* Copyright (c) 2007-2012 The Broad Institute, Inc.
* This software and its documentation are the copyright of the Broad Institute, Inc. All rights are reserved.
* This software is supplied without any warranty or guaranteed support whatsoever. The Broad Institute is not responsible for its use, misuse, or functionality.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL),
* Version 2.1 which is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php.
package org.broad.igv.tools;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Chromosome;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Locus;
import org.broad.igv.feature.Strand;
import org.broad.igv.feature.genome.Genome;
import org.broad.igv.sam.Alignment;
import org.broad.igv.sam.AlignmentBlock;
import org.broad.igv.sam.ReadMate;
import org.broad.igv.sam.reader.AlignmentReader;
import org.broad.igv.sam.reader.AlignmentReaderFactory;
import org.broad.igv.tools.parsers.DataConsumer;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
* Class to compute coverage on an alignment or feature file. This class is designed to be instantiated and executed
* from a single thread.
public class CoverageCounter {
static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CoverageCounter.class);
* The path to the alignment file being counted.
private String alignmentFile;
* A consumer of data produced by this class, normally a TDF Preprocessor.
private DataConsumer consumer;
* Window size in base pairs. Genome is divided into non-overlapping windows of this size. The counts reported
* are averages over the window.
private int windowSize = 1;
* Minimum mapping quality. Alignments with MQ less than this value are filtered.
private int minMappingQuality = 0;
* Output data from each strand separately (as opposed to combining them)
* using the read strand.
static final int STRANDS_BY_READ = 0x01;
* Output strand data separately by first-in-pair
static final int STRANDS_BY_FIRST_IN_PAIR = 0x02;
* Output strand data separately by second-in-pair
static final int STRANDS_BY_SECOND_IN_PAIR = 0x04;
* Output counts of each base. Whether the data will be output
* for each strand separately is determined by STRAND_SEPARATE
* by
static final int BASES = 0x08;
public static final int INCLUDE_DUPS = 0x20;
public static final int PAIRED_COVERAGE = 0x40;
private boolean outputSeparate;
private boolean firstInPair;
private boolean secondInPair;
private boolean outputBases;
private static final int[] output_strands = new int[]{0, 1};
public static final int NUM_STRANDS = output_strands.length;
* Extension factor. Reads are extended by this amount from the 3' end before counting. The purpose is to yield
* an approximate count of fragment "coverage", as opposed to read coverage. If used, the value should be set to
* extFactor = averageFragmentSize - averageReadLength
private int extFactor;
* 5' "pre" extension factor. Read is extended by this amount from the 5' end of the read
private int preExtFactor;
* 5' "post" extension factor. Essentially, replace actual read length by this amount.
private int postExtFactor;
* Flag to control treatment of duplicates. If true duplicates are counted. The default value is false.
private boolean includeDuplicates = false;
* If true, coverage is computed based from properly paired reads, counting entire insert.
private boolean pairedCoverage = false;
private Genome genome;
* Optional wig file specifier. If non-null, a "wiggle" file is created in addition to the TDF file.
private File wigFile = null;
* Total number of alignments that pass filters and are counted.
private int totalCount = 0;
* The query interval, usually this is null but can be used to restrict the interval of the alignment file that is
* computed. The file must be indexed (queryable) if this is not null
private Locus queryInterval;
* Data buffer to pass data to the "consumer" (preprocessor).
private float[] buffer;
private final static Set<Byte> nucleotidesKeep = new HashSet<Byte>();
private final static byte[] nucleotides = new byte[]{'A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'N'};
* Whether to write wig data to standard out (stdout)
private boolean writeStdOut;
static {
for (byte b : nucleotides) {
* @param alignmentFile - path to the file to count
* @param consumer - the data consumer, in this case a TDF preprocessor
* @param windowSize - window size in bp, counts are performed over this window
* @param extFactor - the extension factor, read is artificially extended by this amount
* @param wigFile - path to the wig file (optional)
* @param genome - the Genome, used to size chromosomes
* @param queryString - Locus query string, such as 1:1-1000. Only count the queried region. Set to null for entire genome
* @param minMapQual - Minimum mapping quality to include
* @param countFlags - Combination of flags for BASES, STRAND_SEPARATE, INCLUDE_DUPES, FIRST_IN_PAIR
public CoverageCounter(String alignmentFile,
DataConsumer consumer,
int windowSize,
int extFactor,
File wigFile,
Genome genome,
String queryString,
int minMapQual,
int countFlags) {
this.alignmentFile = alignmentFile;
this.consumer = consumer;
this.windowSize = windowSize;
this.extFactor = extFactor;
this.wigFile = wigFile;
this.genome = genome;
parseOptions(queryString, minMapQual, countFlags);
//Count the number of output columns. 1 or 2 if not outputting bases
//5 or 10 if are.
int multiplier = outputBases ? 5 : 1;
int datacols = (outputSeparate ? 2 : 1) * multiplier;
buffer = new float[datacols];
public void setPreExtFactor(int preExtFactor) {
this.preExtFactor = preExtFactor;
public void setPosExtFactor(int postExtFactor) {
this.postExtFactor = postExtFactor;
* Take additional optional command line arguments and parse them
* @param queryString
* @param minMapQual
* @param countFlags
private void parseOptions(String queryString, int minMapQual, int countFlags) {
if (queryString != null) {
this.queryInterval = Locus.fromString(queryString);
if(this.queryInterval == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error parsing queryString: " + queryString);
this.minMappingQuality = minMapQual;
outputSeparate = (countFlags & STRANDS_BY_READ) > 0;
firstInPair = (countFlags & STRANDS_BY_FIRST_IN_PAIR) > 0;
secondInPair = (countFlags & STRANDS_BY_SECOND_IN_PAIR) > 0;
outputSeparate |= firstInPair || secondInPair;
if (firstInPair && secondInPair) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't set both first and second in pair");
outputBases = (countFlags & BASES) > 0;
includeDuplicates = (countFlags & INCLUDE_DUPS) > 0;
pairedCoverage = (countFlags & PAIRED_COVERAGE) > 0;
// TODO -- command-line options to override all of these checks
private boolean passFilter(Alignment alignment) {
// If the first-in-pair or second-in-pair option is selected test that we have that information, otherwise
// alignment is filtered.
boolean pairingInfo = (!firstInPair && !secondInPair) ||
(alignment.getFirstOfPairStrand() != Strand.NONE);
// For paired coverage, see if the alignment is properly paired, and if it is the "leftmost" alignment
// (to prevent double-counting the pair).
if (pairedCoverage) {
ReadMate mate = alignment.getMate();
if (!alignment.isProperPair() || alignment.getMate() == null || alignment.getStart() > mate.getStart()) {
return false;
if (Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize()) > 10000) {
log.warn("Very large insert size: " + Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize()) +
" for read " + alignment.getReadName() + ". Skipped.");
return false;
return alignment.isMapped() && pairingInfo &&
(includeDuplicates || !alignment.isDuplicate()) &&
alignment.getMappingQuality() >= minMappingQuality &&
* Parse and "count" the alignment file. The main method.
* <p/>
* This method is not thread safe due to the use of the member variable "buffer".
* @throws IOException
public synchronized void parse() throws IOException {
int maxExtFactor = Math.max(extFactor, Math.max(preExtFactor, postExtFactor));
int tolerance = (int) (windowSize * (Math.floor(maxExtFactor / windowSize) + 2));
AlignmentReader reader = null;
CloseableIterator<Alignment> iter = null;
String lastChr = "";
ReadCounter counter = null;
WigWriter wigWriter = null;
if (wigFile != null || writeStdOut) {
wigWriter = new WigWriter(wigFile, windowSize);
try {
if (queryInterval == null) {
reader = AlignmentReaderFactory.getReader(alignmentFile, false);
iter = reader.iterator();
} else {
reader = AlignmentReaderFactory.getReader(alignmentFile, true);
iter = reader.query(queryInterval.getChr(), queryInterval.getStart() - 1, queryInterval.getEnd(), false);
while (iter != null && iter.hasNext()) {
Alignment alignment = iter.next();
if (passFilter(alignment)) {
//Sort into the read strand or first-in-pair strand,
//depending on input flag. Note that this can
//be very unreliable depending on data
Strand strand;
if (firstInPair) {
strand = alignment.getFirstOfPairStrand();
} else if (secondInPair) {
strand = alignment.getSecondOfPairStrand();
} else {
strand = alignment.getReadStrand();
if (strand.equals(Strand.NONE)) {
//TODO move this into passFilter, or move passFilter here
boolean readNegStrand = alignment.isNegativeStrand();
String alignmentChr = alignment.getChr();
// Close all counters with position < alignment.getStart()
if (alignmentChr.equals(lastChr)) {
if (counter != null) {
counter.closeBucketsBefore(alignment.getAlignmentStart() - tolerance, wigWriter);
} else { // New chromosome
if (counter != null) {
counter.closeBucketsBefore(Integer.MAX_VALUE, wigWriter);
counter = new ReadCounter(alignmentChr);
lastChr = alignmentChr;
AlignmentBlock[] blocks = alignment.getAlignmentBlocks();
if (blocks != null && !pairedCoverage) {
for (AlignmentBlock block : blocks) {
if (!block.isSoftClipped()) {
byte[] bases = block.getBases();
int blockStart = block.getStart();
int blockEnd = block.getEnd();
int adjustedStart = block.getStart();
int adjustedEnd = block.getEnd();
if (preExtFactor > 0) {
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedEnd = blockEnd + preExtFactor;
} else {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, blockStart - preExtFactor);
// If both postExtFactor and extFactor are specified, postExtFactor takes precedence
if (postExtFactor > 0) {
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, blockEnd - postExtFactor);
} else {
adjustedEnd = blockStart + postExtFactor;
} else if (extFactor > 0) {
// Standard extension option -- extend read on 3' end
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, adjustedStart - extFactor);
} else {
adjustedEnd += extFactor;
if (queryInterval != null) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(queryInterval.getStart() - 1, adjustedStart);
adjustedEnd = Math.min(queryInterval.getEnd(), adjustedEnd);
for (int pos = adjustedStart; pos < adjustedEnd; pos++) {
byte base = 0;
int baseIdx = pos - blockStart;
if (bases != null && baseIdx >= 0 && baseIdx < bases.length) {
base = bases[baseIdx];
//int idx = pos - blockStart;
//byte quality = (idx >= 0 && idx < block.qualities.length) ?
//block.qualities[pos - blockStart] : (byte) 0;
counter.incrementCount(pos, base, strand);
} else {
int adjustedStart = alignment.getAlignmentStart();
int adjustedEnd = pairedCoverage ?
adjustedStart + Math.abs(alignment.getInferredInsertSize()) :
if (readNegStrand) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(0, adjustedStart - extFactor);
} else {
adjustedEnd += extFactor;
if (queryInterval != null) {
adjustedStart = Math.max(queryInterval.getStart() - 1, adjustedStart);
adjustedEnd = Math.min(queryInterval.getEnd(), adjustedEnd);
for (int pos = adjustedStart; pos < adjustedEnd; pos++) {
counter.incrementCount(pos, (byte) 'N', strand);
consumer.setAttribute("totalCount", String.valueOf(totalCount));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (counter != null) {
counter.closeBucketsBefore(Integer.MAX_VALUE, wigWriter);
if (iter != null) {
if (reader != null) {
if (wigWriter != null) {
* The names of tracks which will be created by this parser
* @param prefix String to be prepended to each track name
* @return
public String[] getTrackNames(String prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "";
String[] trackNames = new String[this.buffer.length];
String[] strandArr;
if (outputSeparate) {
strandArr = new String[]{"Positive Strand", "Negative Strand"};
} else {
strandArr = new String[]{"Combined Strands"};
int col = 0;
for (String sA : strandArr) {
if (outputBases) {
for (Byte n : nucleotides) {
trackNames[col] = prefix + " " + sA + " " + new String(new byte[]{n});
} else {
trackNames[col] = prefix + " " + sA;
return trackNames;
public void setWriteStdOut(boolean writeStdOut) {
this.writeStdOut = writeStdOut;
class ReadCounter {
String chr;
* Map of window index -> counter
TreeMap<Integer, Counter> counts = new TreeMap<Integer, Counter>();
ReadCounter(String chr) {
this.chr = chr;
* @param position - genomic position
* @param base - nucleotide
* @param strand - which strand to increment count. Should be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE
void incrementCount(int position, byte base, Strand strand) {
final Counter counter = getCounterForPosition(position);
int strandNum = strand.equals(Strand.POSITIVE) ? 0 : 1;
counter.increment(base, strandNum);
private Counter getCounterForPosition(int position) {
int idx = position / windowSize;
return getCounter(idx);
private Counter getCounter(int idx) {
if (!counts.containsKey(idx)) {
counts.put(idx, new Counter());
return counts.get(idx);
* Close (finalize) all buckets before the given position. Called when we are sure this position will not be
* visited again.
* @param position - genomic position
void closeBucketsBefore(int position, WigWriter wigWriter) {
List<Integer> bucketsToClose = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int bucket = position / windowSize;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Counter> entry : counts.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey() < bucket) {
// Divide total count by window size. This is the average count per
// base over the window, so for example 30x coverage remains 30x irrespective of window size.
int bucketStartPosition = entry.getKey() * windowSize;
int bucketEndPosition = bucketStartPosition + windowSize;
if (genome != null) {
Chromosome chromosome = genome.getChromosome(chr);
if (chromosome != null) {
bucketEndPosition = Math.min(bucketEndPosition, chromosome.getLength());
int bucketSize = bucketEndPosition - bucketStartPosition;
final Counter counter = entry.getValue();
int col = 0;
//Not outputting base info, just totals
if (!outputBases) {
if (outputSeparate) {
//Output strand specific information, if applicable
for (int strandNum : output_strands) {
buffer[col] = ((float) counter.getCount(strandNum)) / bucketSize;
} else {
buffer[col] = ((float) counter.getTotalCounts()) / bucketSize;
//Output counts of each base
} else {
if (outputSeparate) {
for (int strandNum : output_strands) {
for (byte base : nucleotides) {
buffer[col] = ((float) counter.getBaseCount(base, strandNum)) / bucketSize;
} else {
for (byte base : nucleotides) {
buffer[col] = ((float) counter.getBaseCount(base)) / bucketSize;
consumer.addData(chr, bucketStartPosition, bucketEndPosition, buffer, null);
if (wigWriter != null) {
wigWriter.addData(chr, bucketStartPosition, bucketEndPosition, buffer);
for (Integer key : bucketsToClose) {
* Class for counting nucleotides and strands over an interval.
class Counter {
* The total number of counts on this Counter. Will
* be the sum of baseCount over the second index.
int[] strandCount;
int totalCount = 0;
//int qualityCount = 0;
//String chr;
//int start;
//int end;
//byte[] ref;
* The number of times a particular base has been encountered (ie # of reads of that base)
//int[][] baseCount = new int[NUM_STRANDS][];
private Map<Byte, Integer>[] baseTypeCounts;
Counter() {
//this.chr = chr;
//this.start = start;
//this.end = end;
if (outputBases) {
baseTypeCounts = new HashMap[NUM_STRANDS];
for (int ii = 0; ii < NUM_STRANDS; ii++) {
baseTypeCounts[ii] = new HashMap<Byte, Integer>();
if (outputSeparate) {
strandCount = new int[NUM_STRANDS];
int getCount(int strand) {
return strandCount[strand];
public int getTotalCounts() {
return totalCount;
void increment(byte base, int strand) {
if (outputBases) {
incrementNucleotide(base, strand);
if (outputSeparate) {
* Increment the nucleotide counts.
* @param base 65, 67, 71, 84, 78
* aka A, C, G, T, N (upper case).
* Anything else is stored as 0
* @param strand index of strand, 0 for positive and 1 for negative
private void incrementNucleotide(byte base, int strand) {
Map<Byte, Integer> btc = baseTypeCounts[strand];
if (!nucleotidesKeep.contains(base)) {
base = 0;
int orig = 0;
if (btc.containsKey(base)) {
orig = btc.get(base);
btc.put(base, orig + 1);
public int getBaseCount(byte base, int strand) {
return baseTypeCounts[strand].containsKey(base) ? baseTypeCounts[strand].get(base) : 0;
public int getBaseCount(byte base) {
int count = 0;
for (int strand = 0; strand < NUM_STRANDS; strand++) {
count += getBaseCount(base, strand);
return count;
* Creates a vary step wig file
class WigWriter {
String lastChr = null;
int lastPosition = 0;
int step;
int span;
PrintWriter pw;
WigWriter(File file, int step) throws IOException {
this.step = step;
this.span = step;
Writer writer;
if(file != null){
writer = new FileWriter(file);
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
pw = new PrintWriter(writer);
public void addData(String chr, int start, int end, float[] data) {
for (float di: data) {
if (Float.isNaN(di)) {
if (genome.getChromosome(chr) == null) {
if (end <= start) { // Not sure why or how this could happen
int dataSpan = end - start;
//Start of file
if(lastChr == null){
}else if (!chr.equals(lastChr) || dataSpan != span) {
//Changing chromosomes
span = dataSpan;
pw.print(start + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
pw.print("\t" + data[i]);
lastPosition = start;
lastChr = chr;
private void close() {
private void outputTrackLine(){
pw.println("track type=wiggle_0");
* If column labels non-standard we output what they are
* If they are standard WIG, we output nothing
private void outputColumnLabelLine(){
String[] trackNames = getTrackNames("");
if(trackNames.length != 1){
String labels = "Pos";
for (String s : trackNames) {
labels += "," + s;
pw.println("#Columns: " + labels);
private void outputStepLine(String chr){
pw.println("variableStep chrom=" + chr + " span=" + span);
private void outputHeader(String chr) {