Package org.apache.xmlbeans

Examples of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType

        for (Iterator iterator = schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            SchemaTypeKey key = (SchemaTypeKey) entry.getKey();
            if (key.isElement()) {
                QName elementQName = key.getqName();
                SchemaType schemaType = (SchemaType) entry.getValue();
                QName typeQName = schemaType.getName();
                elementToTypeMap.put(elementQName, typeQName);
        return elementToTypeMap;
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        for (Iterator iterator = schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            SchemaTypeKey key = (SchemaTypeKey) entry.getKey();
            if (key.isSimpleType() && !key.isAnonymous()) {
                QName qName = key.getqName();
                SchemaType schemaType = (SchemaType) entry.getValue();
                simpleTypeMap.put(qName, schemaType);
        return simpleTypeMap;
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    private Map buildSchemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap(SchemaTypeSystem schemaTypeSystem) {
        Map qnameMap = new HashMap();
        SchemaType[] globalTypes = schemaTypeSystem.globalTypes();
        for (int i = 0; i < globalTypes.length; i++) {
            SchemaType globalType = globalTypes[i];
            QName typeQName = globalType.getName();
            addSchemaType(typeQName, globalType, false, qnameMap);
        SchemaGlobalElement[] globalElements = schemaTypeSystem.globalElements();
        for (int i = 0; i < globalElements.length; i++) {
            SchemaGlobalElement globalElement = globalElements[i];
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            String enclosingTypeLocalName = enclosingTypeQName.getLocalPart();
            elementQNameLocalName = enclosingTypeLocalName + ">" + elementName.getLocalPart();
            QName subElementName = new QName(elementNamespace, elementQNameLocalName);
            elementKey = new SchemaTypeKey(subElementName, true, false, true, elementName);
        SchemaType schemaType = element.getType();
        qnameMap.put(elementKey, schemaType);
//        new Exception("Adding: " + elementKey.getqName().getLocalPart()).printStackTrace();
        //check if it's an array. maxOccurs is null if unbounded
        //element should always be a SchemaParticle... this is a workaround for XMLBEANS-137
        if (element instanceof SchemaParticle) {
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    private void addSchemaParticle(SchemaParticle schemaParticle, SchemaTypeKey key, Map qnameMap) {
        if (schemaParticle.getParticleType() == SchemaParticle.ELEMENT) {
            SchemaType elementType = schemaParticle.getType();
            SchemaField element = elementType.getContainerField();
            //element will be null if the type is defined elsewhere, such as a built in type.
            if (element != null) {
                addElement(element, key, qnameMap);
            } else {
                QName keyQName = key.getqName();
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        if (wrappedStyle) {
            Part inputPart = getWrappedPart(input);
            QName name = inputPart.getElementName();
            SchemaType operationType = (SchemaType) schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().get(name);

            Set expectedInParams = new HashSet();

            // schemaType should be complex using xsd:sequence compositor
            SchemaParticle parametersType = operationType.getContentModel();
            //parametersType can be null if the element has empty content such as
//            <element name="getMarketSummary">
//             <complexType>
//              <sequence/>
//             </complexType>
//            </element>

            if (parametersType != null) {
                if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                    SchemaParticle[] parameters = parametersType.getParticleChildren();
                    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
            if (!inParamNames.equals(expectedInParams)) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Not all wrapper children were mapped for operation name" + operationName);
        } else {
            //check that all input message parts are mapped
            if (!inParamNames.equals(input.getParts().keySet())) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Not all input message parts were mapped for operation name" + operationName);

        Class[] paramTypes = new Class[parameterDescriptions.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterDescriptions.length; i++) {
            ParameterDesc parameterDescription = parameterDescriptions[i];
            if (parameterDescription == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("There is no mapping for parameter number " + i + " for operation " + operationName);
            paramTypes[i] = parameterDescription.getJavaType();

        String methodName = methodMapping.getJavaMethodName().getStringValue().trim();
        Method method = null;
        try {
            method = serviceEndpointInterface.getMethod(methodName, paramTypes);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            String args = "(";
            for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
                args += paramTypes[i].getName();
                if (i < paramTypes.length - 1) {
                    args += ",";
            args += ")";

            throw new DeploymentException("Mapping references non-existent method in service-endpoint: " + methodName + args);


        // MAP RETURN TYPE
        if (methodMapping.isSetWsdlReturnValueMapping()) {
        } else if (operation.getStyle() == OperationType.REQUEST_RESPONSE) {
            //TODO WARNING THIS APPEARS TO SUBVERT THE COMMENT IN j2ee_jaxrpc_mapping_1_1.xsd IN service-endpoint-method-mappingType:
            //The wsdl-return-value-mapping is not specified for one-way operations.
            operationDesc.setReturnQName(null);             //??

        if (null != output && wrappedStyle) {
            Part inputPart = getWrappedPart(output);
            QName name = inputPart.getElementName();
            SchemaType operationType = (SchemaType) schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().get(name);

            Set expectedOutParams = new HashSet();

            // schemaType should be complex using xsd:sequence compositor
            SchemaParticle parametersType = operationType.getContentModel();
            //again, no output can give null parametersType
            if (parametersType != null) {
                if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
                } else if (SchemaParticle.SEQUENCE == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
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            faultTypeQName = (QName) schemaInfoBuilder.getElementToTypeMap().get(part.getElementName());
            if (faultTypeQName == null) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Can not find type for: element: " + part.getElementName() + ", known elements: " + schemaInfoBuilder.getElementToTypeMap());
        SchemaType complexType = (SchemaType) schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().get(faultTypeQName);
        boolean isComplex = complexType != null;
        FaultDesc faultDesc = new FaultDesc(faultQName, className, faultTypeQName, isComplex);

        //constructor parameters
        if (exceptionMapping.isSetConstructorParameterOrder()) {
            if (!isComplex) {
                throw new DeploymentException("ConstructorParameterOrder can only be set for complex types, not " + faultTypeQName);
            Map elementMap = new HashMap();
            SchemaProperty[] properties = complexType.getProperties();
            for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
                SchemaProperty property = properties[i];
                QName elementName = property.getName();
                SchemaType elementType = property.getType();
                elementMap.put(elementName.getLocalPart(), elementType);
            ArrayList parameterTypes = new ArrayList();
            ConstructorParameterOrderType constructorParameterOrder = exceptionMapping.getConstructorParameterOrder();
            for (int i = 0; i < constructorParameterOrder.getElementNameArray().length; i++) {
                String elementName = constructorParameterOrder.getElementNameArray(i).getStringValue().trim();
                SchemaType elementType = (SchemaType) elementMap.get(elementName);
                Class javaElementType;

                QName elementTypeQName = elementType.getName();
                if (elementTypeQName != null) {
                    if (schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().containsKey(elementType)) {
                        String javaClassName = (String) publicTypes.get(elementTypeQName);
                        if (javaClassName == null) {
                            throw new DeploymentException("No class mapped for element type: " + elementType);
                        javaElementType = getJavaClass(javaClassName);
                    } else {
                        javaElementType = (Class) qnameToClassMap.get(elementTypeQName);
                        if (javaElementType == null) {
                            throw new DeploymentException("Unknown type: " + elementType + " of name: " + elementName + " and QName: " + elementTypeQName);
                } else {
                    //anonymous type
                    //anonymous type qname is constructed using rules 1.b and 2.b
                    String anonymousQName = complexType.getName().getNamespaceURI() + ":>" + complexType.getName().getLocalPart() + ">" + elementName;
                    String javaClassName = (String) anonymousTypes.get(anonymousQName);
                    if (javaClassName == null) {
                        if (elementType.isSimpleType()) {
                            //maybe it's a restriction of a built in simple type
                            SchemaType baseType = elementType.getBaseType();
                            QName simpleTypeQName = baseType.getName();
                            javaElementType = (Class) qnameToClassMap.get(simpleTypeQName);
                            if (javaElementType == null) {
                                throw new DeploymentException("Unknown simple type: " + elementType + " of name: " + elementName + " and QName: " + simpleTypeQName);
                        } else {
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    private SchemaParticle getWrapperChild(Part part, String wsdlMessagePartName) throws DeploymentException {
        QName name = part.getElementName();


        SchemaType operationType = (SchemaType) schemaInfoBuilder.getComplexTypesInWsdl().get(name);
        if (null == operationType) {
            throw new DeploymentException("No global element named " + name + " for operation " + operationName);

        // schemaType should be complex using xsd:sequence compositor
        SchemaParticle parametersType = operationType.getContentModel();
        if (SchemaParticle.ELEMENT == parametersType.getParticleType()) {
            if (parametersType.getName().getLocalPart().equals(wsdlMessagePartName)) {
                return parametersType;
            throw new DeploymentException("Global element named " + name +
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        boolean chameleon = (sImpl.getChameleonNamespace() != null);

        // throw new RuntimeException("Not yet implemented.");

        SchemaType baseType;
        if (parseTree.getBase() == null)
            // KHK: s4s
            state.error("A complexContent must define a base type", XmlErrorCodes.MISSING_BASE, parseTree);
            baseType = null; // recovery: no inheritance.
            if (sImpl.isRedefinition())
                baseType = state.findRedefinedGlobalType(parseTree.getBase(), sImpl.getChameleonNamespace(), sImpl);
                if (baseType != null && !baseType.getName().equals(sImpl.getName()))
                        new Object[] { "<complexType>",
                baseType = state.findGlobalType(parseTree.getBase(), sImpl.getChameleonNamespace(), targetNamespace);

            if (baseType == null)
                state.notFoundError(parseTree.getBase(), SchemaType.TYPE, parseTree.xgetBase(), true);

        if (baseType == null)
            baseType = BuiltinSchemaTypeSystem.ST_ANY_TYPE;

        if (baseType != null && baseType.finalRestriction())
                new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(baseType.getName()), QNameHelper.pretty(sImpl.getName()) },
            // recovery: just keep going

        // Recursion
        if (baseType != null)
            if (!StscResolver.resolveType((SchemaTypeImpl)baseType))
                baseType = null; // circular dependency: no inheritance

        List anonymousTypes = new ArrayList();
        Group parseEg = getContentModel(parseTree);

        // detect the "all" case
        int particleCode = translateParticleCode(parseEg);

        // used to ensure consistency (doesn't become part of the result)
        Map elementModel = new LinkedHashMap();

        // build content model and anonymous types
        SchemaParticle contentModel = translateContentModel( sImpl,
            parseEg, targetNamespace, chameleon,
            sImpl.getElemFormDefault(), sImpl.getAttFormDefault(),
            particleCode, anonymousTypes, elementModel, false, null);

        // detect the nonempty "all" case (empty <all> doesn't count - it needs to be eliminated to match XSD test cases)
        boolean isAll = contentModel != null && contentModel.getParticleType() == SchemaParticle.ALL;

        // build attr model and anonymous types
        SchemaAttributeModelImpl attrModel;
        if (baseType == null)
            attrModel = new SchemaAttributeModelImpl();
            attrModel = new SchemaAttributeModelImpl(baseType.getAttributeModel());
        translateAttributeModel(parseTree, targetNamespace, chameleon, sImpl.getAttFormDefault(),
            anonymousTypes, sImpl, null, attrModel, baseType, false, null);

        // summarize wildcard information
        WildcardResult wcElt = summarizeEltWildcards(contentModel);
        WildcardResult wcAttr = summarizeAttrWildcards(attrModel);

        // build state machine and verify that content model is deterministic
        if (contentModel != null)
            if (!StscState.get().noUpa() && !((SchemaParticleImpl)contentModel).isDeterministic())
                StscState.get().error(XmlErrorCodes.UNIQUE_PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTION, null, parseEg);

        // build property model
        // emitDBG("Building content Model for " + sImpl);
        Map elementPropertyModel = buildContentPropertyModelByQName(contentModel, sImpl);

        // add attribute property model
        Map attributePropertyModel = buildAttributePropertyModelByQName(attrModel, sImpl);

        // compute empty/element/mixed
        int complexVariety = (contentModel == null ? SchemaType.EMPTY_CONTENT :
            (mixed ? SchemaType.MIXED_CONTENT : SchemaType.ELEMENT_CONTENT));

        // now fill in the actual schema type implementation
        sImpl.setBaseDepth(((SchemaTypeImpl)baseType).getBaseDepth() + 1);
        sImpl.setContentModel(contentModel, attrModel, elementPropertyModel, attributePropertyModel, isAll);
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        return elementModel;

    static void resolveCcExtension(SchemaTypeImpl sImpl, ExtensionType parseTree, boolean mixed)
        SchemaType baseType;
        StscState state = StscState.get();
        String targetNamespace = sImpl.getTargetNamespace();
        boolean chameleon = (sImpl.getChameleonNamespace() != null);

        if (parseTree.getBase() == null)
            // KHK: s4s
            state.error("A complexContent must define a base type", XmlErrorCodes.MISSING_BASE, parseTree);
            baseType = null; // recovery: no inheritance.
            if (sImpl.isRedefinition())
                baseType = state.findRedefinedGlobalType(parseTree.getBase(), sImpl.getChameleonNamespace(), sImpl);
                if (baseType != null && !baseType.getName().equals(sImpl.getName()))
                        new Object[] { "<complexType>",
                baseType = state.findGlobalType(parseTree.getBase(), sImpl.getChameleonNamespace(), targetNamespace);
            if (baseType == null)
                state.notFoundError(parseTree.getBase(), SchemaType.TYPE, parseTree.xgetBase(), true);

        // Recursion
        if (baseType != null)
            if (!StscResolver.resolveType((SchemaTypeImpl)baseType))
                baseType = null; // circular dependency: no inheritance

        if (baseType != null && baseType.isSimpleType())
                new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(baseType.getName()) },
            baseType = null; // recovery: no inheritance.

        if (baseType != null && baseType.finalExtension())
                new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(baseType.getName()), QNameHelper.pretty(sImpl.getName()) },
            // recovery: just keep going

        // get base content model
        SchemaParticle baseContentModel = (baseType == null ? null : baseType.getContentModel());
        // TODO: attribute model also

        List anonymousTypes = new ArrayList();
        Map baseElementModel = extractElementModel(baseType);
        Group parseEg = getContentModel(parseTree);

        if (baseType != null &&
            (baseType.getContentType() == SchemaType.SIMPLE_CONTENT))
        if (parseEg != null)
            // if this type has complexContent, baseType is complexType
            // but with non-empty simpleContent then this type cannot
            // add extra elements
                new Object[] { QNameHelper.pretty(baseType.getName()) },
            baseType = null; // recovery: no inheritance.
            // No extra elements, the type is a complex type with simple content
            resolveScExtensionPart2(sImpl, baseType, parseTree, targetNamespace, chameleon);

        // build extension model
        SchemaParticle extensionModel = translateContentModel(sImpl,
            parseEg, targetNamespace, chameleon,
            sImpl.getElemFormDefault(), sImpl.getAttFormDefault(),
            translateParticleCode(parseEg), anonymousTypes, baseElementModel, false, null);

        // apply rule #2 near empty ext model -> mixed taken from base
        if (extensionModel == null && !mixed)
            mixed = (baseType != null && baseType.getContentType() == SchemaType.MIXED_CONTENT);

        // apply Derivation Valid (Extension) rule
        if (baseType != null && (baseType.getContentType() != SchemaType.EMPTY_CONTENT) &&
                ((baseType.getContentType() == SchemaType.MIXED_CONTENT) != mixed))
            state.error(XmlErrorCodes.COMPLEX_TYPE_EXTENSION$BOTH_ELEMEMENT_OR_MIXED, null, parseTree.xgetBase());
            // recovery: just keep going

        // detect the "all" base case
        if (baseType != null && baseType.hasAllContent() && extensionModel != null)
            // KHK: which rule? cos-particle-extend.2 or cos-all-limited.1.2.  I think the limited one.
            state.error("Cannot extend a type with 'all' content model", XmlErrorCodes.CANNOT_EXTEND_ALL, parseTree.xgetBase());
            extensionModel = null; // recovery: drop extension

        // build content model and anonymous types
        SchemaParticle contentModel = extendContentModel(baseContentModel, extensionModel, parseTree);

        // detect the nonempty "all" case (empty <all> doesn't count - it needs to be eliminated to match XSD test cases)
        boolean isAll = contentModel != null && contentModel.getParticleType() == SchemaParticle.ALL;

        // build attr model and anonymous types
        SchemaAttributeModelImpl attrModel;
        if (baseType == null)
            attrModel = new SchemaAttributeModelImpl();
            attrModel = new SchemaAttributeModelImpl(baseType.getAttributeModel());
        translateAttributeModel(parseTree, targetNamespace, chameleon, sImpl.getAttFormDefault(),
            anonymousTypes, sImpl, null, attrModel, baseType, true, null);

        // summarize wildcard information
        WildcardResult wcElt = summarizeEltWildcards(contentModel);
        WildcardResult wcAttr = summarizeAttrWildcards(attrModel);

        // build state machine and verify that content model is deterministic
        if (contentModel != null)
            if (!StscState.get().noUpa() && !((SchemaParticleImpl)contentModel).isDeterministic())
                StscState.get().error(XmlErrorCodes.UNIQUE_PARTICLE_ATTRIBUTION, null, parseEg);

        // build property model
        // emitDBG("Building content Model for " + sImpl);
        Map elementPropertyModel = buildContentPropertyModelByQName(contentModel, sImpl);

        // add attribute property model
        Map attributePropertyModel = buildAttributePropertyModelByQName(attrModel, sImpl);

        // compute empty/element/mixed
        int complexVariety;
        if (contentModel == null && baseType != null &&
            baseType.getContentType() == SchemaType.SIMPLE_CONTENT)
            complexVariety = SchemaType.SIMPLE_CONTENT;
            complexVariety = ( mixed ? SchemaType.MIXED_CONTENT :
            (contentModel == null ? SchemaType.EMPTY_CONTENT : SchemaType.ELEMENT_CONTENT));

        // now fill in the actual schema type implementation
        if (baseType == null)
            baseType = XmlObject.type;
        sImpl.setBaseDepth(((SchemaTypeImpl)baseType).getBaseDepth() + 1);
        sImpl.setContentModel(contentModel, attrModel, elementPropertyModel, attributePropertyModel, isAll);
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Related Classes of org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType

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