Set plugInNames = new HashSet();
Iterator i = testSuites.keySet().iterator();
// go through each test suite
while (i.hasNext()) {
TestSuiteDTO dto = (TestSuiteDTO) testSuites.get(;
Iterator j = dto.getTests().keySet().iterator();
// go through each test plugIn
while (j.hasNext()) {
TestDTO tdto = (TestDTO) dto.getTests().get(;
i = plugIns.values().iterator();
Map errors = new HashMap();
// go through each plugIn and add it to errors
while (i.hasNext())
errors.put(, Boolean.FALSE);
// step 2 configure plug-ins with defaults
Map defaultPlugIns = new HashMap(plugInNames.size());
i = plugInNames.iterator();
// go through each plugIn
while (i.hasNext()) {
String plugInName = (String);
PlugInDTO dto = (PlugInDTO) plugIns.get(plugInName);
Class plugInClass = null;
try {
plugInClass = Class.forName(dto.getClassName());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Error, using default.
errors.put(dto, e);
if (plugInClass == null) {
plugInClass = Validation.class;
Map plugInArgs = dto.getArgs();
if (plugInArgs == null) {
plugInArgs = new HashMap();
try {
PlugIn plugIn = new org.geotools.validation.PlugIn(plugInName, plugInClass, dto
.getDescription(), plugInArgs);
defaultPlugIns.put(plugInName, plugIn);
} catch (ValidationException e) {
errors.put(dto, e);
// error should log here
errors.put(dto, Boolean.TRUE); // store the plugIn
// step 3 configure plug-ins with tests + add to processor
i = testSuites.keySet().iterator();
// for each TEST SUITE
while (i.hasNext()) {
TestSuiteDTO tdto = (TestSuiteDTO) testSuites.get(;
Iterator j = tdto.getTests().keySet().iterator();
// for each TEST in the test suite
while (j.hasNext()) {
TestDTO dto = (TestDTO) tdto.getTests().get(;
// deal with test
Map testArgs = dto.getArgs();
if (testArgs == null) {