Package org.auraframework.service

Examples of org.auraframework.service.ServerService

                AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);
        final String uid = context.getDefRegistry().getUid(null, appDesc);
        context.addLoaded(appDesc, uid);
        Set<DefDescriptor<?>> dependencies = context.getDefRegistry().getDependencies(uid);

        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeDefinitions(dependencies, output);

        String js = output.toString();
        assertFalse("There are syntax errors preventing compression of application javascript",
            js.contains("There are errors preventing this file from being minimized!"));
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    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
            IOException {
        SerializationService serializationService = Aura.getSerializationService();
        LoggingService loggingService = Aura.getLoggingService();
        ContextService contextService = Aura.getContextService();
        ServerService serverService = Aura.getServerService();
        AuraContext context = contextService.getCurrentContext();
        boolean written = false;

        try {
            if (context.getFormat() != Format.JSON) {
                throw new AuraRuntimeException("Invalid request, post must use JSON");
            String msg = messageParam.get(request);
            if (msg == null) {
                throw new AuraRuntimeException("Invalid request, no message");
            // handle transaction beacon JSON data
            // FIXME: this should be an action.
            String beaconData = beaconParam.get(request);
            if (!"undefined".equals(beaconData) && !AuraTextUtil.isNullEmptyOrWhitespace(beaconData)) {
                loggingService.setValue(LoggingService.BEACON_DATA, new JsonReader().read(beaconData));

            String fwUID = Aura.getConfigAdapter().getAuraFrameworkNonce();
            if (!fwUID.equals(context.getFrameworkUID())) {
                throw new ClientOutOfSyncException("Framework has been updated");

            Message message;

            try {
                message = StringReader(msg), Message.class);
            } finally {

            // The bootstrap action cannot not have a CSRF token so we let it
            // through
            boolean isBootstrapAction = false;
            if (message.getActions().size() == 1) {
                Action action = message.getActions().get(0);
                String name = action.getDescriptor().getQualifiedName();
                if (name.equals("aura://ComponentController/ACTION$getApplication")
                        || (name.equals("aura://ComponentController/ACTION$getComponent") && !isProductionMode(context
                                .getMode()))) {
                    isBootstrapAction = true;

            if (!isBootstrapAction) {

            DefDescriptor<? extends BaseComponentDef> applicationDescriptor = context.getApplicationDescriptor();

            // Knowing the app, we can do the HTTP headers, so of which depend on
            // the app in play, so we couldn't do this
            setBasicHeaders(applicationDescriptor, request, response);

      if (applicationDescriptor != null) {
                // ClientOutOfSync will drop down.
                try {
                } catch (QuickFixException qfe) {
                    // ignore quick fix. If we got a 'new' quickfix, it will be thrown as
                    // a client out of sync exception, since the UID will not match.
                if (!context.isTestMode() && !context.isDevMode()) {

            Map<String, Object> attributes = null;
            if (isBootstrapAction) {
                attributes = Maps.newHashMap();
                attributes.put("token", getToken());
            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
            written = true;
  , context, out, attributes);
        } catch (RequestParam.InvalidParamException ipe) {
            handleServletException(new SystemErrorException(ipe), false, context, request, response, false);
        } catch (RequestParam.MissingParamException mpe) {
            handleServletException(new SystemErrorException(mpe), false, context, request, response, false);
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Related Classes of org.auraframework.service.ServerService

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