
Source Code of

*    GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit
*    (C) 2002-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo)
*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
*    License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
*    version 2.1 of the License.
*    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    Lesser General Public License for more details.

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.geotools.arcsde.ArcSdeException;
import org.geotools.arcsde.session.Command;
import org.geotools.arcsde.session.Commands;
import org.geotools.arcsde.session.ISession;
import org.geotools.arcsde.session.ISessionPool;
import org.geotools.arcsde.session.SdeRow;
import org.geotools.arcsde.session.UnavailableConnectionException;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SDEPoint;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeColumnDefinition;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeConnection;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeCoordinateReference;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeDelete;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeException;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeExtent;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeFilter;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeInsert;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeLayer;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeObjectId;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeQuery;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeQueryInfo;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeRow;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeShape;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeShapeFilter;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeSqlConstruct;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeState;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeTable;
import com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeVersion;

* Exercises the ArcSDE Java API to ensure our assumptions are correct.
* <p>
* Some of this tests asserts the information from the documentation found on <a
* href="">arcsdeonline </a>, and others are needed to validate our
* assumptions in the API behavior due to the very little documentation ESRI provides about the less
* obvious things.
* </p>
* @author Gabriel Roldan, Axios Engineering
* @source $URL$
*         /org/geotools/arcsde/data/ $
* @version $Id$
public class ArcSDEJavaApiTest {
    /** package logger */
    private static Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging

    /** utility to load test parameters and build a datastore with them */
    private static TestData testData;

    private ISession session;

    private ISessionPool pool;

    public static void oneTimeSetUp() throws Exception {
        testData = new TestData();

        final boolean insertTestData = true;

    public static void oneTimeTearDown() {
        boolean cleanTestTable = true;
        boolean cleanPool = true;
        testData.tearDown(cleanTestTable, cleanPool);

     * loads {@code test-data/} into a Properties object, wich is used to
     * obtain test tables names and is used as parameter to find the DataStore
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        // facilitates running a single test at a time (eclipse lets you do this
        // and it's very useful)
        if (testData == null) {
        this.pool = testData.getConnectionPool();
        this.session = this.pool.getSession();

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
        if (session != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
        session = null;
        pool = null;

    public void testNullSQLConstruct() throws Exception {
        String[] columns = { TestData.TEST_TABLE_COLS[0] };
        SeSqlConstruct sql = null;

        try {
            session.createAndExecuteQuery(columns, sql);
            fail("A null SeSqlConstruct should have thrown an exception!");
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public void testEmptySQLConstruct() throws Exception {
        String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
        String[] columns = { TestData.TEST_TABLE_COLS[0] };
        SeSqlConstruct sql = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);

        SeQuery rowQuery = null;
        try {
            rowQuery = session.createAndExecuteQuery(columns, sql);
        } finally {
            if (rowQuery != null) {

    public void testGetBoundsWhileFetchingRows() throws Exception {
        final String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
        final String[] columns = { TestData.TEST_TABLE_COLS[0] };
        final SeSqlConstruct sql = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);

        final SeQueryInfo qInfo = new SeQueryInfo();

        // add a bounding box filter and verify both spatial and non spatial
        // constraints affects the COUNT statistics
        SeExtent extent = new SeExtent(-180, -90, -170, -80);

        SeLayer layer = session.getLayer(typeName);
        SeShape filterShape = new SeShape(layer.getCoordRef());

        SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
        final SeFilter[] spatFilters = { bboxFilter };

        final Command<Integer> countCmd = new Command<Integer>() {
            public Integer execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                final SeQuery rowQuery = new SeQuery(connection, columns, sql);
                rowQuery.setSpatialConstraints(SeQuery.SE_OPTIMIZE, false, spatFilters);

                // fetch some rows

                SeQuery countQuery = new SeQuery(connection, columns, sql);
                countQuery.setSpatialConstraints(SeQuery.SE_OPTIMIZE, true, spatFilters);

                SeTable.SeTableStats tableStats = countQuery.calculateTableStatistics("POP_ADMIN",
                        SeTable.SeTableStats.SE_COUNT_STATS, qInfo, 0);


                int resultCount = tableStats.getCount();

                return new Integer(resultCount);
        final Integer resultCount = session.issue(countCmd);
        final int expCount = 2;
        assertEquals(expCount, resultCount.intValue());

     * @param session
     *            the session to use in obtaining the query result count
     * @param tableName
     *            the name of the table to query
     * @param whereClause
     *            where clause, may be null
     * @param spatFilters
     *            spatial filters, may be null
     * @param the
     *            state identifier to query over a versioned table, may be {@code null}
     * @return the sde calculated counts for the given filter
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws Exception
    private static int getTempTableCount(final ISession session, final String tableName,
            final String whereClause, final SeFilter[] spatFilters, final SeState state)
            throws IOException {

        final Command<Integer> countCmd = new Command<Integer>() {
            public Integer execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                String[] columns = { "*" };

                SeSqlConstruct sql = new SeSqlConstruct(tableName);
                if (whereClause != null) {
                SeQuery query = new SeQuery(connection, columns, sql);

                if (state != null) {
                    SeObjectId differencesId = new SeObjectId(SeState.SE_NULL_STATE_ID);
                    query.setState(state.getId(), differencesId, SeState.SE_STATE_DIFF_NOCHECK);
                SeQueryInfo qInfo = new SeQueryInfo();

                if (spatFilters != null) {
                    query.setSpatialConstraints(SeQuery.SE_OPTIMIZE, true, spatFilters);

                SeTable.SeTableStats tableStats = query.calculateTableStatistics("INT32_COL",
                        SeTable.SeTableStats.SE_COUNT_STATS, qInfo, 0);

                int actualCount = tableStats.getCount();
                return new Integer(actualCount);

        final Integer count = session.issue(countCmd);
        return count.intValue();

    public void testCalculateCount() throws Exception {
        try {
            String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
            String where = "INT32_COL < 5";
            int expCount = 4;
            int actualCount;

            actualCount = getTempTableCount(session, typeName, where, null, null);
            assertEquals(expCount, actualCount);

            // add a bounding box filter and verify both spatial and non spatial
            // constraints affects the COUNT statistics
            SeExtent extent = new SeExtent(-180, -90, -170, -80);

            SeLayer layer = session.getLayer(typeName);
            SeShape filterShape = new SeShape(layer.getCoordRef());

            SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                    filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
            SeFilter[] spatFilters = { bboxFilter };

            expCount = 1;

            actualCount = getTempTableCount(session, typeName, where, spatFilters, null);

            assertEquals(expCount, actualCount);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw e;

    public void testCalculateCountSpatialFilter() throws Exception {
        try {
            String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
            String where = null;
            int expCount = 4;
            int actualCount;

            SeExtent extent = new SeExtent(-180, -90, -170, -80);

            SeLayer layer = session.getLayer(typeName);
            SeShape filterShape = new SeShape(layer.getCoordRef());

            SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                    filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
            SeFilter[] spatFilters = { bboxFilter };

            expCount = 2;

            actualCount = getTempTableCount(session, typeName, where, spatFilters, null);

            assertEquals(expCount, actualCount);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw e;

    public void testCalculateBoundsSqlFilter() throws Exception {
        String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
        String where = "INT32_COL = 1";
        String[] cols = { "SHAPE" };

        SeSqlConstruct sqlCons = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);

        final SeQueryInfo seQueryInfo = new SeQueryInfo();

        SeExtent extent = session.issue(new Command<SeExtent>() {
            public SeExtent execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                SeQuery spatialQuery = new SeQuery(connection);
                // spatialQuery.setSpatialConstraints(SeQuery.SE_OPTIMIZE,
                // false, filters);
                SeExtent extent = spatialQuery.calculateLayerExtent(seQueryInfo);
                return extent;

        double minX = Math.round(extent.getMinX());
        double minY = Math.round(extent.getMinY());
        double maxX = Math.round(extent.getMaxX());
        double maxY = Math.round(extent.getMaxY());
        assertEquals(0D, minX, 1E-9);
        assertEquals(0D, minY, 1E-9);
        assertEquals(0D, maxX, 1E-9);
        assertEquals(0D, maxY, 1E-9);

    public void testCalculateBoundsSpatialFilter() throws Exception {
        final String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();

        // String where = null;
        String[] cols = { "SHAPE" };
        final SeFilter[] spatFilters;
        try {
            SeExtent extent = new SeExtent(179, -1, 180, 0);
            SeLayer layer = session.getLayer(typeName);
            SeShape filterShape = new SeShape(layer.getCoordRef());

            SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                    filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
            spatFilters = new SeFilter[] { bboxFilter };
        } catch (SeException eek) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(eek);
        SeSqlConstruct sqlCons = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);
        // sqlCons.setWhere(where);

        final SeQueryInfo seQueryInfo = new SeQueryInfo();

        SeExtent extent = session.issue(new Command<SeExtent>() {

            public SeExtent execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                SeQuery spatialQuery = new SeQuery(connection);
                spatialQuery.setSpatialConstraints(SeQuery.SE_SPATIAL_FIRST, false, spatFilters);

                SeExtent extent = spatialQuery.calculateLayerExtent(seQueryInfo);
                return extent;

        // just checking the extent were returned, which is something as I get
        // lots of
        // exceptions with trial and error approaches. checking the coordinate
        // results seems
        // hard as the test data or layer or crs is screwing things up and
        // getting somehing like
        // 9.223E18. I guess the may be a problem with the test layer accepting
        // any type of
        // geometry or the CRS definition used in TestData, not sure


    public void testCalculateBoundsMixedFilter() throws Exception {
        final String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
        // try {
        String where = "INT32_COL < 5";
        String[] cols = { "SHAPE" };
        final SeFilter[] spatFilters;
        try {
            SeExtent extent = new SeExtent(179, -1, 180, 0);
            SeLayer layer = session.getLayer(typeName);
            SeShape filterShape = new SeShape(layer.getCoordRef());

            SeShapeFilter bboxFilter = new SeShapeFilter(typeName, layer.getSpatialColumn(),
                    filterShape, SeFilter.METHOD_ENVP, true);
            spatFilters = new SeFilter[] { bboxFilter };
        } catch (SeException eek) {
            throw new ArcSdeException(eek);
        SeSqlConstruct sqlCons = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName);

        final SeQueryInfo seQueryInfo = new SeQueryInfo();

        SeExtent extent = session.issue(new Command<SeExtent>() {
            public SeExtent execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                SeQuery spatialQuery = new SeQuery(connection);
                spatialQuery.setSpatialConstraints(SeQuery.SE_OPTIMIZE, false, spatFilters);

                SeExtent extent = spatialQuery.calculateLayerExtent(seQueryInfo);
                return extent;

        double minX = Math.round(extent.getMinX());
        double minY = Math.round(extent.getMinY());
        double maxX = Math.round(extent.getMaxX());
        double maxY = Math.round(extent.getMaxY());
        assertEquals(-170D, minX, 1E-9);
        assertEquals(-80D, minY, 1E-9);
        assertEquals(170D, maxX, 1E-9);
        assertEquals(80D, maxY, 1E-9);

        // } catch (SeException e) {
        // LOGGER.warning(e.getSeError().getErrDesc());
        // new ArcSdeException(e).printStackTrace();
        // throw e;
        // }

     * Ensures a point SeShape behaves as expected.
     * @throws SeException
     *             if it is thrown while constructing the SeShape
    public void testPointFormat() throws SeException {
        int numPts = 1;
        SDEPoint[] ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(3000, 100);

        SeShape point = new SeShape();
        point.generatePoint(numPts, ptArray);

        int numParts = 0;
        double[][][] coords = point.getAllCoords();

        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", numPts, coords.length);

        for (; numParts < numPts; numParts++) {
            assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[numParts].length);

        for (; numParts < numPts; numParts++) {
            int numSubParts = 0;

            for (; numSubParts < coords[numParts].length; numParts++) {
                assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2, coords[numParts][numSubParts].length);

     * Ensures a multipoint SeShape behaves as expected.
     * @throws SeException
     *             if it is thrown while constructing the SeShape
    public void testMultiPointFormat() throws SeException {
        int numPts = 4;
        SDEPoint[] ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(3000, 100);
        ptArray[1] = new SDEPoint(3000, 300);
        ptArray[2] = new SDEPoint(4000, 300);
        ptArray[3] = new SDEPoint(4000, 100);

        SeShape point = new SeShape();
        point.generatePoint(numPts, ptArray);

        double[][][] coords = point.getAllCoords();
        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", numPts, coords.length);

        int numParts = 0;

        for (; numParts < numPts; numParts++) {
            assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[numParts].length);

        for (; numParts < numPts; numParts++) {
            int numSubParts = 0;

            for (; numSubParts < coords[numParts].length; numParts++) {
                assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2, coords[numParts][numSubParts].length);

     * Ensures a linestring SeShape behaves as expected.
     * @throws SeException
     *             if it is thrown while constructing the SeShape
    public void testLineStringFormat() throws SeException {
        int numPts = 4;
        SDEPoint[] ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(3000, 100);
        ptArray[1] = new SDEPoint(3000, 300);
        ptArray[2] = new SDEPoint(4000, 300);
        ptArray[3] = new SDEPoint(4000, 100);

        SeShape point = new SeShape();
        int numParts = 1;
        int[] partOffsets = { 0 }; // index of each part's start in the gobal
        // coordinate array
        point.generateLine(numPts, numParts, partOffsets, ptArray);

        double[][][] coords = point.getAllCoords();

        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", 1, coords.length);

        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[0].length);

        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * numPts, coords[0][0].length);

     * Ensures a multilinestring SeShape behaves as expected.
     * @throws SeException
     *             if it is thrown while constructing the SeShape
    public void testMultiLineStringFormat() throws SeException {
        int numPts = 4;
        SDEPoint[] ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(3000, 100);
        ptArray[1] = new SDEPoint(3000, 300);
        ptArray[2] = new SDEPoint(4000, 300);
        ptArray[3] = new SDEPoint(4000, 100);

        SeShape point = new SeShape();
        int numParts = 2;
        int[] partOffsets = { 0, 2 }; // index of each part's start in the
        // gobal coordinate array
        point.generateLine(numPts, numParts, partOffsets, ptArray);

        double[][][] coords = point.getAllCoords();

        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", numParts, coords.length);

        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[0].length);
        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[1].length);

        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", numPts, coords[0][0].length);
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", numPts, coords[1][0].length);

     * Ensures a polygon SeShape behaves as expected, building a simple polygon and a polygon with a
     * hole.
     * @throws SeException
     *             if it is thrown while constructing the SeShape
    public void testPolygonFormat() throws SeException {
         * Generate an area shape composed of two polygons, the first with a hole
        int numPts = 4;
        int numParts = 1;
        int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts];
        partOffsets[0] = 0;

        SDEPoint[] ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];

        // simple polygon
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(1600, 1200);
        ptArray[1] = new SDEPoint(2800, 1650);
        ptArray[2] = new SDEPoint(1800, 2000);
        ptArray[3] = new SDEPoint(1600, 1200);

        SeShape polygon = new SeShape();
        polygon.generatePolygon(numPts, numParts, partOffsets, ptArray);

        double[][][] coords = polygon.getAllCoords();

        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", numParts, coords.length);
        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[0].length);
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * 4, coords[0][0].length);

        numPts = 14;
        numParts = 1;
        ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];
        partOffsets = new int[numParts];
        partOffsets[0] = 0;

        // part one
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(100, 1100);
        ptArray[1] = new SDEPoint(1500, 1100);
        ptArray[2] = new SDEPoint(1500, 1900);
        ptArray[3] = new SDEPoint(100, 1900);
        ptArray[4] = new SDEPoint(100, 1100);

        // Hole - sub part of part one
        ptArray[5] = new SDEPoint(200, 1200);
        ptArray[6] = new SDEPoint(200, 1500);
        ptArray[7] = new SDEPoint(500, 1500);
        ptArray[8] = new SDEPoint(500, 1700);
        ptArray[9] = new SDEPoint(800, 1700);
        ptArray[10] = new SDEPoint(800, 1500);
        ptArray[11] = new SDEPoint(500, 1500);
        ptArray[12] = new SDEPoint(500, 1200);
        ptArray[13] = new SDEPoint(200, 1200);

        polygon = new SeShape();
        polygon.generatePolygon(numPts, numParts, partOffsets, ptArray);

        coords = polygon.getAllCoords();

        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", numParts, coords.length);
        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 2, coords[0].length);

        // first part of first polygon (shell) has 5 points
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * 5, coords[0][0].length);

        // second part of first polygon (hole) has 9 points
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * 9, coords[0][1].length);

     * Ensures a multipolygon SeShape behaves as expected.
     * @throws SeException
     *             if it is thrown while constructing the SeShape
    public void testMultiPolygonFormat() throws SeException {
         * Generate an area shape composed of two polygons, the first with a hole
        int numPts = 18;
        int numParts = 2;
        int[] partOffsets = new int[numParts];
        partOffsets[0] = 0;
        partOffsets[1] = 14;

        SDEPoint[] ptArray = new SDEPoint[numPts];

        // part one
        ptArray[0] = new SDEPoint(100, 1100);
        ptArray[1] = new SDEPoint(1500, 1100);
        ptArray[2] = new SDEPoint(1500, 1900);
        ptArray[3] = new SDEPoint(100, 1900);
        ptArray[4] = new SDEPoint(100, 1100);

        // Hole - sub part of part one
        ptArray[5] = new SDEPoint(200, 1200);
        ptArray[6] = new SDEPoint(200, 1500);
        ptArray[7] = new SDEPoint(500, 1500);
        ptArray[8] = new SDEPoint(500, 1700);
        ptArray[9] = new SDEPoint(800, 1700);
        ptArray[10] = new SDEPoint(800, 1500);
        ptArray[11] = new SDEPoint(500, 1500);
        ptArray[12] = new SDEPoint(500, 1200);
        ptArray[13] = new SDEPoint(200, 1200);

        // part two
        ptArray[14] = new SDEPoint(1600, 1200);
        ptArray[15] = new SDEPoint(2800, 1650);
        ptArray[16] = new SDEPoint(1800, 2000);
        ptArray[17] = new SDEPoint(1600, 1200);

        SeShape multipolygon = new SeShape();
        multipolygon.generatePolygon(numPts, numParts, partOffsets, ptArray);

        double[][][] coords = multipolygon.getAllCoords();

        assertEquals("Num of parts invalid", numParts, coords.length);

        // the first polygon has 2 parts
        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 2, coords[0].length);

        // the second polygon has only 1 part
        assertEquals("Num subparts invalid", 1, coords[1].length);

        // first part of first polygon (shell) has 5 points
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * 5, coords[0][0].length);

        // second part of first polygon (hole) has 9 points
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * 9, coords[0][1].length);

        // second polygon (shell with no holes) has 4 points
        assertEquals("Num of points invalid", 2 * 4, coords[1][0].length);

     * Creates an ArcSDE table, "EXAMPLE", and adds a spatial column, "SHAPE", to it.
     * <p>
     * This code is directly taken from the createBaseTable mehtod of the arcsdeonline
     * "Working with layers" example, to verify that it works prior to blame the gt implementation.
     * </p>
    public void testCreateBaseTable() throws SeException, IOException,
            UnavailableConnectionException {

        final SeColumnDefinition[] colDefs = new SeColumnDefinition[7];

         * Define the columns and their attributes for the table to be created. NOTE: The valid
         * range/values of size and scale parameters vary from one database to another.
        boolean isNullable = true;
        colDefs[0] = new SeColumnDefinition("INT32_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_INTEGER, 10, 0,
        colDefs[1] = new SeColumnDefinition("INT16_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_SMALLINT, 4, 0,
        colDefs[2] = new SeColumnDefinition("FLOAT32_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_FLOAT, 5, 2,
        colDefs[3] = new SeColumnDefinition("FLOAT64_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_DOUBLE, 15, 4,
        colDefs[4] = new SeColumnDefinition("STRING_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_STRING, 25, 0,
        colDefs[5] = new SeColumnDefinition("DATE_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_DATE, 1, 0,
        colDefs[6] = new SeColumnDefinition("INT64_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_INTEGER, 10, 0,

        final Command<Void> createBaseTableCmd = new Command<Void>() {

            public Void execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {

                SeLayer layer = new SeLayer(connection);
                SeTable table = null;

                 * Create a qualified table name with current user's name and the name of the table
                 * to be created, "EXAMPLE".
                String tableName = (connection.getUser() + ".EXAMPLE");
                table = new SeTable(connection, tableName);

                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {

                 * Create the table using the DBMS default configuration keyword. Valid keywords are
                 * defined in the dbtune table.
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    LOGGER.fine("\n--> Creating a table using DBMS Default Keyword");
                table.create(colDefs, testData.getConfigKeyword());
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    LOGGER.fine(" - Done.");
                 * Define the attributes of the spatial column

                 * Set the type of shapes that can be inserted into the layer. Shape type can be
                 * just one or many. NOTE: Layers that contain more than one shape type can only be
                 * accessed through the C and Java APIs and Arc Explorer Java 3.x. They cannot be
                 * seen from ArcGIS desktop applications.
                layer.setShapeTypes(SeLayer.SE_NIL_TYPE_MASK | SeLayer.SE_POINT_TYPE_MASK
                        | SeLayer.SE_LINE_TYPE_MASK | SeLayer.SE_SIMPLE_LINE_TYPE_MASK
                        | SeLayer.SE_AREA_TYPE_MASK | SeLayer.SE_MULTIPART_TYPE_MASK);
                layer.setGridSizes(1100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                layer.setDescription("Layer Example");

                SeExtent ext = new SeExtent(0.0, 0.0, 10000.0, 10000.0);

                 * Define the layer's Coordinate Reference
                SeCoordinateReference coordref = TestData.getGenericCoordRef();

                 * Spatially enable the new table...
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    LOGGER.fine("\n--> Adding spatial column \"SHAPE\"...");
                layer.create(3, 4);
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    LOGGER.fine(" - Done.");
                return null;


    } // End method createBaseTable

     * Creates an ArcSDE table, "EXAMPLE", and adds a spatial column, "SHAPE", to it.
     * <p>
     * This code is directly taken from the createBaseTable mehtod of the arcsdeonline
     * "Working with layers" example, to verify that it works prior to blame the gt implementation.
     * </p>
    public void testCreateNonStandardSchema() throws SeException, IOException,
            UnavailableConnectionException {

        Command<Void> createCommand = new Command<Void>() {
            public Void execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                final SeLayer layer = new SeLayer(connection);
                 * Create a qualified table name with current user's name and the name of the table
                 * to be created, "EXAMPLE".
                final String tableName = (connection.getUser() + ".NOTENDSWITHGEOM");
                final SeTable table = new SeTable(connection, tableName);
                try {

                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // intentionally blank

                     * Create the table using the DBMS default configuration keyword. Valid keywords
                     * are defined in the dbtune table.
                    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        System.out.println("\n--> Creating a table using DBMS Default Keyword");
                    SeColumnDefinition[] tmpCols = new SeColumnDefinition[] { new SeColumnDefinition(
                            "tmp", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_STRING, 5, 0, true) };
                    table.create(tmpCols, testData.getConfigKeyword());
                    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        System.out.println(" - Done.");
                    SeColumnDefinition[] colDefs = new SeColumnDefinition[7];

                     * Define the columns and their attributes for the table to be created. NOTE:
                     * The valid range/values of size and scale parameters vary from one database to
                     * another.
                    boolean isNullable = true;
                    colDefs[0] = new SeColumnDefinition("INT32_COL",
                            SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_INTEGER, 10, 0, isNullable);
                    colDefs[1] = new SeColumnDefinition("INT16_COL",
                            SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_SMALLINT, 4, 0, isNullable);
                    colDefs[2] = new SeColumnDefinition("FLOAT32_COL",
                            SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_FLOAT, 5, 2, isNullable);
                    colDefs[3] = new SeColumnDefinition("FLOAT64_COL",
                            SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_DOUBLE, 15, 4, isNullable);
                    colDefs[4] = new SeColumnDefinition("STRING_COL",
                            SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_STRING, 25, 0, isNullable);
                    colDefs[5] = new SeColumnDefinition("DATE_COL", SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_DATE,
                            1, 0, isNullable);
                    colDefs[6] = new SeColumnDefinition("INT64_COL",
                            SeColumnDefinition.TYPE_INTEGER, 10, 0, isNullable);


                     * Define the attributes of the spatial column

                     * Set the type of shapes that can be inserted into the layer. Shape type can be
                     * just one or many. NOTE: Layers that contain more than one shape type can only
                     * be accessed through the C and Java APIs and Arc Explorer Java 3.x. They
                     * cannot be seen from ArcGIS desktop applications.
                    layer.setShapeTypes(SeLayer.SE_NIL_TYPE_MASK | SeLayer.SE_POINT_TYPE_MASK
                            | SeLayer.SE_LINE_TYPE_MASK | SeLayer.SE_SIMPLE_LINE_TYPE_MASK
                            | SeLayer.SE_AREA_TYPE_MASK | SeLayer.SE_MULTIPART_TYPE_MASK);
                    layer.setGridSizes(1100.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                    layer.setDescription("Layer Example");

                    SeExtent ext = new SeExtent(0.0, 0.0, 10000.0, 10000.0);

                     * Define the layer's Coordinate Reference
                    SeCoordinateReference coordref = new SeCoordinateReference();
                    coordref.setXY(0D, 0D, 100D);

                     * Spatially enable the new table...
                    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        LOGGER.fine("\n--> Adding spatial column \"SHAPE\"...");

                    layer.create(3, 4);
                    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        LOGGER.fine(" - Done.");

                    // } catch (SeException e) {
                    // LOGGER.throwing(this.getClass().getName(),
                    // "testCreateNonStandardSchema", e);
                    // throw e;
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // intentionally blank

                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // intentionally blank
                return null;
    } // End method createBaseTable

    public void testDeleteById() throws IOException, UnavailableConnectionException, SeException {

        final String typeName = testData.getTempTableName();
        final SeQuery query = session.createAndExecuteQuery(new String[] { "ROW_ID", "INT32_COL" },
                new SeSqlConstruct(typeName));

        final int rowId;
        try {
            SdeRow row = session.fetch(query);
            rowId = row.getInteger(0).intValue();
        } finally {

        session.issue(new Command<Void>() {
            public Void execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                SeDelete delete = new SeDelete(connection);
                delete.byId(typeName, new SeObjectId(rowId));
                return null;

        final String whereClause = "ROW_ID=" + rowId;
        final SeSqlConstruct sqlConstruct = new SeSqlConstruct(typeName, whereClause);
        final SeQuery deletedQuery = session.createAndExecuteQuery(new String[] { "ROW_ID" },

        SdeRow row = session.fetch(deletedQuery);
        assertNull(whereClause + " should have returned no records as it was deleted", row);

     * Does a query over a non autocommit transaction return the added/modified features and hides
     * the deleted ones?
     * @throws DataSourceException
    public void testTransactionStateRead() throws Exception {
        // connection with a transaction in progress
        final ISession transSession;


            final ISessionPool connPool = testData.getConnectionPool();
            transSession = connPool.getSession();
            // start a transaction on transConn

        // flag to rollback or not at finally{}
        boolean commited = false;

        try {
            final String[] columns = { "INT32_COL", "STRING_COL" };
            final String tableName = testData.getTempTableName(transSession);

            transSession.issue(new Command<Void>() {
                public Void execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                        IOException {
                    SeInsert insert = new SeInsert(connection);
                    insert.intoTable(tableName, columns);
                    SeRow row = insert.getRowToSet();
                    row.setInteger(0, Integer.valueOf(50));
                    row.setString(1, "inside transaction");

                    // IMPORTANT to call close for the diff to take effect
                    return null;

            final SeSqlConstruct sqlConstruct = new SeSqlConstruct(tableName);

            final SeRow transRow = transSession.issue(new Command<SeRow>() {
                public SeRow execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                        IOException {
                    // the query over the transaction connection
                    SeQuery transQuery = new SeQuery(connection, columns, sqlConstruct);
                    // transaction is not committed, so transQuery should give
                    // the
                    // inserted
                    // record and query don't
                    SeRow transRow = transQuery.fetch();
                    // querying over a transaction in progress does give diff
                    // assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(50), transRow.getInteger(0))
                    return transRow;


            // commit transaction
            commited = true;

            final SeRow noTransRow = session.issue(new Command<SeRow>() {
                public SeRow execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                        IOException {
                    SeQuery query = new SeQuery(connection, columns, sqlConstruct);
                    SeRow row = query.fetch();
                    return row;


        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            if (!commited) {
            // conn.close(); closed at tearDown

     * Creates a versioned table with two versions, the default one and another one, makes edits
     * over the default one, checks states are consistent in both
     * @throws Exception
    public void testEditVersionedTable_DefaultVersion() throws Exception {
        final SeTable versionedTable = testData.createVersionedTable(session);

        // create a new version
        final SeVersion defaultVersion;
        final SeVersion newVersion;
            defaultVersion = session.issue(new Commands.GetVersionCommand(

            newVersion = session.issue(new Command<SeVersion>() {

                public SeVersion execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection)
                        throws SeException, IOException {
                    SeVersion newVersion = new SeVersion(connection,
                    // newVersion.getInfo();
                    newVersion.setName(connection.getUser() + ".GeoToolsTestVersion");
                            + " child for GeoTools ArcSDE unit tests");
                    // do not require ArcSDE to create a unique name if the
                    // required
                    // version already exists
                    boolean uniqueName = false;
                    try {
                        newVersion.create(uniqueName, newVersion);
                    } catch (SeException e) {
                        int sdeError = e.getSeError().getSdeError();
                        if (sdeError != -177) {
                            throw new ArcSdeException(e);
                        // "VERSION ALREADY EXISTS", ignore and continue..
                    return newVersion;

        // edit default version
        SeState newState1 = session.issue(new Command<SeState>() {
            public SeState execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                SeObjectId defVersionStateId = defaultVersion.getStateId();
                SeState defVersionState = new SeState(connection, defVersionStateId);
                // create a new state as a child of the current one, the current
                // one
                // must be closed
                if (defVersionState.isOpen()) {
                SeState newState1 = new SeState(connection);
                return newState1;

        testData.insertIntoVersionedTable(session, newState1, versionedTable.getName(),
                "name 1 state 1");
        testData.insertIntoVersionedTable(session, newState1, versionedTable.getName(),
                "name 2 state 1");

        final SeObjectId parentStateId = newState1.getId();

        final SeState newState2 = session.issue(new Command<SeState>() {
            public SeState execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                SeState newState = new SeState(connection);
                return newState;

        testData.insertIntoVersionedTable(session, newState2, versionedTable.getName(),
                "name 1 state 2");

        session.issue(new Command<Void>() {
            public Void execute(ISession session, SeConnection connection) throws SeException,
                    IOException {
                // Change the version's state pointer to the last edit state.

                // Trim the state tree.
                newState2.trimTree(parentStateId, newState2.getId());

                return null;

        // we edited the default version, lets query the default version and the
        // new version and assert they have the correct feature count
        final SeObjectId defaultVersionStateId = defaultVersion.getStateId();
        SeState defVersionState = session.createState(defaultVersionStateId);

        int defVersionCount = getTempTableCount(session, versionedTable.getName(), null, null,
        assertEquals(3, defVersionCount);

        SeState newVersionState = session.createState(newVersion.getStateId());
        int newVersionCount = getTempTableCount(session, versionedTable.getName(), null, null,
        assertEquals(0, newVersionCount);

    // private void insertIntoDifferentTransactionsAndMerge(ISession session) throws IOException {
    // SeVersion defaultVersion = session.getDefaultVersion();
    // SeState currentState = session.createState(defaultVersion.getStateId());
    // if (currentState.isOpen()) {
    // try {
    // currentState.close();
    // } catch (SeException e) {
    // }
    // }
    // // SeState newState1 = session.createchi
    // }

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