Package org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskExecutionException

            context.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECT_SCM_ROOT, projectScmRoot );
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error storing project scm root", e );
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                    projectsToBeBuilt.add( project );
                catch( ContinuumStoreException e )
                    log.error( "Error while creating build object", e );
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while creating build object", e );
            else if ( project.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.CHECKEDOUT || project.getState() == ContinuumProjectState.NEW ) //check if no build result yet for project
                    //get default build definition for project
                    //buildDefinitionId = buildDefinitionDao.getDefaultBuildDefinition( project.getId() ).getId();
                    BuildDefinition buildDefinition = buildDefinitionDao.getDefaultBuildDefinition( project.getId() );
                    projectsBuildDefinitionsMap.put( project.getId(), buildDefinition );
                    projectsToBeBuilt.add( project );
                catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
                    log.error( "Error while creating build object", e );
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while creating build object", e );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error executing action 'build-project'", e );
                //shouldBuild = true;
                projectsToBeBuilt.add( project );
            Map context = new HashMap();
            context.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECTS, projectsToBeBuilt );
            context.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECTS_BUILD_DEFINITIONS_MAP, projectsBuildDefinitionsMap );
            context.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_TRIGGER, trigger );
   "Performing action create-build-project-task" );
            actionManager.lookup( "create-build-project-task" ).execute( context );
        catch ( ActionNotFoundException e )
           log.error( "Error looking up action 'build-project'" );
           throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error looking up action 'build-project'", e );
        catch ( Exception e )
            log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error executing action 'build-project'", e );
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                LocalRepository repository = repoPurge.getRepository();

                if ( repository == null )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException(
                        "Error while executing purge repository task: no repository set" );

                purgeController = (PurgeController) container.lookup( PurgeController.ROLE, "purge-repository" );

                purgeController.initializeExecutors( repoPurge );

                if ( repoPurge.isDeleteAll() )
                    purgeController.doPurge( repository.getLocation() );
                    scanner.scan( repository, purgeController );
            else if ( purgeConfig != null && purgeConfig instanceof DirectoryPurgeConfiguration )
                DirectoryPurgeConfiguration dirPurge = (DirectoryPurgeConfiguration) purgeConfig;

                purgeController = (PurgeController) container.lookup( PurgeController.ROLE, "purge-directory" );

                purgeController.initializeExecutors( dirPurge );

                purgeController.doPurge( dirPurge.getLocation() );

        catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while executing purge task", e );
        catch ( ContinuumPurgeExecutorException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while executing purge task", e );
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            projectDao.updateProject( project );
        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while storing the checkout result.", e );
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                LocalRepository repository = repoPurge.getRepository();

                if ( repository == null )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException(
                        "Error while executing purge repository task: no repository set" );

                PurgeController purgeController = (PurgeController) container.lookup( PurgeController.ROLE,
                                                                                      "purge-repository" );

                purgeController.initializeExecutors( repoPurge );

                if ( repoPurge.isDeleteAll() )
                    purgeController.doPurge( repoPurge );
                    scanner.scan( repository, purgeController );
            else if ( purgeConfig != null && purgeConfig instanceof DirectoryPurgeConfiguration )
                DirectoryPurgeConfiguration dirPurge = (DirectoryPurgeConfiguration) purgeConfig;

                PurgeController purgeController = (PurgeController) container.lookup( PurgeController.ROLE,
                                                                                      "purge-directory" );

                purgeController.initializeExecutors( dirPurge );

                purgeController.doPurge( dirPurge.getLocation() );
            else if ( purgeConfig instanceof DistributedDirectoryPurgeConfiguration )
                DistributedDirectoryPurgeConfiguration dirPurge = (DistributedDirectoryPurgeConfiguration) purgeConfig;

                PurgeController purgeController = (PurgeController) container.lookup( PurgeController.ROLE,
                                                                                      "purge-distributed-directory" );

                purgeController.initializeExecutors( dirPurge );

                purgeController.doPurge( dirPurge );

        catch ( ComponentLookupException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while executing purge task", e );
        catch ( ContinuumPurgeExecutorException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while executing purge task", e );
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        catch ( SchedulerException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Unable to schedule repository jobs: " + e.getMessage(), e );

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        RepositoryTask repoTask = (RepositoryTask) task;
        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repoTask.getRepositoryId() ) )
            throw new TaskExecutionException("Unable to execute RepositoryTask with blank repository Id.");

        getLogger().info( "Executing task from queue with job name: " + repoTask.getName() );
            ManagedRepositoryConfiguration arepo = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration().findManagedRepositoryById( repoTask.getRepositoryId() );

            long sinceWhen = RepositoryScanner.FRESH_SCAN;

            List<RepositoryContentStatistics> results = dao.query( new MostRecentRepositoryScanStatistics( arepo.getId() ) );

            if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( results ) )
                RepositoryContentStatistics lastStats = results.get( 0 );
                sinceWhen = lastStats.getWhenGathered().getTime() + lastStats.getDuration();

            RepositoryScanStatistics stats = repoScanner.scan( arepo, sinceWhen );

            getLogger().info( "Finished repository task: " + stats.toDump( arepo ) );
            // I hate jpox and modello
            RepositoryContentStatistics dbstats = new RepositoryContentStatistics();
            dbstats.setDuration( stats.getDuration() );
            dbstats.setNewFileCount( stats.getNewFileCount() );
            dbstats.setRepositoryId( stats.getRepositoryId() );
            dbstats.setTotalFileCount( stats.getTotalFileCount() );
            dbstats.setWhenGathered( stats.getWhenGathered() );
            dao.getRepositoryContentStatisticsDAO().saveRepositoryContentStatistics( dbstats );
        catch ( RepositoryException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Repository error when executing repository job.", e );
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            getLogger().info( "Task: Updating unprocessed artifacts" );
        catch ( ArchivaDatabaseException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error running unprocessed updater", e );

            getLogger().info( "Task: Updating processed artifacts" );
        catch ( ArchivaDatabaseException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error running processed updater", e );

        time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;

        getLogger().info( "Finished database task in " + time + "ms." );
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                    buildProjects( buildContexts );
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "No project build context" );
        catch ( TaskExecutionException e )
            log.error( "Error while preparing build of project: {}", e.getMessage() );
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                buildAgentManager.startPrepareBuild( map );
            catch ( ContinuumException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskExecutionException

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