public static void giveItem(CommandSender sender, String[] args, String function, String alias){
if (sender instanceof Player){
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (Utils.checkCommandSpam(player, "cex_" + function)){
if ((function.equals("give") ? args.length < 2 || args.length > 4 : args.length < 1 || args.length > 3)){
Commands.showCommandHelpAndUsage(sender, "cex_" + function, alias);
Player target;
if (function.equals("give")){
target = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
if (target == null){
LogHelper.showInfo("invalidPlayer", sender, ChatColor.RED);
} else {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)){
Commands.showCommandHelpAndUsage(sender, "cex_" + function, alias);
target = (Player) sender;
String itemArg = (function.equals("give") ? args[1] : args[0]);
String amountArg = (function.equals("give") ? (args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null) : (args.length > 1 ? args[1] : null));
String damageArg = (function.equals("give") ? (args.length > 3 ? args[3] : null) : (args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null));
if (itemArg.contains(":") && damageArg != null){
Commands.showCommandHelpAndUsage(sender, "cex_" + function, alias);
List<String> listArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
if (itemArg != null){ listArgs.add(itemArg); }
if (amountArg != null){ listArgs.add(amountArg); }
if (damageArg != null){ listArgs.add(damageArg); }
ItemStack stack = ItemStackParser.parse(listArgs.toArray(new String[]{}), sender);
if (stack == null){ return; }
Material item = stack.getType();
int amount = stack.getAmount();
short damage = stack.getDurability();
// Messages will be different if the player spawned the item for himself, or someone else
if (sender != target){
LogHelper.showInfo("itemYouGave#####[" + Nicknames.getNick(target.getName()) + " " + amount + " " + Utils.userFriendlyNames(item.name()) + (damage != 0 ? " (" + damage + ")": ""), sender, ChatColor.AQUA);
LogHelper.showInfo("itemGiveSuccess#####[" + amount + " " + Utils.userFriendlyNames(item.name()) + (damage != 0 ? " (" + damage + ")": "") + " #####itemFrom#####[" + Nicknames.getNick(sender.getName()), target, ChatColor.AQUA);
} else {
LogHelper.showInfo("itemGiveSuccess#####[" + amount + " " + Utils.userFriendlyNames(item.name()) + (damage != 0 ? " (" + damage + ")": ""), sender, ChatColor.AQUA);