Package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLContext$XMLContextState

        if (xrServiceStream == null) {
            throw new WebServiceException(DBWSException.couldNotLocateFile(DBWS_SERVICE_XML));
        DBWSModelProject xrServiceModelProject = new DBWSModelProject();
        XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext(xrServiceModelProject);
        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = xmlContext.createUnmarshaller();
        XRServiceModel xrServiceModel;
        try {
            xrServiceModel = (XRServiceModel)unmarshaller.unmarshal(xrServiceStream);
        catch (XMLMarshalException e) {
            // something went wrong parsing the eclipselink-dbws.xml - can't recover from that
            throw new WebServiceException(DBWSException.couldNotParseDBWSFile());
        try {
        catch (IOException ioe) {
            /* safe to ignore */

        String path = WSDL_DIR + DBWS_SCHEMA_XML;
        if (sc != null) {
            path = "WEB-INF/" + path;
            xrSchemaStream = sc.getResourceAsStream(path);
        else {
            // if ServletContext is null, then we are running in JavaSE6 'container-less' mode
            xrSchemaStream = parentClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(path);
        if (xrSchemaStream == null) {
            throw new WebServiceException(DBWSException.couldNotLocateFile(DBWS_SCHEMA_XML));
        try {
            buildService(xrServiceModel); // inherit xrService processing from XRServiceFactory
        catch (Exception e) {
            // something went wrong building the service
            throw new WebServiceException(e);

        // the xrService built by 'buildService' above is overridden to produce an
        // instance of DBWSAdapter (a sub-class of XRService)
        DBWSAdapter dbwsAdapter = (DBWSAdapter)xrService;

        // get inline schema from WSDL - has additional types for the operations
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        InputStream wsdlInputStream = null;
        path = WSDL_DIR + DBWS_WSDL;
        if (sc != null) {
            path = WEB_INF_DIR + path;
            wsdlInputStream = sc.getResourceAsStream(path);
        else {
            // if ServletContext is null, then we are running in JavaSE6 'container-less' mode
            wsdlInputStream = parentClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(path);
        if (wsdlInputStream == null) {
            throw new WebServiceException(DBWSException.couldNotLocateFile(DBWS_WSDL));
        try {
            StreamSource wsdlStreamSource = new StreamSource(wsdlInputStream);
          Transformer t = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(new StreamSource(
              new StringReader(MATCH_SCHEMA)));
          StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(sw);
          t.transform(wsdlStreamSource, streamResult);
            SchemaModelProject schemaProject = new SchemaModelProject();
            XMLContext xmlContext2 = new XMLContext(schemaProject);
            unmarshaller = xmlContext2.createUnmarshaller();
            Schema extendedSchema = (Schema)unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader(sw.toString()));
        catch (Exception e) {
          // that's Ok, WSDL may not contain inline schema

            throw new SOAPFaultException(soapFault);

        XMLRoot xmlRoot = null;
        try {
            XMLContext xmlContext = dbwsAdapter.getXMLContext();
            xmlRoot = (XMLRoot)xmlContext.createUnmarshaller().unmarshal(body,
        catch (XMLMarshalException e) {
            SOAPFault soapFault = null;
            try {

        // Create the OPM project.
        if (classLoader != null) {
        // Marshal OPM format.
        XMLContext context = new XMLContext(opmProject);
        context.getSession(Project.class).getEventManager().addListener(new MissingDescriptorListener());
        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();
        Project project = (Project)unmarshaller.unmarshal(document);

        // Set the project's class loader.
        if ((classLoader != null) && (project.getDatasourceLogin() != null)) {

        // Get the schema validation flag if present in the persistence unit properties
        boolean validateORMSchema = isORMSchemaValidationPerformed(properties);
        // -------------- Until bug 218047 is fixed. -----------------
        if (m_orm1_0Project == null) {
            m_orm1_0Project = new XMLContext(new XMLEntityMappingsMappingProject(ORM_1_0_NAMESPACE, ORM_1_0_XSD));
            m_eclipseLinkOrmProject = new XMLContext(new XMLEntityMappingsMappingProject(ECLIPSELINK_ORM_NAMESPACE, ECLIPSELINK_ORM_XSD));
        // Unmarshall JPA format.
        XMLEntityMappings xmlEntityMappings;

    protected XMLDescriptor getDescriptor(XMLRecord xmlRecord, AbstractSession session, QName rootQName) throws XMLMarshalException {
        if (rootQName == null) {
            rootQName = new QName(xmlRecord.getNamespaceURI(), xmlRecord.getLocalName());
        XMLContext xmlContext = xmlRecord.getUnmarshaller().getXMLContext();
        XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor = xmlContext.getDescriptor(rootQName);
        if (null == xmlDescriptor) {
            if (!((getKeepAsElementPolicy() == UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy.KEEP_UNKNOWN_AS_ELEMENT) || (getKeepAsElementPolicy() == UnmarshalKeepAsElementPolicy.KEEP_ALL_AS_ELEMENT))) {
                throw XMLMarshalException.noDescriptorWithMatchingRootElement(xmlRecord.getLocalName());

        if (null == contextInput) {
            return null;
        synchronized(this) {
            JAXBContextState newState = contextInput.createContextState();
            XMLContext xmlContext = getXMLContext();

            return newState;

                currentJAXBContextState = newContextState();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw JAXBException.exceptionDuringSchemaGeneration(e);
        XMLContext xmlContext = currentJAXBContextState.getXMLContext();
        Generator generator = currentJAXBContextState.getGenerator();
        if (generator == null) {
            List<XMLDescriptor> descriptorsToProcess = new ArrayList<XMLDescriptor>();
            List<Session> sessions = xmlContext.getSessions();
            for (Session session : sessions) {
                List<XMLDescriptor> descriptors = (List<XMLDescriptor>)(List)session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors();
                for (XMLDescriptor xDesc : descriptors) {

                return createContextState(classArray, xmlBindingMap);

            Exception sessionLoadingException = null;
            try {
                XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext(contextPath, classLoader);
                return new JAXBContextState(xmlContext);
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                sessionLoadingException = exception;
            JAXBException jaxbException = JAXBException.noObjectFactoryOrJaxbIndexInPath(contextPath);


            XMLPlatform platform = new SAXPlatform();
            XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext(proj, loader, sessionEventListeners());


            return new JAXBContextState(xmlContext, generator, typesToBeBound, properties);

                dp = DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(p, null, (DynamicClassLoader) classLoader);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new JAXBException(org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JAXBException.errorCreatingDynamicJAXBContext(e));

            XMLContext ctx = new XMLContext(dp, classLoader, sessionEventListeners());

            List<Session> sessions = (List<Session>) ctx.getSessions();
            for (Object session : sessions) {
                state.getHelpers().add(new DynamicHelper((DatabaseSession) session));

            return state;


Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLContext$XMLContextState

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