public boolean onBlockCollision(MinecartMember<?> member, Block railsBlock, Block hitBlock, BlockFace hitFace) {
if (!super.onBlockCollision(member, railsBlock, hitBlock, hitFace)) {
return false;
// Handle collision (ignore UP/DOWN, recalculate hitFace for this)
Block posBlock = findMinecartPos(railsBlock);
hitFace = FaceUtil.getDirection(hitBlock, posBlock, false);
final BlockFace hitToFace = hitFace.getOppositeFace();
if (posBlock.getY() == hitBlock.getY()) {
// If the hit face is not a valid direction to go to, ignore it
int dx = hitBlock.getX() - posBlock.getX();
int dz = hitBlock.getZ() - posBlock.getZ();
if (Math.abs(dx) > 0 && Math.abs(dz) > 0) {
// CANCEL: we hit a corner block
return false;
BlockFace[] possible = this.getPossibleDirections(railsBlock);
if (!LogicUtil.contains(hitToFace, possible)) {
// CANCEL: we hit a block that is not an end-direction
return false;
if (member.isOnSlope()) {
// Cancel collisions with blocks two above this sloped rail
if (hitBlock.getX() == posBlock.getX() && hitBlock.getZ() == posBlock.getZ()) {
int dy = hitBlock.getY() - posBlock.getY();
if (dy >= 2) {
return false;
// Cancel collisions with blocks at the heading of sloped rails when going up vertically
BlockFace railDirection = this.getDirection(railsBlock);
if (hitToFace == railDirection && Util.isVerticalAbove(posBlock, railDirection)) {
return false;
// Cancel collisions with blocks 'right above' the next rail when going down the slope
IntVector3 diff = new IntVector3(hitBlock).subtract(posBlock.getX(), posBlock.getY(), posBlock.getZ());
if (diff.x == hitToFace.getModX() && diff.z == hitToFace.getModZ() &&
(diff.y > 1 || (diff.y == 1 && railDirection != hitToFace))) {
return false;