reader = AlignmentReaderFactory.getReader(alignmentFile, true);
iter = reader.query(queryInterval.getChr(), queryInterval.getStart() - 1, queryInterval.getEnd(), false);
while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) {
Alignment alignment =;
if (passFilter(alignment)) {
//Sort into the read strand or first-in-pair strand,
//depending on input flag. Note that this can
//be very unreliable depending on data
Strand strand;
if (firstInPair) {
strand = alignment.getFirstOfPairStrand();
} else if (secondInPair) {
strand = alignment.getSecondOfPairStrand();
} else {
strand = alignment.getReadStrand();
if (strand.equals(Strand.NONE)) {
//TODO move this into passFilter, or move passFilter here
boolean readNegStrand = alignment.isNegativeStrand();
String alignmentChr = alignment.getChr();
// Close all counters with position < alignment.getStart()
if (alignmentChr.equals(lastChr)) {
if (counter != null) {
counter.closeBucketsBefore(alignment.getAlignmentStart() - tolerance, wigWriter);
} else { // New chromosome
if (counter != null) {
counter.closeBucketsBefore(Integer.MAX_VALUE, wigWriter);
counter = new ReadCounter(alignmentChr);
lastChr = alignmentChr;
AlignmentBlock[] blocks = alignment.getAlignmentBlocks();
if (blocks != null && !pairedCoverage) {
for (AlignmentBlock block : blocks) {
if (!block.isSoftClipped()) {
byte[] bases = block.getBases();
int blockStart = block.getStart();
int blockEnd = block.getEnd();
int adjustedStart = block.getStart();
int adjustedEnd = block.getEnd();
if (preExtFactor > 0) {
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedEnd = blockEnd + preExtFactor;
} else {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, blockStart - preExtFactor);
// If both postExtFactor and extFactor are specified, postExtFactor takes precedence
if (postExtFactor > 0) {
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, blockEnd - postExtFactor);
} else {
adjustedEnd = blockStart + postExtFactor;
} else if (extFactor > 0) {
// Standard extension option -- extend read on 3' end
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, adjustedStart - extFactor);
} else {
adjustedEnd += extFactor;
if (queryInterval != null) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(queryInterval.getStart() - 1, adjustedStart);
adjustedEnd = Math.min(queryInterval.getEnd(), adjustedEnd);
for (int pos = adjustedStart; pos < adjustedEnd; pos++) {
byte base = 0;
int baseIdx = pos - blockStart;
if (bases != null && baseIdx >= 0 && baseIdx < bases.length) {
base = bases[baseIdx];
//int idx = pos - blockStart;
//byte quality = (idx >= 0 && idx < block.qualities.length) ?
//block.qualities[pos - blockStart] : (byte) 0;
counter.incrementCount(pos, base, strand);
} else {
int adjustedStart = alignment.getAlignmentStart();
int adjustedEnd = pairedCoverage ?
adjustedStart + Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize()) :
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, adjustedStart - extFactor);
} else {
adjustedEnd += extFactor;