if (!validCommand){
Commands.showCommandHelpAndUsage(sender, "cex_xp", alias);
return true;
Player target;
String function;
String amount;
int amountint = 0;
if ((args.length == 3 && !args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("view")) || (args.length == 2 && args[1].equalsIgnoreCase("view"))){
target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
function = args[1];
} else {
if (sender instanceof Player){
target = ((Player) sender);
} else {
Commands.showCommandHelpAndUsage(sender, "cex_xp", alias);
return true;
function = args[0];
if (target == null){
LogHelper.showInfo("invalidPlayer", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
if (!function.equalsIgnoreCase("view") && !function.equalsIgnoreCase("set") && !function.equalsIgnoreCase("add") && !function.equalsIgnoreCase("take")){
Commands.showCommandHelpAndUsage(sender, "cex_xp", alias);
return true;
// If the function is not view then try to convert the string to an integer
// If the string is not an integer then tell the sender and stop the code
if (!function.equalsIgnoreCase("view")){
if (args.length == 2){
amount = args[1];
} else {
amount = args[2];
try {
amountint = Integer.valueOf(amount);
} catch (Exception e){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpNotNumeric", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
ExperienceManager expman = new ExperienceManager(target);
// We manually define the maximum amount of XP a player can have before their experience bar disappears
int xpMax = 99999999;
// Very simple view function to show how much XP a player has
if (function.equalsIgnoreCase("view")){
if (!sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.view")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpViewNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
if (sender != target && !sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.view.others")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpViewOthersNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
LogHelper.showInfo((sender != target ? "[" + Nicknames.getNick(target.getName()) + " #####xpHas#####[" : "xpViewSelf#####[") + expman.getCurrentExp() + " #####xpExperience", sender, ChatColor.AQUA);
return true;
// Set function to set a players XP
if (function.equalsIgnoreCase("set")){
if (!sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.set")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpSetNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
if (sender != target && !sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.set.others")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpSetOthersNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
boolean overLimit = false;
// See if the amount the player defined is over the limit
if (amountint > xpMax){ overLimit = true; }
// Check if it is over the limit, if it is set it to the maximum amount of XP otherwise set it to the amount the player defined
expman.setExp((overLimit ? xpMax : amountint));
// If the amount is over the limit, notify the sender
if (overLimit) { LogHelper.showInfo("xpCouldNotAddAll", sender, ChatColor.RED); }
// Send a message to the target with the actual amount of XP that was set
if (sender != target) { LogHelper.showInfo("xpSet#####[" + Nicknames.getNick(target.getName()) + " #####xpTo#####[" + (overLimit ? xpMax : amountint), sender, ChatColor.AQUA); }
// Send a success message to the target with the actual amount of XP that was set
LogHelper.showInfo((sender != target ? "[" + Nicknames.getNick(sender.getName()) + " #####xpSetMsgToTarget1#####[" : "xpSetMsgToTarget2#####[") + (overLimit ? xpMax : amountint), target, ChatColor.AQUA);
// Add function to add to a players current experience
if (function.equalsIgnoreCase("add")){
if (!sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.add")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpAddNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
if (sender != target && !sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.add.others")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpAddOthersNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
boolean overLimit = false;
int oldXP = expman.getCurrentExp();
// Determine whether adding this amount of XP would go over the limit
if (expman.getCurrentExp() + amountint > xpMax) { overLimit = true; }
// If it is over the limit, then set their XP to maximum
// Otherwise add the XP normally
if (overLimit){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpCouldNotAddAll", sender, ChatColor.RED);
} else {
// Send a success message to the target with the actual amount of XP that was added
if (sender != target) { LogHelper.showInfo("xpAdded#####[" + (overLimit ? xpMax - oldXP : amountint) + " #####xpExperience#####[ #####xpTo#####[" + Nicknames.getNick(target.getName()), sender, ChatColor.AQUA); }
// Send a success message to the sender with the actual amount of XP that was added
LogHelper.showInfo((sender != target ? "[" + Nicknames.getNick(sender.getName()) + " #####xpAddedGave1#####[" : "xpAddedGave2#####[") + (overLimit ? xpMax - oldXP : amountint) + " #####xpExperience", target, ChatColor.AQUA);
// Take function to take XP from a player
if (function.equalsIgnoreCase("take")){
if (!sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.take")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpTakeNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
if (sender != target && !sender.hasPermission("cex.xp.take.others")){
LogHelper.showInfo("xpTakeOthersNoPerm", sender, ChatColor.RED);
return true;
// Check if the player has the amount needed
boolean hasXP = expman.hasExp(amountint);
int oldXP = expman.getCurrentExp();
// If the player has the XP, then take the amount the user defined
// If not then take as much as we can
expman.changeExp(-(hasXP ? amountint : expman.getCurrentExp()));
// Send a message to sender saying the target didn't have that amount
if (!hasXP) { LogHelper.showInfo("xpNotEnough", sender, ChatColor.RED); }
// Alert the target that some of his XP has been stolen and the actual amount of XP taken
if (sender != target) { LogHelper.showInfo("xpTaken#####[" + (hasXP ? amountint : oldXP) + " #####xpExperience#####[ #####xpFrom#####[" + Nicknames.getNick(target.getName()), sender, ChatColor.AQUA); }
// Send a message to the sender with the actual amount of XP taken
LogHelper.showInfo((sender != target ? "[" + Nicknames.getNick(sender.getName()) + " #####xpTakenTook1#####[" : "xpTakenTook2#####[") + (hasXP ? amountint : oldXP) + " #####xpExperience", target, ChatColor.AQUA);
return true;