.getSource();
NodeData nodeTo = edge.getTarget();
//Edge weight
GraphLimits limits = vizModel.getLimits();
float w;
if (edge.getEdge() instanceof MetaEdge) {
float weightRatio;
if (limits.getMinMetaWeight() == limits.getMaxMetaWeight()) {
weightRatio = Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MINIMUM / limits.getMinMetaWeight();
} else {
weightRatio = Math.abs((Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MAXIMUM - Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MINIMUM) / (limits.getMaxMetaWeight() - limits.getMinMetaWeight()));
float edgeScale = vizModel.getEdgeScale() * vizModel.getMetaEdgeScale();
w = weight;
w = ((w - limits.getMinMetaWeight()) * weightRatio + Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MINIMUM) * edgeScale;
} else {
float weightRatio;
if (limits.getMinWeight() == limits.getMaxWeight()) {
weightRatio = Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MINIMUM / limits.getMinWeight();
} else {
weightRatio = Math.abs((Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MAXIMUM - Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MINIMUM) / (limits.getMaxWeight() - limits.getMinWeight()));
float edgeScale = vizModel.getEdgeScale();
w = weight;
w = ((w - limits.getMinWeight()) * weightRatio + Edge2dModel.WEIGHT_MINIMUM) * edgeScale;
//Edge size
float arrowWidth = ARROW_WIDTH * w * 2f;
float arrowHeight = ARROW_HEIGHT * w * 2f;
float x2 = nodeTo.x();
float y2 = nodeTo.y();
float x1 = nodeFrom.x();
float y1 = nodeFrom.y();
//Edge vector
Vec2f edgeVector = new Vec2f(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
//Get collision distance between nodeTo and arrow point
double angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
if (nodeTo.getModel() == null) {
float collisionDistance = ((ModelImpl) nodeTo.getModel()).getCollisionDistance(angle);
//Point of the arrow
float targetX = x2 - edgeVector.x() * collisionDistance;
float targetY = y2 - edgeVector.y() * collisionDistance;
//Base of the arrow
float baseX = targetX - edgeVector.x() * arrowHeight * 2f;
float baseY = targetY - edgeVector.y() * arrowHeight * 2f;
//Side vector
float sideVectorX = y1 - y2;
float sideVectorY = x2 - x1;
float norm = (float) Math.sqrt(sideVectorX * sideVectorX + sideVectorY * sideVectorY);
sideVectorX /= norm;
sideVectorY /= norm;
if (!selected) {
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
r = edge.r();
if (r == -1f) {
if (vizModel.isEdgeHasUniColor()) {
float[] uni = vizModel.getEdgeUniColor();
r = uni[0];
g = uni[1];
b = uni[2];
a = uni[3];
} else {
NodeData source = edge.getSource();
r = 0.498f * source.r();
g = 0.498f * source.g();
b = 0.498f * source.b();
a = edge.alpha();
} else {
g = 0.498f * edge.g();
b = 0.498f * edge.b();
r *= 0.498f;
a = edge.alpha();
if (vizModel.getConfig().isLightenNonSelected()) {
float lightColorFactor = vizModel.getConfig().getLightenNonSelectedFactor();
a = a - (a - 0.01f) * lightColorFactor;
gl.glColor4f(r, g, b, a);
} else {
gl.glColor4f(r, g, b, a);
} else {
float r = 0f;
float g = 0f;
float b = 0f;
if (vizModel.isEdgeSelectionColor()) {
ModelImpl m1 = (ModelImpl) edge.getSource().getModel();
ModelImpl m2 = (ModelImpl) edge.getTarget().getModel();
if (m1.isSelected() && m2.isSelected()) {
float[] both = vizModel.getEdgeBothSelectionColor();
r = both[0];
g = both[1];
b = both[2];
} else if (m1.isSelected()) {
float[] out = vizModel.getEdgeOutSelectionColor();
r = out[0];
g = out[1];
b = out[2];
} else if (m2.isSelected()) {
float[] in = vizModel.getEdgeInSelectionColor();
r = in[0];
g = in[1];
b = in[2];
} else {
r = edge.r();
if (r == -1f) {
NodeData source = edge.getSource();
r = source.r();
g = source.g();
b = source.b();
} else {
g = edge.g();
b = edge.b();