xmlVersion = (String) PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod(getVersion, xmlRow.getDocument(), new Object[] {});
} catch (Exception ex) {
//if the methods aren't available, then just use the default values
XMLContext xmlContext = xmlUnmarshaller.getXMLContext();
// handle case where the reference class is a primitive wrapper - in
// this case, we need to use the conversion manager to convert the
// node's value to the primitive wrapper class, then create,
// populate and return an XMLRoot
if (XMLConversionManager.getDefaultJavaTypes().get(referenceClass) != null ||ClassConstants.XML_GREGORIAN_CALENDAR.isAssignableFrom(referenceClass)
// we're assuming that since we're unmarshalling to a primitive
// wrapper, the root element has a single text node
Object nodeVal;
try {
Text rootTxt = (Text) xmlRow.getDOM().getFirstChild();
nodeVal = rootTxt.getNodeValue();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// here, either the root element doesn't have a text node as a
// first child, or there is no first child at all - in any case,
// try converting null
nodeVal = null;
Object obj = ((XMLConversionManager) xmlContext.getSession(0).getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager()).convertObject(nodeVal, referenceClass);
XMLRoot xmlRoot = new XMLRoot();
String lName = xmlRow.getDOM().getLocalName();
if (lName == null) {
lName = xmlRow.getDOM().getNodeName();
return xmlRoot;
// for XMLObjectReferenceMappings we need a non-shared cache, so
// try and get a Unit Of Work from the XMLContext
AbstractSession readSession = xmlContext.getReadSession(referenceClass);
XMLDescriptor descriptor = (XMLDescriptor) readSession.getDescriptor(referenceClass);
if (descriptor == null) {
throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(referenceClass.getName());
Object object = null;
if(null == xmlRow.getDOM().getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(XMLConstants.SCHEMA_INSTANCE_URL, XMLConstants.SCHEMA_NIL_ATTRIBUTE)) {
XMLObjectBuilder objectBuilder = (XMLObjectBuilder) descriptor.getObjectBuilder();
ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery();