Package org.geotools.validation

Source Code of org.geotools.validation.ValidationProcessor

*    GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
*    (C) 2004-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
*    version 2.1 of the License.
*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    Lesser General Public License for more details.
package org.geotools.validation;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope;
import org.geotools.test.TestData;
import org.geotools.validation.dto.ArgumentDTO;
import org.geotools.validation.dto.PlugInDTO;
import org.geotools.validation.dto.TestDTO;
import org.geotools.validation.dto.TestSuiteDTO;
import org.geotools.validation.xml.XMLReader;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
import org.opengis.feature.type.Name;

* ValidationProcessor Runs validation tests against Features and reports the
* outcome of the tests.
* <p>
* The validation processor contains two main data structures. Each one is a
* HashMap of ArrayLists that hold Validations. The first one, featureLookup,
* holds per-feature validation tests (tests that operate on one feature at a
* time with no knowledge of any other features. The second one,
* integrityLookup,  holds integrity validations (validations that span
* multiple features and/or  multiple feature types).
* </p>
* <p>
* Each HashMap of validations is hashed with a key whose value is a
* FeatureTypeName. This key provides access to an ArrayList of validations
* that are to be performed on this FeatureTypeInfo.
* </p>
* <p>
* Validations are added via the two addValidation() methods.
* </p>
* <p>
* The validations are run when runFeatureTests() and runIntegrityTests() are
* called. It is recommended that the user call runFeatureTests() before
* runIntegrityTests() as it is usually the case that integrity tests are much
* more time consuming. If a  Feature is incorrect, it can probably be
* detected early on, and quickly, in the  feature validation tests.
* </p>
* <p>
* For validations that are performed on every FeatureTypeInfo, a value called
* ANYTYPENAME has been created and can be stored in the validationLookup
* tables if a validation specifies that it is run against all FeatureTypes.
* The value that causes a validation to be run against all FeatureTypes is
* null. Or Validation.ALL
* </p>
* <p>
* Results of the validation tests are handled using a Visitor pattern. This
* visitor is a ValidationResults object that is passed into the
* runFeatureTests() and runIntegrityTests() methods. Each individual
* validation will record error messages  in the ValidationResults visitor.
* </p>
* <p>
* Example Use:
* <pre><code>
* ValidationProcessor processor = new ValidationProcessor();<br>
* processor.addValidation(FeatureValidation1);<br>
* processor.addValidation(FeatureValidation2);<br>
* processor.addValidation(IntegrityValidation1);<br>
* processor.addValidation(FeatureValidation3);<br>
* <p>
* processor.runFeatureTests(FeatureTypeInfo, Feature, ValidationResults);<br>
* processor.runIntegrityTests(layers, Envelope, ValidationResults);<br>
* </code></pre>
* </p>
* @author bowens, Refractions Research, Inc.
* @author $Author: jive $ (last modification)
* @source $URL$
* @version $Id$
public class ValidationProcessor {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger(

    /** Magic key used to hold the place of any featureType */
    final Object ANYTYPENAME = new Object();

     * Stores Lists of FeatureTests by featureType.
     * <p>
     * Map of ArrayLists by featureType (the lists contain FeatureValidation
     * instances)
     * </p>
    protected Map featureLookup;

     * Stores Lists of IntegrityValidation by featureType.
     * <p>
     * A Map with featureTypes as keys that map to array lists of integrity
     * validation tests.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * How are tests that map against all FeatureTypes stored?
     * </p>
    protected Map integrityLookup; // 

    /** List of feature types that have been modified. */
    protected ArrayList modifiedFeatureTypes;

     * ValidationProcessor constructor.
     * <p>
     * Initializes the data structure to hold the validations.
     * </p>
    public ValidationProcessor() {
        featureLookup = new HashMap();
        integrityLookup = new HashMap();

     * addToLookup
     * <p>
     * Description: Add the validation test to the map for every featureType
     * that it validates. If the FeatureTypes array is ALL, then the
     * validation is added to the  ANYTYPENAME entry.
     * </p>
     * @param validation
    private void addToFVLookup(FeatureValidation validation) {
        String[] featureTypeList = validation.getTypeRefs();

        if (featureTypeList == Validation.ALL) // if null (ALL)
            ArrayList tests = (ArrayList) featureLookup.get(ANYTYPENAME);

            if (tests == null) { // if an ALL test doesn't exist yet
                tests = new ArrayList(); // create it

            featureLookup.put(ANYTYPENAME, tests); // add the ALL test to it
        } else // a non ALL FeatureTypeInfo validation
            for (int i = 0; i < featureTypeList.length; i++) {
                ArrayList tests = (ArrayList) featureLookup.get(featureTypeList[i]);

                if (tests == null) { // if this FeatureTypeInfo doesn't have a validation test yet
                    tests = new ArrayList(); // put it in the list

                featureLookup.put(featureTypeList[i], tests); // add a validation to it

     * addToIVLookup
     * <p>
     * Add the validation test to the map for every featureType that it
     * validates. If the FeatureTypes array is ALL, then the validation is
     * added to the  ANYTYPENAME entry.
     * </p>
     * @param validation
    private void addToIVLookup(IntegrityValidation validation) {
        String[] integrityTypeList = validation.getTypeRefs();

        if (integrityTypeList == Validation.ALL) // if null (ALL)
            ArrayList tests = (ArrayList) integrityLookup.get(ANYTYPENAME);

            if (tests == null) { // if an ALL test doesn't exist yet
                tests = new ArrayList(); // create it

            integrityLookup.put(ANYTYPENAME, tests); // add the ALL test to it
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < integrityTypeList.length; i++) {
                ArrayList tests = (ArrayList) integrityLookup.get(integrityTypeList[i]);

                if (tests == null) { // if this FeatureTypeInfo doesn't have a validation test yet
                    tests = new ArrayList(); // put it in the list

                integrityLookup.put(integrityTypeList[i], tests); // add a validation to it

     * addValidation
     * <p>
     * Add a FeatureValidation to the list of Feature tests
     * </p>
     * @param validation
    public void addValidation(FeatureValidation validation) {
        addToFVLookup((FeatureValidation) validation);

     * addValidation
     * <p>
     * Add an IntegrityValidation to the list of Integrity tests
     * </p>
     * @param validation
    public void addValidation(IntegrityValidation validation) {
        addToIVLookup((IntegrityValidation) validation);

     * getDependencies purpose.
     * <p>
     * Gets all the FeatureTypes that this FeatureTypeInfo uses.
     * </p>
     * @param typeName the FeatureTypeName
     * @return all the FeatureTypes that this FeatureTypeInfo uses.
    public Set getDependencies(String typeName) {
        ArrayList validations = (ArrayList) integrityLookup.get(typeName);
        HashSet s = new HashSet();

        if (validations != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < validations.size(); i++) // for each validation
                String[] types = ((Validation) validations.get(i)).getTypeRefs();

                for (int j = 0; j < types.length; j++) // for each FeatureTypeInfo

                    s.add(types[j]); // add it to the list

        return s;

     * runFeatureTests  Change: Uses a SimpleFeatureIterator now instead of a
     * FeatureCollection.
     * <p>
     * Performs a lookup on the FeatureTypeInfo name to determine what
     * FeatureTests need to be performed. Once these tests are gathered, they
     * are run on each  feature in the FeatureCollection. The first validation
     * test lookup checks to see if there are any validations that are to be
     * performed on every FeatureTypeInfo. An example of this could be an
     * isValid() test on all geometries in all FeatureTypes. Once those tests
     * have been gathered, a lookup is performed on the TypeName of the
     * FeatureTypeInfo to check for specific FeatureTypeInfo validation tests.
     * A list of validation tests is returned from each lookup, if any exist.
     * When all the validation tests have been gathered, each test is iterated
     * through then run on each Feature, with the ValidationResults coming
     * along for the ride, collecting error information.  Parameter
     * "SimpleFeatureCollection collection" should be changed later to take in a
     * SimpleFeatureSource so not everything is loaded into memory.
     * </p>
     * @param dsID data Store id.
     * @param type The FeatureTypeInfo of the features being tested.
     * @param features The collection of features, of a particulare
     *        FeatureTypeInfo "type", that are to be validated.
     * @param results Storage for the results of the validation tests.
     * @throws Exception FeatureValidations throw Exceptions
    public void runFeatureTests(String dsID, SimpleFeatureCollection collection, ValidationResults results)
        throws Exception {
      SimpleFeatureType type = collection.getSchema();
        // check for any tests that are to be performed on ALL features
        ArrayList tests = (ArrayList) featureLookup.get(ANYTYPENAME);

        // check for any FeatureTypeInfo specific tests
        String typeRef = dsID + ":" + type.getTypeName();
        ArrayList FT_tests = (ArrayList) featureLookup.get(typeRef);

        // append featureType specific tests to the list of tests   
        if (FT_tests != null) {
            if (tests != null) {
                Iterator it = FT_tests.iterator();

                while (it.hasNext())
            } else {
                tests = FT_tests;

        if (tests != null) // if we found some tests to be performed on this FeatureTypeInfo
             SimpleFeatureIterator features = collection.features();
             try {
               while (features.hasNext()) // iterate through each feature and run the test on it
                 SimpleFeature feature = (SimpleFeature);
                 // for each test that is to be performed on this feature
                 for (int i = 0; i < tests.size(); i++) {
                   FeatureValidation validator = (FeatureValidation) tests.get(i);
                        try {
                            validator.validate(feature, type, results);
                        } catch (Throwable e) {
                            results.error(feature, e.getMessage());
             finally {

     * runIntegrityTests
     * <p>
     * Performs a lookup on the FeatureTypeInfo name to determine what
     * IntegrityTests need to be performed. Once these tests are gathered,
     * they are run on the collection  features in the Envelope, defined by a
     * SimpleFeatureSource (not a FeatureCollection!). The first validation test
     * lookup checks to see if there are any validations that are to be
     * performed on every FeatureTypeInfo. An example of this could be a
     * uniqueID() test on a unique column value in all FeatureTypes. Once
     * those tests have been gathered, a lookup is performed on the TypeName
     * of the FeatureTypeInfo to check for specific Integrity validation
     * tests. A list of validation tests is returned from each lookup, if any
     * exist. When all the validation tests have been gathered, each test is
     * iterated through then run on each Feature, with the ValidationResults
     * coming along for the ride, collecting error information.
     * </p>
     * @param typeRefs List of modified features, or null to use
     *        stores.keySet()
     * @param stores the Map of effected features (Map of key=typeRef,
     *        value="featureSource"
     * @param envelope The bounding box that contains all modified Features
     * @param results Storage for the results of the validation tests.
     * @throws Exception Throws an exception if the HashMap contains a value
     *         that is not a FeatureSource
    public void runIntegrityTests(Set<Name> typeRefs, Map stores, ReferencedEnvelope envelope,
        ValidationResults results) throws Exception {
        if ((integrityLookup == null) || (integrityLookup.size() == 0)) {
                "No tests defined by integrityLookup - validation not needed");


        LOGGER.fine("Starting validation tests for:" + typeRefs);
        LOGGER.fine("Marshalled " + stores.size()
            + " FeatureSources for testing");
        LOGGER.fine("Testing limited to " + envelope);

        if (typeRefs == null) {
            LOGGER.finer("Using default typeRegs for stores");
            typeRefs = stores.keySet();
        } else if (typeRefs.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.finer("Validation test abandond - nothing was modified");

        // convert each HashMap element into FeatureSources
        List tests = new ArrayList();

        // check for any tests that are to be performed on ALL features
        LOGGER.finer("Finding tests for everybody");

        List anyTests = (List) integrityLookup.get(ANYTYPENAME);

        if ((anyTests != null) && !anyTests.isEmpty()) {

        LOGGER.finer("Found " + tests.size() + " tests (so far)");

        // for each modified FeatureTypeInfo
        LOGGER.finer("Finding tests for modified typeRefs");

        for (Name name : typeRefs ) {
            String typeRef = typeRef( name );
            LOGGER.finer("Finding tests for typeRef:" + typeRef);

            List moreTests = (List) integrityLookup.get(typeRef);

            if ((moreTests != null) && !moreTests.isEmpty()) {

        if (tests.isEmpty()) {
            LOGGER.finer("Validation test abandond - no tests found to run");


        LOGGER.finer("Validation test about to run - " + tests.size()
            + " tests found");

        for (Iterator j = tests.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
            IntegrityValidation validator = (IntegrityValidation);

            LOGGER.finer("Running test:" + validator.getName());

            try {
                boolean success = validator.validate(stores, envelope, results);

                if (!success) {
                    results.error(null, "Was not successful");
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                LOGGER.finer("Validation test died:" + validator.getName());

                String error = e.getClass().getName();

                if (e.getMessage() != null) {
                    error += (" - " + e.getMessage());

                    validator.getName() + " failed with " + error, e);
                results.error(null, error);
    /** Convert a Name to a type reference (namespace ":" name) */
    protected String typeRef( Name name ){
        return name.getNamespaceURI()+":"+name.getLocalPart();
    protected static final Set queryPlugInNames(Map testSuiteDTOs) {
        Set plugInNames = new HashSet();

        Iterator i = testSuiteDTOs.keySet().iterator();

        // go through each test suite
        // and gather up all the required plugInNames
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String testSuite = (String);
            TestSuiteDTO dto = (TestSuiteDTO) testSuiteDTOs.get(testSuite);
            Iterator j = dto.getTests().keySet().iterator();

            // go through each test plugIn
            while (j.hasNext()) {
                TestDTO tdto = (TestDTO) dto.getTests().get(;

        return plugInNames;

     * Load testsuites from provided directories.
     * <p>
     * This is mostly useful for testing, you may want to write your own load
     * method with enhanced error reporting.
     * </p>
     * @param plugins DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param testsuites DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME!
    public void load(File plugins, File testsuites) throws Exception {
        Map pluginDTOs = XMLReader.loadPlugIns(TestData.file(this, "plugins"));
        Map testSuiteDTOs = XMLReader.loadValidations(TestData.file(this,
                    "validation"), pluginDTOs);
        load(testSuiteDTOs, pluginDTOs);

     * Populates this validation processor against the provided DTO objects.
     * <p>
     * This method is useful for testing, it is not forgiving and will error
     * out if things go bad.
     * </p>
     * @param plugInDTOs
     * @param testSuiteDTOs
     * @throws Exception
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException DOCUMENT ME!
    public void load(Map plugInDTOs, Map testSuiteDTOs)
        throws Exception {
        // step 1 make a list required plug-ins
        Set plugInNames = queryPlugInNames(testSuiteDTOs);

        // step 2 set up real plug-ins
        // configured with defaults
        // (This is a map of PlugIn by name)
        Map plugIns = new HashMap(plugInNames.size());

        // go through each plugIn
        for (Iterator i = plugInNames.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            String plugInName = (String);
            PlugInDTO dto = (PlugInDTO) plugInDTOs.get(plugInName);
            Class plugInClass = null;

            plugInClass = Class.forName(dto.getClassName());

            if (plugInClass == null) {
                throw new ClassNotFoundException("Could class for "
                    + plugInName + ": class " + dto.getClassName()
                    + " not found");

            Map plugInArgs = dto.getArgs();

            if (plugInArgs == null) {
                plugInArgs = new HashMap();

            PlugIn plugIn = new PlugIn(plugInName, plugInClass,
                    dto.getDescription(), plugInArgs);
            plugIns.put(plugInName, plugIn);

        // step 3
        // set up tests and add to processor
        for (Iterator i = testSuiteDTOs.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            TestSuiteDTO tdto = (TestSuiteDTO) testSuiteDTOs.get(;
            Iterator j = tdto.getTests().keySet().iterator();

            // for each TEST in the test suite
            while (j.hasNext()) {
                TestDTO dto = (TestDTO) tdto.getTests().get(;

                // deal with test
                Map testArgs = dto.getArgs();

                if (testArgs == null) {
                    testArgs = new HashMap();
                } else {
                    Map m = new HashMap();
                    Iterator k = testArgs.keySet().iterator();

                    while (k.hasNext()) {
                        ArgumentDTO adto = (ArgumentDTO) testArgs.get(;
                        m.put(adto.getName(), adto.getValue());

                    testArgs = m;

                PlugIn plugIn = (org.geotools.validation.PlugIn) plugIns.get(dto.getPlugIn()
                Validation validation = plugIn.createValidation(dto.getName(),
                        dto.getDescription(), testArgs);

                if (validation instanceof FeatureValidation) {
                    addValidation((FeatureValidation) validation);

                if (validation instanceof IntegrityValidation) {
                    addValidation((IntegrityValidation) validation);
        } // end each test suite
    } // load method

Related Classes of org.geotools.validation.ValidationProcessor

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