Package org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskExecutionException

        catch ( IOException e )
            log.error( "Error occurred while executing indexing task '" + indexingTask + "': " + e.getMessage() );
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error occurred while executing indexing task '" + indexingTask + "'",
                                              e );
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            RepositoryTask repoTask = (RepositoryTask) task;

            String repoId = repoTask.getRepositoryId();
            if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repoId ) )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Unable to execute RepositoryTask with blank repository Id." );

            ManagedRepository arepo = managedRepositoryAdmin.getManagedRepository( repoId );

            // execute consumers on resource file if set
            if ( repoTask.getResourceFile() != null )
                log.debug( "Executing task from queue with job name: {}", repoTask );
                consumers.executeConsumers( arepo, repoTask.getResourceFile(), repoTask.isUpdateRelatedArtifacts() );
       "Executing task from queue with job name: {}", repoTask );

                // otherwise, execute consumers on whole repository
                if ( arepo == null )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException(
                        "Unable to execute RepositoryTask with invalid repository id: " + repoId );

                long sinceWhen = RepositoryScanner.FRESH_SCAN;
                long previousFileCount = 0;

                RepositorySession repositorySession = repositorySessionFactory.createSession();
                MetadataRepository metadataRepository = repositorySession.getRepository();
                    if ( !repoTask.isScanAll() )
                        RepositoryStatistics previousStats =
                            repositoryStatisticsManager.getLastStatistics( metadataRepository, repoId );
                        if ( previousStats != null )
                            sinceWhen = previousStats.getScanStartTime().getTime();
                            previousFileCount = previousStats.getTotalFileCount();

                    RepositoryScanStatistics stats;
                        stats = repoScanner.scan( arepo, sinceWhen );
                    catch ( RepositoryScannerException e )
                        throw new TaskExecutionException( "Repository error when executing repository job.", e );

           "Finished first scan: {}", stats.toDump( arepo ) );

                    // further statistics will be populated by the following method
                    Date endTime = new Date( stats.getWhenGathered().getTime() + stats.getDuration() );

           "Gathering repository statistics" );

                    repositoryStatisticsManager.addStatisticsAfterScan( metadataRepository, repoId,
                                                                        stats.getWhenGathered(), endTime,
                                                                        stats.getTotalFileCount() - previousFileCount );
                catch ( MetadataRepositoryException e )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Unable to store updated statistics: " + e.getMessage(), e );

//       "Scanning for removed repository content" );

//                metadataRepository.findAllProjects();
                // FIXME: do something

       "Finished repository task: {}", repoTask );

                this.task = null;
        catch ( RepositoryAdminException e )
            log.error( e.getMessage(), e );
            throw new TaskExecutionException( e.getMessage(), e );
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        RepositoryTask repoTask = (RepositoryTask) task;

        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repoTask.getRepositoryId() ) )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Unable to execute RepositoryTask with blank repository Id." );

        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration arepo =
            archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration().findManagedRepositoryById( repoTask.getRepositoryId() );

        // execute consumers on resource file if set
        if ( repoTask.getResourceFile() != null )
            log.debug( "Executing task from queue with job name: " + repoTask );
            consumers.executeConsumers( arepo, repoTask.getResourceFile(), repoTask.isUpdateRelatedArtifacts() );
   "Executing task from queue with job name: " + repoTask );

            // otherwise, execute consumers on whole repository
                if ( arepo == null )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException(
                        "Unable to execute RepositoryTask with invalid repository id: " + repoTask.getRepositoryId() );

                long sinceWhen = RepositoryScanner.FRESH_SCAN;

                List<RepositoryContentStatistics> results = (List<RepositoryContentStatistics>) dao.query(
                    new MostRecentRepositoryScanStatistics( arepo.getId() ) );

                if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( results ) )
                    RepositoryContentStatistics lastStats = results.get( 0 );
                    if ( !repoTask.isScanAll() )
                        sinceWhen = lastStats.getWhenGathered().getTime() - lastStats.getDuration();

                RepositoryScanStatistics stats = repoScanner.scan( arepo, sinceWhen );

       "Finished repository task: " + stats.toDump( arepo ) );

                RepositoryContentStatistics dbstats = constructRepositoryStatistics( arepo, stats );

                dao.getRepositoryContentStatisticsDAO().saveRepositoryContentStatistics( dbstats );

                this.task = null;
            catch ( RepositoryException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Repository error when executing repository job.", e );
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            continuumReleaseManager.getReleaseResults().put( performTask.getReleaseId(), result );

            performTask.getListener().error( e.getMessage() );

            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Failed to build reactor projects.", e );

        ReleaseResult result = releaseManager.performWithResult( descriptor,
                                                                 new DefaultReleaseEnvironment().setSettings(
                                                                     settings ), reactorProjects, listener );
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            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        catch ( MalformedURLException e )
            log.error( "Invalid URL " + buildAgentUrl + ", not building" );
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Invalid URL " + buildAgentUrl, e );
        catch ( Exception e )
            log.error( "Error occurred while building task", e );
            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
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        catch ( ContinuumStoreException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error while creating result", e );
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        RepositoryTask repoTask = (RepositoryTask) task;
        if ( StringUtils.isBlank( repoTask.getRepositoryId() ) )
            throw new TaskExecutionException("Unable to execute RepositoryTask with blank repository Id.");

        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration arepo = archivaConfiguration.getConfiguration().findManagedRepositoryById( repoTask.getRepositoryId() );
        // execute consumers on resource file if set
        if( repoTask.getResourceFile() != null )
            log.debug( "Executing task from queue with job name: " + repoTask.getName() );
            consumers.executeConsumers( arepo, repoTask.getResourceFile() );
   "Executing task from queue with job name: " + repoTask.getName() );
            // otherwise, execute consumers on whole repository
                if ( arepo == null )
                    throw new TaskExecutionException( "Unable to execute RepositoryTask with invalid repository id: " + repoTask.getRepositoryId() );
                long sinceWhen = RepositoryScanner.FRESH_SCAN;
                List<RepositoryContentStatistics> results = (List<RepositoryContentStatistics>) dao.query( new MostRecentRepositoryScanStatistics( arepo.getId() ) );
                if ( CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty( results ) )
                    RepositoryContentStatistics lastStats = results.get( 0 );
                    sinceWhen = lastStats.getWhenGathered().getTime() + lastStats.getDuration();
                RepositoryScanStatistics stats = repoScanner.scan( arepo, sinceWhen );
       "Finished repository task: " + stats.toDump( arepo ) );
                RepositoryContentStatistics dbstats = constructRepositoryStatistics( arepo, sinceWhen, results, stats );
                dao.getRepositoryContentStatisticsDAO().saveRepositoryContentStatistics( dbstats );  
                this.task = null;
            catch ( RepositoryException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Repository error when executing repository job.", e );
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                    indexPacker.packIndex( request );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error occurred while executing indexing task '" +
                    indexingTask.getName() + "'" );
            catch ( UnsupportedExistingLuceneIndexException e )
                throw new TaskExecutionException( "Unsupported Lucene index format: " + e.getMessage() );
                if( context != null )
                        context.close( false );
                    catch ( IOException e )
                        throw new TaskExecutionException( "Error occurred while closing context: " + e.getMessage() );
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            continuumReleaseManager.getReleaseResults().put( releaseTask.getReleaseId(), result );

            releaseTask.getListener().error( e.getMessage() );

            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Failed to build reactor projects.", e );

        return reactorProjects;
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            releaseManager.rollback( releaseTask.getDescriptor(), settings, new ArrayList(),
                                     releaseTask.getListener() );
        catch ( ReleaseExecutionException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Failed to rollback release", e );
        catch ( ReleaseFailureException e )
            throw new TaskExecutionException( "Failed to rollback release", e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.taskqueue.execution.TaskExecutionException

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