} else {
throw new DeploymentException("either root type qname or anonymous type qname must be set");
SchemaType schemaType = (SchemaType) schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap.get(key);
if (schemaType == null) {
// if it is a built-in type, then one assumes a redundant mapping.
if (null != TypeMappingLookup.getFactoryPair(key.getqName())) {
// throw new DeploymentException("Schema type key " + key + " not found in analyzed schema: " + schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap);
log.warn("Schema type key " + key + " not found in analyzed schema: " + schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap);
String className = javaXmlTypeMapping.getJavaType().getStringValue().trim();
Class clazz = null;
try {
clazz = ClassLoading.loadClass(className, cl);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e2) {
throw new DeploymentException("Could not load java type", e2);
TypeInfo.UpdatableTypeInfo internalTypeInfo = defineSerializerPair(schemaType, clazz);
populateInternalTypeInfo(clazz, key, schemaType, javaXmlTypeMapping, internalTypeInfo);
Map qNameToKey = new HashMap();
for (Iterator iter = schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
SchemaTypeKey key = (SchemaTypeKey) iter.next();
qNameToKey.put(key.getqName(), key);
for (Iterator iter = operations.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
OperationDesc operationDesc = (OperationDesc) iter.next();
ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList(operationDesc.getParameters());
ParameterDesc returnParameterDesc = operationDesc.getReturnParamDesc();
if (null != returnParameterDesc.getTypeQName() &&
false == returnParameterDesc.getTypeQName().equals(XMLType.AXIS_VOID)) {
for (Iterator iterator = parameters.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
ParameterDesc parameterDesc = (ParameterDesc) iterator.next();
QName typeQName = parameterDesc.getTypeQName();
if (null == typeQName) {
} else if (mappedTypeQNames.contains(typeQName)) {
} else if (typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals(XML_SCHEMA_NS) ||
typeQName.getNamespaceURI().equals(SOAP_ENCODING_NS)) {
SchemaTypeKey key = (SchemaTypeKey) qNameToKey.get(typeQName);
if (null == key) {
log.warn("Type QName [" + typeQName + "] defined by operation [" +
operationDesc + "] has not been found in schema: " + schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap);
SchemaType schemaType = (SchemaType) schemaTypeKeyToSchemaTypeMap.get(key);
if (false == schemaType.isSimpleType()) {
if (false == parameterDesc.getJavaType().isArray()) {
if (false == mappedTypeQNames.contains(schemaType.getName())) {
// TODO: this lookup is not enough: the jaxrpc mapping file may define an anonymous
// mapping.
log.warn("Operation [" + operationDesc + "] uses XML type [" + schemaType +
"], whose mapping is not declared by the jaxrpc mapping file.\n Continuing deployment; " +
"yet, the deployment is not-portable.");