Package org.codehaus.plexus.archiver

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException

                        longWarningGiven = true;
                else if ( longFileMode.isFailMode() )
                    throw new ArchiverException( "Entry: " + vPath + " longer than " + TarConstants.NAMELEN
                                                 + "characters." );

            TarEntry te = new TarEntry( vPath );
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    private void validate()
        throws ArchiverException
        if ( destFile == null )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Destination file attribute is required" );

        if ( destFile.isDirectory() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Destination file attribute must not represent a directory!" );

        if ( source == null )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Source file attribute is required" );

        if ( source.isDirectory() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Source file attribute must not represent a directory!" );
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        throws ArchiverException
        int index = indexOfValue( value );
        if ( index == -1 )
            throw new ArchiverException( value + " is not a legal value for this attribute" );
        this.index = index;
        this.value = value;
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        ResourceIterator iter = getResources();
        if ( !iter.hasNext() && !hasVirtualFiles() )
            throw new ArchiverException( "You must set at least one file." );

        zipFile = getDestFile();

        if ( zipFile == null )
            throw new ArchiverException( "You must set the destination " + archiveType + "file." );

        if ( zipFile.exists() && !zipFile.isFile() )
            throw new ArchiverException( zipFile + " isn't a file." );

        if ( zipFile.exists() && !zipFile.canWrite() )
            throw new ArchiverException( zipFile + " is read-only." );

        // Whether or not an actual update is required -
        // we don't need to update if the original file doesn't exist

        addingNewFiles = true;

        if ( doUpdate && !zipFile.exists() )
            doUpdate = false;
            getLogger().debug( "ignoring update attribute as " + archiveType + " doesn't exist." );

        success = false;

        if ( doUpdate )
            renamedFile = FileUtils.createTempFile( "zip", ".tmp", zipFile.getParentFile() );

                FileUtils.rename( zipFile, renamedFile );
            catch ( SecurityException e )
                getLogger().debug( e.toString() );
                throw new ArchiverException( "Not allowed to rename old file (" + zipFile.getAbsolutePath()
                    + ") to temporary file", e );
            catch ( IOException e )
                getLogger().debug( e.toString() );
                throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to rename old file (" + zipFile.getAbsolutePath()
                    + ") to temporary file", e );

        String action = doUpdate ? "Updating " : "Building ";
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    protected void zipFile( ArchiveEntry entry, ZipOutputStream zOut, String vPath )
        throws IOException, ArchiverException
        if ( ResourceUtils.isSame( entry.getResource(), getDestFile() ) )
            throw new ArchiverException( "A zip file cannot include itself" );

        InputStream in = entry.getInputStream();
            // ZIPs store time with a granularity of 2 seconds, round up
            final long lastModified = entry.getResource().getLastModified() + ( roundUp ? 1999 : 0 );
            zipFile( in, zOut, vPath, lastModified, null, entry.getMode() );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "IOException when zipping " + entry.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
            IOUtil.close( in );
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            // remainder zeros
            os.write( empty );
        catch ( IOException ioe )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Could not create empty ZIP archive " + "(" + ioe.getMessage() + ")", ioe );
            IOUtil.close( os );
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            getLogger().debug( "expand complete" );
        catch ( final IOException ioe )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Error while expanding " + getSourceFile().getAbsolutePath(), ioe );
            if ( zf != null )
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                extractFile( sourceFile, destDirectory, inputStream, name, time, isDirectory, mode );
        catch ( final ArchiveFilterException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Error verifying \'" + name + "\' for inclusion: " + e.getMessage(), e );
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        catch ( final IOException ioe )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Error while expanding " + getSourceFile().getAbsolutePath(), ioe );
            if ( zipFile != null )
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            String defManifest = "/org/codehaus/plexus/archiver/jar/";
            InputStream in = Manifest.class.getResourceAsStream( defManifest );
            if ( in == null )
                throw new ArchiverException( "Could not find default manifest: "
                                             + defManifest );
                Manifest defaultManifest = new Manifest( new InputStreamReader( in, "UTF-8" ) );
                Attribute createdBy = new Attribute( "Created-By",
                                                     System.getProperty( "java.vm.version" ) + " ("
                                                     + System.getProperty( "java.vm.vendor" ) + ")" );
                defaultManifest.getMainSection().storeAttribute( createdBy );
                return defaultManifest;
            catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e )
                return new Manifest( new InputStreamReader( in ) );
                IOUtil.close( in );
        catch ( ManifestException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Default manifest is invalid !!", e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ArchiverException( "Unable to read default manifest", e );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException

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