container = getMapping().buildCloneForPartObject(attributeValue, original, clone, unitOfWork, false);
} else {
if (!(attributeValue instanceof IndirectContainer)) {
valueHolder = new ValueHolder(attributeValue);
AbstractRecord row = null;
if (valueHolder instanceof DatabaseValueHolder) {
row = ((DatabaseValueHolder)valueHolder).getRow();
//If a new object is being cloned then we must build a new UOWValueHolder
// this is so that new clones can also have their relationships managed
// here the code instantiates the valueholder in a privledged manner because a
// UOWValueHolder will assume the objects in the collection are existing if the valueholder
// Goes through it's own instantiation process.
UnitOfWorkValueHolder newValueHolder = this.getMapping().createUnitOfWorkValueHolder(valueHolder, original, clone, row, unitOfWork, buildDirectlyFromRow);
container = buildIndirectContainer(newValueHolder);
Object cloneCollection = getMapping().buildCloneForPartObject(attributeValue, original, clone, unitOfWork, false);
} else {
if (!(attributeValue instanceof IndirectContainer)) {
valueHolder = new ValueHolder(attributeValue);
AbstractRecord row = null;
if (valueHolder instanceof DatabaseValueHolder) {
row = ((DatabaseValueHolder)valueHolder).getRow();
container = buildIndirectContainer(getMapping().createUnitOfWorkValueHolder(valueHolder, original, clone, row, unitOfWork, buildDirectlyFromRow));