public Map<? extends ServerResource, Map<String, String>> find(long dcId,
Long podId, Long clusterId, URI url, String username,
String password, List<String> hostTags) throws DiscoveryException {
Connection conn = null;
if (!url.getScheme().equals("http")) {
String msg = "urlString is not http so we're not taking care of the discovery for this: "
+ url;
return null;
if (clusterId == null) {
String msg = "must specify cluster Id when add host";
throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
if (podId == null) {
String msg = "must specify pod Id when add host";
throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg);
ClusterVO cluster = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
if (cluster == null
|| (cluster.getHypervisorType() != HypervisorType.Ovm)) {
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
s_logger.info("invalid cluster id or cluster is not for Ovm hypervisors");
return null;
String agentUsername = _params.get("agentusername");
if (agentUsername == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Agent user name must be specified");
String agentPassword = _params.get("agentpassword");
if (agentPassword == null) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Agent password must be specified");
try {
String hostname = url.getHost();
InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getByName(hostname);
String hostIp = ia.getHostAddress();
String guid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(hostIp.getBytes()).toString();
if (checkIfExisted(guid)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("The host " + hostIp
+ " has been added before");
s_logger.debug("Ovm discover is going to disover host having guid "
+ guid);
ClusterVO clu = _clusterDao.findById(clusterId);
if (clu.getGuid() == null) {
_clusterDao.update(clusterId, clu);
com.trilead.ssh2.Connection sshConnection = new com.trilead.ssh2.Connection(
hostIp, 22);
sshConnection.connect(null, 60000, 60000);
sshConnection = SSHCmdHelper.acquireAuthorizedConnection(hostIp,
username, password);
if (sshConnection == null) {
throw new DiscoveryException(
"Cannot connect to ovm host(IP=%1$s, username=%2$s, password=%3$s, discover failed",
hostIp, username, password));
if (!SSHCmdHelper.sshExecuteCmd(sshConnection,
"[ -f '/etc/ovs-agent/agent.ini' ]")) {
throw new DiscoveryException(
"Can not find /etc/ovs-agent/agent.ini " + hostIp);
Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<String, String>();
OvmResourceBase ovmResource = new OvmResourceBase();
details.put("ip", hostIp);
details.put("username", username);
details.put("password", password);
details.put("zone", Long.toString(dcId));
details.put("guid", guid);
details.put("pod", Long.toString(podId));
details.put("cluster", Long.toString(clusterId));
details.put("agentusername", agentUsername);
details.put("agentpassword", agentPassword);
if (_publicNetworkDevice != null) {
details.put("public.network.device", _publicNetworkDevice);
if (_privateNetworkDevice != null) {
details.put("private.network.device", _privateNetworkDevice);
if (_guestNetworkDevice != null) {
details.put("guest.network.device", _guestNetworkDevice);
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
ovmResource.configure("Ovm Server", params);
conn = new Connection(hostIp, "oracle", agentPassword);
/* After resource start, we are able to execute our agent api */
OvmHost.Details d = OvmHost.getDetails(conn);
details.put("agentVersion", d.agentVersion);
details.put(HostInfo.HOST_OS_KERNEL_VERSION, d.dom0KernelVersion);
details.put(HostInfo.HYPERVISOR_VERSION, d.hypervisorVersion);