Package org.geotools.arcsde

Examples of org.geotools.arcsde.ArcSdeException

                bandInfo.statsMin = band.getStatsMin();
                bandInfo.statsMax = band.getStatsMax();
                bandInfo.statsMean = band.getStatsMean();
                bandInfo.statsStdDev = band.getStatsStdDev();
            } catch (SeException e) {
                throw new ArcSdeException(e);
            // double noDataValue = 0;
            // bandInfo.noDataValue = noDataValue;
        } else {
            bandInfo.statsMin = java.lang.Double.NaN;
            bandInfo.statsMax = java.lang.Double.NaN;
            bandInfo.statsMean = java.lang.Double.NaN;
            bandInfo.statsStdDev = java.lang.Double.NaN;
        if (bandInfo.getColorMap() != null) {
            bandInfo.noDataValue = RasterUtils.determineNoDataValue(bandInfo.getColorMap());
        } else {
            double statsMin = bandInfo.getStatsMin();
            double statsMax = bandInfo.getStatsMax();
            RasterCellType nativeCellType = bandInfo.getCellType();
            bandInfo.noDataValue = RasterUtils.determineNoDataValue(numBands, statsMin, statsMax,
        SDEPoint tOrigin;
        try {
            tOrigin = band.getTileOrigin();
        } catch (SeException e) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(e);
        bandInfo.tileOrigin = new Point((int)tOrigin.getX(), (int)tOrigin.getY());
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            final SeQueryInfo queryInfo;
            try {
                LOGGER.fine("creating definition query info");
                queryInfo = QueryInfoParser.parse(session, qualifiedSelect);
            } catch (SeException e) {
                throw new ArcSdeException("Error Parsing select: " + qualifiedSelect, e);
            FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = ArcSDEAdapter.createInprocessViewSchema(session, typeName,
                    typeInfoCache.getNamesapceURI(), qualifiedSelect, queryInfo);

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        SeShape shape = null;

        try {
            shape = new SeShape(seSrs);
        } catch (SeException ex) {
            ArcSdeException e = new ArcSdeException("Can't create SeShape with SeCrs " + seSrs, ex);
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;

        if (geometry.isEmpty()) {
            return shape;

        // REVISIT: this may be worth considering. If not, at least shape.generateFromWKB
        // final String wkt = geometry.toText();
        // try {
        // shape.generateFromText(wkt);
        // } catch (SeException e) {
        // ArcSdeException sdeEx = new ArcSdeException("Can't generate SeShape from " + geometry
        // + "\n", e);
        // LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, sdeEx.getMessage());
        // throw sdeEx;
        // }

        int numParts;
        GeometryCollection gcol = null;

        if (geometry instanceof GeometryCollection) {
            gcol = (GeometryCollection) geometry;
        } else {
            Geometry[] geoms = { geometry };
            gcol = new GeometryFactory().createGeometryCollection(geoms);

        List<SDEPoint> allPoints = new ArrayList<SDEPoint>();
        numParts = gcol.getNumGeometries();

        int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts];
        Geometry geom;
        Coordinate[] coords;
        Coordinate c;

        for (int currGeom = 0; currGeom < numParts; currGeom++) {
            partOffsets[currGeom] = allPoints.size();
            geom = gcol.getGeometryN(currGeom);

            coords = geom.getCoordinates();

            for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
                c = coords[i];
                allPoints.add(new SDEPoint(c.x, c.y));

        SDEPoint[] points = new SDEPoint[allPoints.size()];

        try {
            if (geometry instanceof Point || gcol instanceof MultiPoint) {
                shape.generatePoint(points.length, points);
            } else if (geometry instanceof LineString || geometry instanceof MultiLineString) {
                shape.generateLine(points.length, numParts, partOffsets, points);
            } else {
                shape.generatePolygon(points.length, numParts, partOffsets, points);
        } catch (SeException e) {
            ArcSdeException sdeEx = new ArcSdeException("Can't generate SeShape from " + geometry
                    + "\n", e);
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, sdeEx.getMessage());
            throw sdeEx;

        return shape;
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                        LOGGER.finer("Locking the transaction state");
                        LOGGER.finer("Transaction state locked");
                    } catch (SeException e) {
                        throw new ArcSdeException(e);
                final SeObjectId differencesId = new SeObjectId(SeState.SE_NULL_STATE_ID);
                final SeObjectId currentStateId = transactionState.getId();
                streamOperation.setState(currentStateId, differencesId,
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                return command.execute(this, null);
            } else {
                return command.execute(this, connection);
        } catch (SeException e) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(e);
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                                + sessionId);
                        cause = nase;
            } catch (SeException e) {
                throw new ArcSdeException("Can't create connection to " + serverName
                        + " for Session #" + sessionId, e);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                throw (IOException) new IOException("Can't create connection to " + serverName
                        + " for Session #" + sessionId).initCause(e);
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        } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Out of connections: " + e.getMessage() + ". Config: "
                    + this.config);
            throw new UnavailableConnectionException(config.getMaxConnections(), this.config);
        } catch (SeException se) {
            ArcSdeException sdee = new ArcSdeException(se);
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "ArcSDE error getting connection for " + config, sdee);
            throw sdee;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown problem getting connection: " + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw (IOException) new IOException(
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                assertEquals(10D, x, 1E-5);
                assertEquals(10D, y, 1E-5);

        } catch (SeException e) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(e);
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            SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                    filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
            spatFilters = new SeFilter[] { bboxFilter };
        } catch (SeException eek) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(eek);
        SeSqlConstruct sqlCons = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);
        // sqlCons.setWhere(where);

        final SeQueryInfo seQueryInfo = new SeQueryInfo();
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            SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                    filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
            spatFilters = new SeFilter[] { bboxFilter };
        } catch (SeException eek) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(eek);
        SeSqlConstruct sqlCons = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);

        final SeQueryInfo seQueryInfo = new SeQueryInfo();
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Related Classes of org.geotools.arcsde.ArcSdeException

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