Package org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.parser

Examples of org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.BpmnParse

    Map<String, List<JobDeclaration<?>>> jobDeclarations = new HashMap<String, List<JobDeclaration<?>>>();
    List<ProcessDefinitionEntity> processDefinitions = new ArrayList<ProcessDefinitionEntity>();
    Map<String, ResourceEntity> resources = deployment.getResources();

    for (String resourceName : resources.keySet()) {
      BpmnParse bpmnParse = null;

      LOG.fine("Processing resource " + resourceName);
      if (isBpmnResource(resourceName)) {
        ResourceEntity resource = resources.get(resourceName);
        byte[] bytes = resource.getBytes();
        ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

        bpmnParse = bpmnParser

        if (!deployment.isValidatingSchema()) {


        for (ProcessDefinitionEntity processDefinition: bpmnParse.getProcessDefinitions()) {

          String diagramResourceName = getDiagramResourceForProcess(resourceName, processDefinition.getKey(), resources);

          // Only generate the resource when deployment is new to prevent modification of deployment resources
          // after the process-definition is actually deployed. Also to prevent resource-generation failure every
          // time the process definition is added to the deployment-cache when diagram-generation has failed the first time.
          if(deployment.isNew()) {
            if (Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().isCreateDiagramOnDeploy() &&
                  diagramResourceName==null && processDefinition.isGraphicalNotationDefined()) {
              try {
                  byte[] diagramBytes = IoUtil.readInputStream(ProcessDiagramGenerator.generatePngDiagram(processDefinition), null);
                  diagramResourceName = getProcessImageResourceName(resourceName, processDefinition.getKey(), "png");
                  createResource(diagramResourceName, diagramBytes, deployment);
              } catch (Throwable t) { // if anything goes wrong, we don't store the image (the process will still be executable).
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while generating process diagram, image will not be stored in repository", t);



    // check if there are process definitions with the same process key to prevent database unique index violation
    List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>();
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* @author Nico Rehwaldt
public class DefaultBpmnParseFactory implements BpmnParseFactory {

  public BpmnParse createBpmnParse(BpmnParser bpmnParser) {
    return new BpmnParse(bpmnParser);
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    Map<String, List<JobDeclaration<?>>> jobDeclarations = new HashMap<String, List<JobDeclaration<?>>>();
    List<ProcessDefinitionEntity> processDefinitions = new ArrayList<ProcessDefinitionEntity>();
    Map<String, ResourceEntity> resources = deployment.getResources();

    for (String resourceName : resources.keySet()) {
      BpmnParse bpmnParse = null;"Processing resource " + resourceName);
      if (isBpmnResource(resourceName)) {
        ResourceEntity resource = resources.get(resourceName);
        byte[] bytes = resource.getBytes();
        ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

        bpmnParse = bpmnParser

        if (!deployment.isValidatingSchema()) {


        for (ProcessDefinitionEntity processDefinition: bpmnParse.getProcessDefinitions()) {

          String diagramResourceName = getDiagramResourceForProcess(resourceName, processDefinition.getKey(), resources);

          // Only generate the resource when deployment is new to prevent modification of deployment resources
          // after the process-definition is actually deployed. Also to prevent resource-generation failure every
          // time the process definition is added to the deployment-cache when diagram-generation has failed the first time.
          if(deployment.isNew()) {
            if (Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().isCreateDiagramOnDeploy() &&
                  diagramResourceName==null && processDefinition.isGraphicalNotationDefined()) {
              try {
                  byte[] diagramBytes = IoUtil.readInputStream(ProcessDiagramGenerator.generatePngDiagram(processDefinition), null);
                  diagramResourceName = getProcessImageResourceName(resourceName, processDefinition.getKey(), "png");
                  createResource(diagramResourceName, diagramBytes, deployment);
              } catch (Throwable t) { // if anything goes wrong, we don't store the image (the process will still be executable).
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while generating process diagram, image will not be stored in repository", t);



    // check if there are process definitions with the same process key to prevent database unique index violation
    List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>();
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Related Classes of org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.bpmn.parser.BpmnParse

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