package net.aufdemrand.denizen.npc.traits;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.Settings;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.*;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.TagManager;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.DenizenAPI;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.event.DespawnReason;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.persistence.Persist;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.entity.Projectile;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByBlockEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDeathEvent;
import org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class HealthTrait extends Trait implements Listener {
// Saved to the C2 saves.yml
private boolean animatedeath = Settings.healthTraitAnimatedDeathEnabled();
private boolean respawn = Settings.healthTraitRespawnEnabled();
private String respawnDelay = Settings.healthTraitRespawnDelay();
private String respawnLocation = "<npc.flag[respawn_location] || <npc.location>>";
// internal
private dPlayer player = null;
private boolean dying = false;
private Location loc;
private int entityId = -1;
public Duration getRespawnDelay() {
return Duration.valueOf(respawnDelay);
public void setRespawnLocation(String string) {
if (aH.matchesLocation("location:" + string))
respawnLocation = string;
public void setRespawnDelay(int seconds) {
respawnDelay = String.valueOf(seconds);
public void setRespawnDelay(String string) {
if (aH.matchesDuration("duration:" + string))
respawnDelay = string;
public String getRespawnLocationAsString() {
return respawnLocation;
public Location getRespawnLocation() {
return dLocation.valueOf(TagManager.tag(null, dNPC.mirrorCitizensNPC(npc), respawnLocation));
public void setRespawnable(boolean respawnable) {
respawn = respawnable;
public boolean isRespawnable() {
return respawn;
public void animateOnDeath(boolean animate) {
animatedeath = animate;
public boolean animatesOnDeath() {
return animatedeath;
public Integer void_watcher_task = null;
* Listens for spawn of an NPC and updates its health with the max health
* information for this trait.
@Override public void onSpawn() {
dying = false;
void_watcher_task = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(DenizenAPI.getCurrentInstance(), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!npc.isSpawned()) {
if (npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation().getY() < -1000) {
if (respawn) {
if (npc.isSpawned()) npc.getBukkitEntity().teleport(getRespawnLocation());
else npc.spawn(getRespawnLocation());
}, 200, 200);
public HealthTrait() {
* Gets the current health of this NPC.
* @return current health points
public double getHealth() {
if (!npc.isSpawned()) return 0;
else return npc.getBukkitEntity().getHealth();
* Sets the maximum health for this NPC. Default max is 20.
* @param newMax new maximum health
public void setMaxhealth(int newMax) {
* Gets the maximum health for this NPC.
* @return maximum health
public double getMaxhealth() {
return npc.getBukkitEntity().getMaxHealth();
* Heals the NPC.
* @param health number of health points to heal
public void heal(int health) {
setHealth(getHealth() + health);
* Sets the NPCs health to maximum.
public void setHealth() {
* Sets the NPCs health to a specific amount.
* @param health total health points
public void setHealth(double health) {
if (npc.getBukkitEntity() != null)
public void die() {
// Listen for deaths to clear drops
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onDeath(EntityDeathEvent event) {
if (event.getEntity().getEntityId() != entityId) return;
// <--[action]
// @Actions
// death
// death by entity
// death by <entity>
// death by block
// death by <cause>
// @Triggers when the NPC dies. (Requires Health Trait)
// @Context
// <context.killer> returns the entity that killed the NPC (if any)
// <context.shooter> returns the shooter of the killing projectile (if any)
// -->
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onDamage(EntityDamageEvent event) {
// Don't use NPCDamageEvent because it doesn't work well
// Check if the event pertains to this NPC
if (event.getEntity() != npc.getBukkitEntity() || dying) return;
// Make sure this is a killing blow
if (this.getHealth() - event.getDamage() > 0)
dying = true;
player = null;
// Save entityId for EntityDeath event
entityId = npc.getBukkitEntity().getEntityId();
String deathCause = event.getCause().toString().toLowerCase().replace('_', ' ');
Map<String, dObject> context = new HashMap<String, dObject>();
context.put("damage", new Element(event.getDamage()));
context.put("death_cause", new Element(deathCause));
// Check if the entity has been killed by another entity
if (event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent)
Entity killerEntity = ((EntityDamageByEntityEvent) event).getDamager();
context.put("killer", new dEntity(killerEntity));
// Check if the damager was a player and, if so, attach
// that player to the action's ScriptEntry
if (killerEntity instanceof Player)
player = dPlayer.mirrorBukkitPlayer((Player) killerEntity);
// If the damager was a projectile, take its shooter into
// account as well
else if (killerEntity instanceof Projectile)
ProjectileSource shooter = ((Projectile) killerEntity).getShooter();
if (shooter != null && shooter instanceof LivingEntity) {
context.put("shooter", new dEntity((LivingEntity) shooter));
if (shooter instanceof Player)
player = dPlayer.mirrorBukkitPlayer((Player) shooter);
DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death by " +
((LivingEntity) shooter).getType().toString(), player, context);
// TODO: Handle other shooter source thingy types
DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death by entity", player, context);
DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death by " +
killerEntity.getType().toString(), player, context);
// If not, check if the entity has been killed by a block
else if (event instanceof EntityDamageByBlockEvent)
DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death by block", player, context);
// TODO:
// The line of code below should work, but a Bukkit bug makes the damager
// return null. Uncomment it once the bug is fixed.
// DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death by " +
// ((EntityDamageByBlockEvent) event).getDamager().getType().name(), null);
DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death", player, context);
DenizenAPI.getDenizenNPC(npc).action("death by " + deathCause, player, context);
// One of the actions above may have removed the NPC, so check if the
// NPC's entity still exists before proceeding
if (npc.getBukkitEntity() == null)
loc = dLocation.valueOf(TagManager.tag(null,
respawnLocation, false));
if (loc == null) loc = npc.getBukkitEntity().getLocation();
if (animatedeath) {
// Cancel navigation to keep the NPC from damaging players
// while the death animation is being carried out.
// Reset health now to avoid the death from happening instantly
// Play animation (TODO)
// playDeathAnimation(npc.getBukkitEntity());
if (respawn && (Duration.valueOf(respawnDelay).getTicks() > 0)) {
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().getById(npc.getId()) == null || npc.isSpawned()) return;
else npc.spawn(loc);
} , (Duration.valueOf(respawnDelay).getTicks()));
// TODO: Figure something out here. Minecraft 'death effect' is too buggy to use anymore.
// public void playDeathAnimation(LivingEntity entity) {
// entity.playEffect(EntityEffect.DEATH);
// dMaterial mat = new dMaterial(Material.WOOL, 14);
// for (dPlayer player : Utilities.getClosestPlayers(entity.getLocation(), 10)) {
// for (Block block : CoreUtilities.getRandomSolidBlocks(entity.getLocation(), 3, 65))
// new FakeBlock(player, new dLocation(block.getLocation()),
// mat, Duration.valueOf("10-20s"));
// }
//, .2f, .2f, .2f, 0, 3500);
// for (Block block : CoreUtilities.getRandomSolidBlocks(entity.getLocation(), 2, 5)) {
// entity.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(block.getLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.BONE)).setPickupDelay(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// entity.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(block.getLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE, 1, (short) 14)).setPickupDelay(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// }
// }