Package org.auraframework.service

Examples of org.auraframework.service.ServerService

      Map<String, Object> attributesC = Maps.newHashMap();
      attributesC.put("attr", "attrC");
    Component sharedCmp = Aura.getInstanceService().getInstance("ifTest:testIfWithModel", ComponentDef.class,
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        Action a = new EmptyAction(sw,"first action");
        Action b = new EmptyAction(sw,"second action");
        Action c = new EmptyAction(sw,"third action");
        Action d = new ShareCmpAction("d",a,sharedCmp,attributesA);
        Action e = new ShareCmpAction("e",b,sharedCmp,attributesB);
        Action f = new ShareCmpAction("f",c,sharedCmp,attributesC);
        List<Action> actions = Lists.newArrayList(d,e,f);
        Message message = new Message(actions);
        //run the list of actions., Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(), sw, null);
        //sanity check, sharedCmp should have the latest attribute value.
        //this has nothing to do with the fix though
        //Here are the checks for fix
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     * in the old way we won't have anything in string writer/response until Action3 is finished.
    public void testMultipleActions() throws Exception {
      Aura.getContextService().startContext(Mode.UTEST, Format.JSON, Authentication.AUTHENTICATED);
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        Action a = new EmptyAction(sw,"first action");
        Action b = new EmptyAction(sw,"second action");
        Action c = new EmptyAction(sw,"third action");
        List<Action> actions = Lists.newArrayList(a,b,c);
        Message message = new Message(actions);
        //run the list of actions., Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(), sw, null);
        String returnValuea = "{\"actions\":[";
        String returnValueb = returnValuea+"{\"action\":\"firstaction\"}";
        String returnValuec = returnValueb+",{\"action\":\"secondaction\"}";
        List<String> returnValueList = Arrays.asList(returnValuea,returnValueb,returnValuec);
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     * but response keep the info from previous run, so we are good
    public void testSameActionTwice() throws Exception {
      Aura.getContextService().startContext(Mode.UTEST, Format.JSON, Authentication.AUTHENTICATED);
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        Action a = new EmptyAction(sw,"first action");
        Action b = new EmptyAction(sw,"second action");
        List<Action> actions = Lists.newArrayList(a,b,a,b);
        Message message = new Message(actions);, Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(), sw, null);
        //in the old way since we output action info into response after all actions finish running, the previous run's info will get overwrited
        //but this is not the case now
        //we need to verify when same action run twice, and something about the action changed between the two runs --like the parameter,
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     * We carefully test only the parts that we care about for ServerService.
    public void testSimpleAction() throws Exception {
        Aura.getContextService().startContext(Mode.UTEST, Format.JSON, Authentication.AUTHENTICATED);

        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        Action a = new EmptyAction();
        List<Action> actions = Lists.newArrayList(a);
        Message message = new Message(actions);
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();, Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(), sw, null);
        validateEmptyActionSerialization(sw.toString(), null, Arrays.asList("simpleaction"));
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     * We carefully test only the parts that we care about for ServerService.
    public void testSimpleActionWithExtras() throws Exception {
        Aura.getContextService().startContext(Mode.UTEST, Format.JSON, Authentication.AUTHENTICATED);
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        Action a = new EmptyAction();
        List<Action> actions = Lists.newArrayList(a);
        Map<String,String> extras = Maps.newHashMap();
        Message message = new Message(actions);
        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        extras.put("this", "that");, Aura.getContextService().getCurrentContext(), sw, extras);

        Map<String, Object> json = validateEmptyActionSerialization(sw.toString(), Sets.newHashSet("this"),Arrays.asList("simpleaction"));
        assertEquals("Expected extras to be in "+json, "that", json.get("this"));
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     * Sanity check to make sure that app.css does not have duplicate copy of component CSS. Component CSS was being
     * added twice, once because they were part of preload namespace and a second time because of component dependency.
     * This test mocks such duplication. W-1588568
    public void testWriteCssWithoutDupes() throws Exception {
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        DefDescriptor<ApplicationDef> appDesc = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("preloadTest:test_SimpleApplication", ApplicationDef.class);
        AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService()
                .startContext(Mode.DEV, AuraContext.Format.CSS, AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);
        final String uid = context.getDefRegistry().getUid(null, appDesc);
        context.addLoaded(appDesc, uid);

        Set<DefDescriptor<?>> dependencies = context.getDefRegistry().getDependencies(uid);
        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeAppCss(dependencies, output);

        // A snippet of component css
        String cssPiece = "AuraResourceServletTest-testWriteCssWithoutDupes";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(cssPiece);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(output.toString());
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     * Verify that the css writer writes in the order given.
    public void testCSSOrder() throws Exception {
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        DefDescriptor<ApplicationDef> appDesc = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("auratest:test_SimpleServerRenderedPage", ApplicationDef.class);
        DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> grandparent = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("setAttributesTest:grandparent", ComponentDef.class);
        DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> parent = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("setAttributesTest:parent", ComponentDef.class);
        DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> child1 = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("setAttributesTest:child", ComponentDef.class);
        DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> child2 = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("setAttributesTest:anotherChild", ComponentDef.class);
        Aura.getContextService().startContext(AuraContext.Mode.DEV, AuraContext.Format.CSS,
                AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);

        Set<DefDescriptor<?>> writable = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();


        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeAppCss(writable, output);
        String css = output.toString();

        // order should be exactly that above.
        // child1, grandparent, parent, child2
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        assertTrue("parent CSS should be written before another child CSS in: "+css,
                css.indexOf(".setAttributesTestParent") < css.indexOf(".setAttributesTestAnotherChild"));

    public void testPreloadCSSDependencies() throws Exception {
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> appDesc = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("clientApiTest:cssStyleTest", ComponentDef.class);
        AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().startContext(AuraContext.Mode.DEV, AuraContext.Format.CSS,
                AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);
        final String uid = context.getDefRegistry().getUid(null, appDesc);
        context.addLoaded(appDesc, uid);

        Set<DefDescriptor<?>> dependencies = context.getDefRegistry().getDependencies(uid);

        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeAppCss(dependencies, output);

        String sourceNoWhitespace = output.toString().replaceAll("\\s", "");
        String preloaded1 = ".clientApiTestCssStyleTest{background-color:#eee}";
        String preloaded2 = ".testTestValidCSS{color:#1797c0";
        assertTrue("Does not have preloaded css (1) in "+output, sourceNoWhitespace.contains(preloaded1));
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     * Sanity check to make sure that app.js doesn't blow up
    public void testWriteDefinitionsWithoutDupes() throws Exception {
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        DefDescriptor<ApplicationDef> appDesc = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("appCache:withpreload", ApplicationDef.class);
        AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService()
                .startContext(Mode.DEV, AuraContext.Format.JS, AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);
        final String uid = context.getDefRegistry().getUid(null, appDesc);
        context.addLoaded(appDesc, uid);

        Set<DefDescriptor<?>> dependencies = context.getDefRegistry().getDependencies(uid);

        // prime def cache
        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeDefinitions(dependencies, output);
        String text = output.toString();
        final String dupeCheck = "$A.clientService.initDefs(";
        if (text.indexOf(dupeCheck) != text.lastIndexOf(dupeCheck)) {
            fail("found duplicated code in: " + text);

        // now check that defs not re-written with unempty cache
        output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeDefinitions(dependencies, output);
        text = output.toString();
        if (text.indexOf(dupeCheck) != text.lastIndexOf(dupeCheck)) {
            fail("found duplicated code in: " + text);
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            fail("found duplicated code in: " + text);

    public void testPreloadJSDependencies() throws Exception {
        ServerService ss = Aura.getServerService();
        DefDescriptor<ComponentDef> appDesc = Aura.getDefinitionService()
                .getDefDescriptor("clientApiTest:cssStyleTest", ComponentDef.class);
        AuraContext context = Aura.getContextService().startContext(AuraContext.Mode.DEV, AuraContext.Format.JS,
                AuraContext.Authentication.AUTHENTICATED, appDesc);
        final String uid = context.getDefRegistry().getUid(null, appDesc);
        context.addLoaded(appDesc, uid);

        Set<DefDescriptor<?>> dependencies = context.getDefRegistry().getDependencies(uid);

        StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
        ss.writeDefinitions(dependencies, output);

        String sourceNoWhitespace = output.toString().replaceAll("\\s", "");

        String[] preloads = new String[]{
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Related Classes of org.auraframework.service.ServerService

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