Package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions

Examples of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord$RecordEntry

                    elements.add(createRecordElement(elementName, values.get(index), accessor));
                element = elements;
                // Handle nested rows.
            } else if (value instanceof AbstractRecord) {
              AbstractRecord valuesRow = (AbstractRecord)value;

                // The record name for the row must be determined,
                // currently the SDK uses the table name of the row's field for this,
                // ideally this would be a property on the row.
                String recordName = elementName;
                if (valuesRow.size() > 0) {
                    recordName = ((DatabaseField)valuesRow.getFields().get(0)).getTableName();
                MappedRecord record = accessor.getRecordFactory().createMappedRecord(recordName);
                for (Iterator keysIterator = valuesRow.getFields().iterator();
                         keysIterator.hasNext();) {
                    DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField);
                    Object elementValue = createRecordElement(field.getName(), valuesRow.get(field), accessor);
                    accessor.getEISPlatform().setValueInRecord(field.getName(), elementValue, record, accessor);
                element = record;
            return element;
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                    return rows;
            rows = new Vector(1);
            AbstractRecord row = new EISMappedRecord(mappedRecord, accessor);
        } else {
            rows = new Vector(1);
        return rows;
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     * Build a database row from the record returned from the interaction.
    public AbstractRecord buildRow(Record record, EISAccessor accessor) {
      AbstractRecord row = null;

        // If not a mapped record then just put it as a result value in the row.
        if (!(record instanceof MappedRecord)) {
            row = new DatabaseRecord(1);
            row.put(getOutputResultPath(), record);
            return row;
        MappedRecord mappedRecord = (MappedRecord)record;

        // The desired result is either the entire output record,
        // or a translation of the output with the output arguments.
        if (hasOutputArguments()) {
            row = new DatabaseRecord(getOutputArgumentNames().size());
            for (int index = 0; index < getOutputArgumentNames().size(); index++) {
                DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)getOutputArguments().get(index);
                row.put(field, mappedRecord.get(getOutputArgumentNames().get(index)));
            return row;
        } else if (getOutputResultPath().length() > 0) {
            // Extract the desired nested record from the output.
            mappedRecord = (MappedRecord)mappedRecord.get(getOutputResultPath());
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     * Build a database row from the record returned from the interaction.
     * Also handles MappedRecords for case of input being indexed but mapped ouput.
    public AbstractRecord buildRow(Record record, EISAccessor accessor) {
      AbstractRecord row = null;
        if (record instanceof IndexedRecord) {
            IndexedRecord indexedRecord = (IndexedRecord)record;
            row = new DatabaseRecord(indexedRecord.size());
            for (int index = 0; index < indexedRecord.size(); index++) {
                DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)getOutputArguments().get(index);
                row.put(field, indexedRecord.get(index));
        } else if (record instanceof MappedRecord) {
            MappedRecord mappedRecord = (MappedRecord)record;

            // Handle the case of a single output argument of the entire row contained within the return record.
            if (getOutputArgumentNames().size() == 1) {
                mappedRecord = (MappedRecord)mappedRecord.get(getOutputArgumentNames().get(0));
                // Handle the case were the output row is mapped into a database row of values.
            } else if (getOutputArgumentNames().size() > 1) {
                row = new DatabaseRecord(getOutputArgumentNames().size());
                for (int index = 0; index < getOutputArgumentNames().size(); index++) {
                    DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)getOutputArguments().get(index);
                    row.put(field, mappedRecord.get(getOutputArgumentNames().get(index)));
                return row;

            // Wrapped the record in a database to avoid loosing any information in conversion to database row,
            // also gets around problem of some adatpers not supporting keySet or entrySet.
            row = new EISMappedRecord(mappedRecord, accessor);
        } else {
            row = new DatabaseRecord(1);
            row.put(getOutputResultPath(), record);
        return row;
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    public AbstractRecord buildRow(Record record, EISAccessor accessor) {
        if (record == null) {
            return null;
        AbstractRecord row = accessor.getEISPlatform().createDatabaseRowFromDOMRecord(record, this, accessor);
        if (row == null) {
            return null;
        if (getOutputResultPath().length() > 0) {
            row = (AbstractRecord)row.get(getOutputResultPath());
            // Handle the case were the output row is mapped into a database row of values.
        } else if (hasOutputArguments()) {
            row = createXMLRecord(getOutputRootElementName());
            for (int index = 0; index < getOutputArgumentNames().size(); index++) {
                DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)getOutputArguments().get(index);
                row.put(field, row.get(getOutputArgumentNames().get(index)));
        return row;
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    public Vector buildRows(Record record, EISAccessor accessor) {
        Vector rows = null;
        if (record == null) {
            return new Vector(0);
        AbstractRecord row = accessor.getEISPlatform().createDatabaseRowFromDOMRecord(record, this, accessor);
        if (getOutputResultPath().length() > 0) {
            Vector values = (Vector)row.getValues(getOutputResultPath());
            if (values == null) {
                values = new Vector(0);
            rows = values;
        } else {
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        if (getModifyRow() == null) {
        // EL Bug 319759
        AbstractRecord row = getQuery().getTranslationRow();
        boolean useCache = (row == null || !(getQuery().shouldValidateUpdateCallCacheUse() && row.hasNullValueInFields()));
        // PERF: Check the descriptor update SQL call cache for a matching update with the same fields.
        Vector updateCalls = getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getCachedUpdateCalls(getModifyRow().getFields());
        // If the calls were cached then don't need to prepare.
        if (updateCalls != null && useCache == true) {
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        DatabaseCall call = null;
        if (shouldPrepare) {
            call = query.getConcreteSubclassCalls().get(query.getReferenceClass());
        if (call == null) {
            AbstractRecord translationRow = query.getTranslationRow();
            if (shouldPrepare) {
            // Must also build the call.
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     * <p>Called by postInsert() and also postUpdate() (which first does a logicalDelete
     * of the previous version).
    public void logicalInsert(ObjectLevelModifyQuery writeQuery, boolean isUpdate) {
        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor();
        AbstractRecord modifyRow = null;
        AbstractRecord originalModifyRow = writeQuery.getModifyRow();
        Object currentTime = null;
        if (isUpdate) {
            modifyRow = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().buildRow(writeQuery.getObject(), writeQuery.getSession(), WriteType.UPDATE); // Bug 319276
            // If anyone added items to the modify row, then they should also be added here.
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        DataModifyQuery historyQuery = new DataModifyQuery();
        SQLInsertStatement historyStatement = new SQLInsertStatement();
        DatabaseTable histTable = getHistoricalTables().get(0);

        AbstractRecord modifyRow = originalQuery.getModifyRow().clone();
        AbstractRecord translationRow = arguments.clone();

        // Start could be the version field in timestamp locking.
        if (!modifyRow.containsKey(getStart())) {
            Object time = getCurrentTime(session);
            modifyRow.add(getStart(), time);
            translationRow.add(getStart(), time);
        session.executeQuery(historyQuery, translationRow);
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Related Classes of org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord$RecordEntry

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