// Go no further if we are dismounting entities
// Get the last entity on the list
final Entity entity = entities.get(entities.size() - 1).getBukkitEntity();
final LivingEntity finalController = controller != null ? controller.getLivingEntity() : null;
BukkitRunnable task = new BukkitRunnable() {
Location location = null;
Boolean flying = true;
public void run() {
if (freeflight) {
// If freeflight is on, and the flying entity
// is ridden by another entity, let it keep
// flying where the controller is looking
if (!entity.isEmpty() && finalController.isInsideVehicle()) {
location = finalController.getEyeLocation()
else {
flying = false;
else {
// If freelight is not on, keep flying only as long
// as there are destinations left
if (destinations.size() > 0) {
location = destinations.get(0);
else {
flying = false;
if (flying && entity.isValid()) {
// To avoid excessive turbulence, only have the entity rotate
// when it really needs to
if (!Rotation.isFacingLocation(entity, location, rotationThreshold)) {
Rotation.faceLocation(entity, location);
Vector v1 = entity.getLocation().toVector();
Vector v2 = location.toVector();
Vector v3 = v2.clone().subtract(v1).normalize().multiply(speed);
// If freeflight is off, check if the entity has reached its
// destination, and remove the destination if that happens
// to be the case