public boolean check(final Player player, final Block block, final AlmostBoolean isInstaBreak, final BlockBreakConfig cc, final BlockBreakData data) {
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
boolean cancel = false;
// Determine expected breaking time by block type.
final Material blockType = block.getType();
final long expectedBreakingTime = Math.max(0, Math.round((double) BlockProperties.getBreakingDuration(blockType, player) * (double) cc.fastBreakModSurvival / 100D));
final long elapsedTime;
// TODO: Concept for unbreakable blocks? Context: extreme VL.
// TODO: Should it be breakingTime instead of 0 for inconsistencies?
if (cc.fastBreakStrict) {
// Counting interact...break.
elapsedTime = (data.fastBreakBreakTime > data.fastBreakfirstDamage) ? 0 : now - data.fastBreakfirstDamage;
else {
// Counting break...break.
elapsedTime = (data.fastBreakBreakTime > now) ? 0 : now - data.fastBreakBreakTime;
// Check if the time used time is lower than expected.
if (isInstaBreak.decideOptimistically()) {
// Ignore those for now.
// TODO: Find out why this was commented out long ago a) did not fix mcMMO b) exploits.
// TODO: Maybe adjust time to min(time, SOMETHING) for MAYBE/YES.
else if (elapsedTime < 0) {
// Ignore it. TODO: ?
else if (elapsedTime + cc.fastBreakDelay < expectedBreakingTime) {
// lag or cheat or Minecraft.
// Count in server side lag, if desired.
final float lag = cc.lag ? TickTask.getLag(expectedBreakingTime, true) : 1f;
final long missingTime = expectedBreakingTime - (long) (lag * elapsedTime);
if (missingTime > 0) {
// Add as penalty
data.fastBreakPenalties.add(now, (float) missingTime);
// Only raise a violation, if the total penalty score exceeds the contention duration (for lag, delay).
if (data.fastBreakPenalties.score(cc.fastBreakBucketFactor) > cc.fastBreakGrace) {
// TODO: maybe add one absolute penalty time for big amounts to stop breaking until then
final double vlAdded = (double) missingTime / 1000.0;
data.fastBreakVL += vlAdded;
final ViolationData vd = new ViolationData(this, player, data.fastBreakVL, vlAdded, cc.fastBreakActions);
if (vd.needsParameters()) {
vd.setParameter(ParameterName.BLOCK_TYPE, blockType.toString());
vd.setParameter(ParameterName.BLOCK_ID, Integer.toString(BlockProperties.getId(blockType)));
cancel = executeActions(vd);
// else: still within contention limits.