The main access point of an XML-RPC client. This object serves mainly as an object factory. It is designed with singletons in mind: Basically, an application should be able to hold a single instance of XmlRpcClient
in a static variable, unless you would be working with different factories.
Until Apache XML-RPC 2.0, this object was used both as an object factory and as a place, where configuration details (server URL, suggested encoding, user credentials and the like) have been stored. In Apache XML-RPC 3.0, the configuration details has been moved to the {@link org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfig} object.The configuration object is designed for being passed through the actual worker methods.
A configured XmlRpcClient object is thread safe: In other words, the suggested use is, that you configure the client using {@link #setTransportFactory(XmlRpcTransportFactory)} and similarmethods, store it in a field and never modify it again. Without modifications, the client may be used for an arbitrary number of concurrent requests.
@since 3.0