Package org.codehaus.plexus.archiver

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException

            getLogger().debug( "expand complete" );

        catch ( IOException ioe )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Error while expanding " + getSourceFile().getAbsolutePath(), ioe );
            IOUtil.close( tis );
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                final char[] magic = new char[]{'B', 'Z'};
                for ( int i = 0; i < magic.length; i++ )
                    if ( != magic[ i ] )
                        throw new ArchiverException( "Invalid bz2 file." + file.toString() );
                return new CBZip2InputStream( istream );
            return istream;
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        // Most of this method was copied from org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.tar.TarArchiver
        // and modified to store files in a directory, not a tar archive.
        final ResourceIterator iter = getResources();
        if ( !iter.hasNext() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "You must set at least one file." );

        final File destDirectory = getDestFile();
        if ( destDirectory == null )
            throw new ArchiverException( "You must set the destination directory." );
        if ( destDirectory.exists() && !destDirectory.isDirectory() )
            throw new ArchiverException( destDirectory + " is not a directory." );
        if ( destDirectory.exists() && !destDirectory.canWrite() )
            throw new ArchiverException( destDirectory + " is not writable." );

        getLogger().info( "Copying files to " + destDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

            while ( iter.hasNext() )
                final ArchiveEntry f =;
                // Check if we don't add directory file in itself
                if ( ResourceUtils.isSame( f.getResource(), destDirectory ) )
                    throw new ArchiverException( "The destination directory cannot include itself." );
                String fileName = f.getName();
                final String destDir = destDirectory.getCanonicalPath();
                fileName = destDir + File.separator + fileName;
                copyFile( f, fileName );
        catch ( final IOException ioe )
            final String message = "Problem copying files : " + ioe.getMessage();
            throw new ArchiverException( message, ioe );
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                // create the parent directory...
                if ( !outFile.getParentFile().mkdirs() )
                    // Failure, unable to create specified directory for some unknown reason.
                    throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to create directory or parent directory of " + outFile );
            ResourceUtils.copyFile( in, outFile );

            if ( !isIgnorePermissions() )
                ArchiveEntryUtils.chmod( outFile, entry.getMode(), getLogger(), isUseJvmChmod() );
        { // file is a directory
            if ( outFile.exists() )
                if ( !outFile.isDirectory() )
                    // should we just delete the file and replace it with a directory?
                    // throw an exception, let the user delete the file manually.
                    throw new ArchiverException( "Expected directory and found file at copy destination of "
                                    + in.getName() + " to " + outFile );
            else if ( !outFile.mkdirs() )
                // Failure, unable to create specified directory for some unknown reason.
                throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to create directory or parent directory of " + outFile );
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        throws ArchiverException
        deploymentDescriptor = descr;
        if ( !deploymentDescriptor.exists() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Deployment descriptor: " + deploymentDescriptor + " does not exist." );

        addFile( descr, "WEB-INF/web.xml" );
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        throws IOException, ArchiverException
        // If no webxml file is specified, it's an error.
        if ( ignoreWebxml && deploymentDescriptor == null && !isInUpdateMode() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "webxml attribute is required (or pre-existing WEB-INF/web.xml if executing in update mode)" );
        super.initZipOutputStream( zOut );
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    public void setManifest( File manifestFile )
        throws ArchiverException
        if ( !manifestFile.exists() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Manifest file: " + manifestFile + " does not exist." );

        this.manifestFile = manifestFile;
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            return getManifest( reader );
        catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Unsupported encoding while reading manifest: " + e.getMessage(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to read manifest file: " + manifestFile + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")",
                                         e );
            IOUtil.close( in );
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            return new Manifest( r );
        catch ( ManifestException e )
            getLogger().error( "Manifest is invalid: " + e.getMessage() );
            throw new ArchiverException( "Invalid Manifest: " + manifestFile, e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to read manifest file" + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")", e );
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            return finalManifest;
        catch ( ManifestException e )
            getLogger().error( "Manifest is invalid: " + e.getMessage() );
            throw new ArchiverException( "Invalid Manifest", e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException

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