ensureNotNull("Case execution '"+id+"': has no declaration for sentry '"+sentryId+"'", "sentryDeclaration", sentryDeclaration);
CmmnIfPartDeclaration ifPartDeclaration = sentryDeclaration.getIfPart();
ensureNotNull("Sentry declaration '"+sentryId+"' has no definied ifPart, but there should be one defined for case execution '"+id+"'.", "ifPartDeclaration", ifPartDeclaration);
Expression condition = ifPartDeclaration.getCondition();
ensureNotNull("A condition was expected for ifPart of Sentry declaration '"+sentryId+"' for case execution '"+id+"'.", "condition", condition);
Object result = condition.getValue(this);
ensureInstanceOf("condition expression returns non-Boolean", "result", result, Boolean.class);
Boolean booleanResult = (Boolean) result;
return booleanResult;